The Avenger – Mystery of Dead Man’s Rock. ep6, 450713

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A game warden from Dead Man’s Rock seems to have nabbed a killer, but will he end up dead as well? Meanwhile, Jim Brandon and Fern enjoy the scenery and discuss the nature of the crime, and Indian customs. Knives used in the murder are similar to the throwing knives used in circus performances. <br> Lumbermen, trappers, and other kinds of rough necks fill the list of characters. Admiring a moose head, Jim continues to gather clues from the sheriff. Threats put pressure on the trappers to bend the rules, and resistance only causes the body count to rise. <br> Until Jim is satisfied, everyone is under suspicion. This looks like a job that only the Avenger can solve. Crooks hide smuggled goods in a hollow log. They won’t have a chance to get away when the Avenger swings into action. They tell their part in the crime, but will it lead to the ringleader of the operation? Sneaky things are still afoot, and danger looms in the trap Jim sets. Jim explains all, as he hands the bad guys over to the sheriff. <br>