Jack Benny – Skiing At Yosemite. ep362, 400218

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Don reviews the adventure thus far, as our cast of adventures made their way to Yosemite. Mary’s dark mood gets snippy while the rest try to sleep alongside the road. Should Jack just kill himself to make her happy? At the crack of dawn, the picturesque scene finds Jack in a perky mood. Where did Dennis get off to? The implication is he’s emptying his tank… if you know what Jack means. <br> Excited for a day of gliding down the slopes, Jack keeps the spirits of the cast up. Since Phil switched the road signs on them, Jack asks for help from an approaching Indian. Will the gang be treated to the sight of a geyser? Phil plays a little traveling music. <br> Finally on the slopes, Jack is chomping at the bit. Won’t he stay back, and enjoy the bath that Rochester has drawn for him? Phil sweet talks his way back into Jack’s good graces, and the reality of the slopes begin to sink in. Steep, slippery, fast slopes, is Jack having doubts about the dangers? <br> Phil plays a jazzy version of Jingle Bells. The gang enjoy themselves, but Jack’s enthusiasm… well… not so much. After a racial joke aimed at Rochester, Jack warms up with coffee at the lunch counter. Will the ski instructor be helpful to restore Jack’s enthusiasm? Well… here he goes… maybe just a little push… uh-oh… what was the instructions to stop? <br> Note: though you might not recognize him, Frank Nelson is the ski instructor. <br> <br>