Lum and Abner – History Of The Peabody Family. 440531

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Abner’s poppa has been causing trouble in town, and today he wants to talk to Cedric in the store. Phinus thinks Cedric is a gent named Vesper Hawkins. Even Cedric is beginning to think that’s his new name. The latest thing to rile up Phinus has to do with the link between the Hawkins family to the Peabody family. <br> The rambling old Phinus enters to read a document to Cedric, who he now thinks is Charlie Redfield. Back on track… sort of… the mixed up, convoluted family history begins. Frasier, a man who could levitate is an amazing man indeed who Phinus takes Vesper to see. <br> How will this turn out? Despite knowing better, even Lum and Abner are tempted to close up shop to go see for themselves. <br> <br>