Wild Bill Hickock – The Terrible Cook. ep97, 521017

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: An encounter with a stranger on the trail gets the show started with a fight, but the attitude adjustment doesn’t come until Barret finds out he’s been dealing with Wild Bill. Is the treat of a steak meal going to be the benefit Jingles thinks it is? Bill finds evidence of poisoning. <br> Putting on a show of doing short work of the steak dinner, Bill and Jingles leads Langley and his men into believing they’re turning in for a nap. A permanent nap? What will our heroes learn as they poke around the mill? What kind of cover ups might they expose? <br> Danger has come in an unexpected way, but it leads Bill to old man Wilson, the real owner of the mine. All hope isn’t lost, and Bill springs his own surprise on Langley and his bad cook, Barret. <br>