Nick Carter – Nick’s Christmas Adventure. ep37, 431225

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: On the way to a Christmas party, Nick and Scotty stop to collect Christmas contributions. Why doesn’t old Mr Rasper want to donate to help kids in need? Nick decides to find out why, and plans to mobilize his team to look into the matter. <br> Tragedies, losses with the boxing ring, and takeovers in management are learned. Abandonment, and ill feelings are in the past, and wishes for Merry Christmas are given. What else crosses paths with the crusty Rasper? A woman from his past drops in to invite him to Nick’s Christmas party. Elsewhere, Ben and Nina get ready for Jimmy’s first Christmas. That is, unless Ben has something more pressing at work. <br> Will the hard luck be turned around? Will Ben get the break he needs to make lots of money? The benevolent party that Nick is putting on inspires some change. Speaking of the party, how are things going with the kids? When things settle down, Nick shares secrets behind the mystery for his staff. <br> <br>