Phil Harris – USO Entertaining, At An Army Camp. ep168, 510218

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Practicing their first aid skills, Phil and Frankie have bandaged Willie from head to toe. Alice rescues Willie, and grills Phil on other kinds of first aid. How about if Phil and Frankie lend their talents to the USO to entertain the troops? Phil sings, O What a Face. <br> Phil, Frankie, and Alice rehearse a vaudeville style act for the show tonight. Old jokes abound, and Alice plays a part of a homely girl. Julius arrives to get his 2 cents in on the act. The whole gang gets ready to head out to the Army camp. Alice sings, You Care for Me. <br> Without the passes to get into the base, will there be trouble being recognized? Frankie seems to have better name recognition than Phil, but will it hold water with the sentry to be allowed in? This may require the feminine charms of Alice. Julius even tries his hand with the guard. Will our merry little band ever get into the camp? <br> Note: The Gard of the camp is Sidney Sheldon, usually the voice of IJ Grogan. <br> <br>