Great Gildersleeve – Aunt Hattie Stays On. ep157, 450218

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Up before dawn, Gildy is in good spirits this morning. Word has come that aunt Hattie is to go home. Marjorie and Leroy get a kick out of watching their uncle shave. At breakfast, Birdie is thrilled at the good news, but when judge Hooker visits he switches the topic to voting for president of the Jolly Boys club. <br> Everybody is on their best behavior, so Hattie won’t feel the need to stay on any longer than she needs. Seeing his chance to ruin the judge’s shot at taking over the Jolly Boys, Gildy hooks up the judge with Hattie concerning estate matters. <br> With Hattie occupied with the judge, Gildy slips off to meet with professional men of town, better known as the Jolly Boys. The audio skips a little, but the boys get their poker game going. Peavey tries to introduce a new game, brain ticklers. Has the gang finally unflapped the unflappable Peavey? The Jolly Boys sing, Along the Banks of the Wabash. <br> Heading back home, Gildy finds the judge still at home, and crooning to Hattie. Suddenly, the good news has changed, and Hattie is staying on for at least another week. <br> Note: Birdie attributes good news to the “Power of prayer.” <br> <br>