(ASMR) Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) show

(ASMR) Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland)

Summary: Welcome to "(ASMR) Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis," the ultimate podcast for those in search of a truly restful night's sleep (#ASMR, #Hypnosis, #Sleep, #Relaxation).Hosted by renowned hypnotherapist Jason Newland (#JasonNewland), this podcast uses ASMR techniques and gentle hypnosis to help listeners achieve a deep state of relaxation.Jason's calming voice and carefully crafted scripts guide you from the stresses of daily life into a state of tranquility (#Mindfulness, #Healing, #Wellness, #StressRelief). With each episode aimed at relaxing your body, calming your mind, and encouraging a natural, healing, and safe sleep, this podcast has been a sanctuary for many since its inception (#Insomnia, #Anxiety, #MentalHealth).The background music, titled "Deep Relaxation" by Kevin MacLeod, provides a soothing backdrop to each episode and is licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License. MacLeod's music is available at incompetech.com.To learn more about Jason and his work, visit his official website at jasonnewland.com and his YouTube channel at Jason Newland - YouTube (#PersonalGrowth, #Selfcare).Whether you struggle with insomnia, anxiety, or simply want to improve the quality of your sleep, this podcast is the perfect solution. Tune in today and start your journey towards a restful night's sleep (#DeepSleep, #BedtimeRoutine, #Calm, #Tranquility)​1​​2​​3​​4​​5​.

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  • Artist: Jason Newland - FREE Hypnosis
  • Copyright: Copyright Jason Newland - FREE Hypnosis


 #25 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (22nd January 2019) - deepsleepwhisper.com | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1350

#25 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (22nd January 2019)

 #25 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (22nd January 2019) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1350

TRANSCRIBED BY https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7Hello, and welcome to chase, new land.com. My name is Michael Caine. No, it's not just wanted to say that, that he is saying My name is. But it's not it's Jason Newland, otherwise would be Michael caine.com.Listen to this or watch this video, I can safely Close your eyes. So this is deep sleep whisper where I whisper and you fall asleep. Pot the pot for getting used to veterans sleeping, when you hear my voice this the connection of listening to this recording, having listened to previous recordings, and knowing what to expect, including the feeling of heaviness in your body, and tiredness in your mind. It's just a continuous cycle of feeling tired listening, feeling tired and listening. And eventually, I guess he just stopped listening as you've fallen asleep. Something that I noticed is because I sleep during the day quite often. And there's a bit more activity during the day than there is at night, I can still sleep still allowed those background sounds to be part of the sleep. And I've noticed that sometimes I'll wake up and I'll wake up consciously before my ears wake up, be aware of the bed. And then I hear some sounds in the garden noise in the background Ifind that quite amazing. It's as if my ears just turned off the volume as if I've got these internal hearing aids back and just turn the volume right down. Wouldn't be Wouldn't that be wonderful? Especially if you've been told off someone's moaning at you or just moaning in general or wanting to have an argument or wanting to talk for your favorite television program. Just turn the volume down. Just block them out. Because don't hear the television though.So he is seem to have their own way of doing things. This is FPS go to sleep. The different parts of your body actually go to sleep separatelyas a whole separately. I suppose in the same ways that if you sit on the toilet for too long, your your legs may go to sleep. That's a physical thing. And your legs may be all tingly and you have to wait for a bit before you can. You know use them again. Or if you wake up and you've been sleeping or what have you arms,your arms or floppy like a pair of dough before it's been in the oven. Like a melted flip flop and pan you know It comes back to life as it were, and you can feel it again. Andso it's as if the body kind of passed without the feeling without any physical sensations. Suppose it's kind of strange Bob mentioned, when you sleep any physical issues that you may have had before you decided to listen to this recording seemed to just vanish.Like, he got this big, massive arrays, just start to just rub the kinds of different parts of the body, and to raised any feelings that may have been getting in the way of you feeling relaxed and comfortable. And as you continue to raise those feelings and physical sensations, which allows you then nowto feel much more comfortable and sleepy and able to lead you further, closer towards that sensation where your entire body is at base.Your entire body is as one relaxed and calm and lows still doesn't necessarily mean that you're focusing on any particular part of your body at any particular time.Because possibly, it's those parts that need your attention, that let you know where to use that eraser so that you can just feel more comfortable and relaxed. And the closer you get to feeling completely relaxed and completely loose. have a sense of tiredness that you feel and it's a welcome feeling of tiredness. Very much welcomed and you've been thanked that that part of you responsible of feeling tired.It's not just maybe the old sense of feeling tired, but it's a tiredness to guarantee lead you into a safe, deep healing sleep. gallon to let you just drop off feel wonderful. Completely play one by one all your muscles in your body drift off to sleep one...

 #24 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (21st January 2019) - deepsleepwhisper.com | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1421

#24 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (21st January 2019)

 #24 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (21st January 2019) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1421

TRANSCRIBED BY https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7Hello. Welcome to chase new land.com My name is Jason Newland. And for some reason, just as I said that I start thinking about the last time I bought tea cakes in a supermarket.Bit of a weird connection. So, this is a deep sleep, whisper hypnosis. If you like what I do, please share if you're listening on podcasts wherever it's Spotify spreaker tune in Twitch. SoundCloud, iTunes, catch box. thing that's that's what you know, wherever it is, please share on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or wherever. And only listen to this when you can safely Close your eyes.If you're watching on YouTube, please subscribe. And leave a beautiful comment about how wonderful I am. Just kidding, just kidding. I forget which number this is. So it's about 20 to be free.And although each session is similar, also each recording is different. I think what I'm gonna do today is focus just on your mind. In fact, not your mind, your brain, just your brain and my brain. So we can adjust, politely ignore the body. Politely we can ignore their emotions. They can be there but we're not really focusing on that. We can politely ignore the past. We can politely ignore the future. We can focus just on the brain, the physical brain not your thoughts. But the actual organic brain the center of your being thing controls everything and keeps you alive. So it's quite an important thing is the control center. Is that special place and ultimately bye folks focusing on your brain even though we talked about not focusing on emotions doesn't mean that emotions weren't arise. We're not focusing on your fate. Does it mean that you can't feel your fate? This is decided sociation dissociation if I can pronounce it correctly, disassociation does he does he ocean This is just focusing on your brain. The world still spins Your body's still active, the blood is still flowing through your body, your heart still pumping, you can still feel. And even though we focus on your brain, the past still happened, the future is still yet to happen. Thoughts still arise, but maybe less so. Because when you focus on your brain, it's not the same as focusing onyour head. It's like comparing a little bit of dust off the floor, to the entire planet.The brain is the entire planet. I don't mean to be brought to the hand by comparing it to a piece of dust.Because it's a beautiful thing I love my hand. It's very handy at times is your focus on your brain, your mind, your brain, that physical thing inside your skull. And this isn't an anatomy class. Luckily, just a factual focus in just on your brain. Technically, the nerve receptors in the brain while the outside of the brain really pretty much zero. But the stimulation, feeling of the stimulation of those different parts can befelt. Even when you're just sitting up or lying down on a bed comfortably, you can feel the different parts of your brainbeing stimulated. It's an amazing day. You can just ask your brain right now to stimulate and let you feel and experience the sensation of stimulation of that part of your brain responsible for sleeping deeply and activated. That particular part of your brain allows you Feel both sensations extreme tightness, extreme tightness and relaxation, exchange tightness and relaxation because you've gone straight to the source straight to your brain can be instant by activating and stimulating that part of your brain causes you instantly sleeping causes you to instantly fail sleep because when that part of your brain responsible for sleeping deeply is to fail to dance really notice a wave of pleasure and exhaustion noise pleasant sense of tiredness means that you need to close your eyes and just completely like give in to that feeling of have intense sleepiness needing you to just drift naturally into a d d sleigh without any faults, feelings...

 #23 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (20th January 2019) - deepsleepwhisper.com | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1328

#23 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (20th January 2019)

 #23 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (20th January 2019) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1328

TRANSCRIBED BY https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7Hello, and welcome to Jason. New land.com. My name is Jason, new land. This is deep sleep with hypnosis. Please only listen to this when you can safely Close your eyes. Or if you're watching the video on YouTube after you're subscribed if you haven't already. only watch this when you can safely Close your eyes. Or you may think well, how can I watch it with my eyes closed?And that is a good point. Well, basically the video is of a candle flickering. So it's real video. And it's a real candle that I filmed myself.So you don't miss it much less. There's not a lot happens. I promise you, when you get your eyes closed. It's a bunch of people don't come on clouds start juggling and dancing around this. There is nothing happening.There's no tractors. This this really nobody comes on and breaks the world records would post a Rubik's Cube or bounces around a trampoline. There's no cake baking this. This nothing is just the candle, I promise you for the duration of this recording is just the same candle with the gambled light at the top flickering around not dancing, not Jacqueline just flicker, I just want you to feel comfortable in the knowledge that when you're sleeping, or when you're lying down, preparing to fall asleep. There isn't anything that you'll miss.I don't know that it can sometimes feel like that. And to be fair, that's a good sign. If you are wondering, you know, why am I missing what's what's shader? And what's he doing? What's happening there? What's that you can use that as a positive that you'rein trouble interested in your life. Interesting what's going on. I don't personally have pet growing up. I really don't care what anyone else is doing. Not even when I'm awake. But that's just me. But there can always be a little bit of, well, if there's something on television that I'm missing, I could be I could be doing something instead of laying sleeping or trying to get to sleep. What actually you're still getting the benefits by lying down on your bed, your Stoke and the benefits of relaxation. You still can have benefits your mind not being distracted by constant sound of television the constant Visual flickering of the television screen or the computer screen or phone screen.When you're asleep laying down, you can relax that part of you. That maybe seems to want to look at your phone to see what's happening on your favorite app, Facebook or Twitter, or Instagram.And whatever your your favorite app is, seeing what's going on elsewhere, when all that really matters is what's goingon here. And by letting go of that, elsewhere, you shut that door. In the same way that you may shut your bedroom door. Same way, pretty sure. And if you should close and lock your front door, and your back door so that you can feel safe and secure. To fall asleep, easily and naturally. without needing to think about anything at all. That's, that's a nice place to be. It's a nice feeling.When you know that you're safe. have to think about anything at all. nothing whatsoever. There is no person control in your brain with a remote control, pressing the button, check, check Facebook, Check Twitter. There is no one weather remote control person and button which says think about what your friends are doing now. Think about this worry about tomorrow. Think about things you regret no one is doing is not to say that it does stuff doesn't come up. Cause it does means you're human with feelings and emotions. But the fact that you're here and also means that you can naturally sleep easily. Because you as a human being was born with the ability to sleep easily. Naturally. Because one point you were the same as every other baby and as much as she could fall asleep in an instant. Regardless of where you were, what you would do. You have that ability to just through nature just...

 #22 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (19th January 2019) - deepsleepwhisper.com | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1441

#22 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (19th January 2019)

 #22 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (19th January 2019) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1441

TRANSCRIBED BY https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7Hello Welcome to Jason newland.com This is deep sleep whisper it noses. Please only listen when you can safely Close your eyesplease share this mp3, podcast or video to others or to annoy others if you like it if you're watching on YouTube please subscribe suggests sitting on the edge of my bed in my bedroom I probably could have just left without saying bedroom because I said bed The fact is have lived in many rooms that were my bedroom. And by living space as well.I need to turn 18 on. But if I do that, the idea is we'll start by just like like giving blocky and weird sounds. Although this is an ASMR kind of. So maybe I could do that.Then if you can hear the sounds of the birds outside. So for this session, I tried to make each one different.Because if they were all the same, you might as well just listen to just one. But of course there will be similarities by work of the premise being very fancy by using the word premise. I like the idea thatyou can have Joyce and even if the recording is practically identical to the previous one in content The fact is the wording will be different. The background sounds will be different. Slightly it's a different time. It's a different space of time. For example, alpha Recording by ever will be exactly the same as thisyou could say you have a Jason that's the same with all files set aside. Yep, I wasn't planning to compare these sessions with far toooften think it gives the sense of being in the moment. being real, being alive. Not just some old style repetitive recording Something that continues. So you felt when you listen to the very first of these deep sleep sessions, you can see the connection, you can feel thattinuum of energy moving through with that intention of causing you to feel sleepy. And you know, the reality is, it's not about me causing you to do anything.It's just about you cafe giving yourself permission to just let go let go of worries, let go of anger, let go of any confusion. Like the need to be right. Let go of your opinions, let go of your beliefseven if it's just for the duration of this recording, you can test out you can experience and decide for yourself whether you joy, that feeling and experience of freedom and safety. As you may notice, as I continue to talk, it can feel a little bit like you're wearing hundreds of items of clothing. You just taken one layer of at a time. And you started off feeling so heavy. And now as each second passes with each item of clothing that gets removed, you feel with each item unnecessary. Unnecessary, harmful, COVID. removed, gone, dropped to the floor. You feel lighter, you feel safer, more confident. There's that sensation of continuous cadence of relaxation. And it's as if each layer of clothing which is now becoming less and less and less now allows you to feel so much more loose right now Longer bend down to the floor by the heaviness and the weight of all of thatstuff that you are wearing? frustration? What other feelings did you have? What emotions teach you that you've just let go? of? You've just dropped them to the flow. You've said knipex don't need you can stay on the floor. I'm just going to go to sleep, I'm going to relax.You know, I thought about getting myself peace of God have an eight in it. And on one side of writings, something like how does this help me? How does this help me? So if there's an emotion I've got, or if I'm angry at somebody, or if somebody says something to me some advice, you know, whatever it is, that's the I'm reacting to let's say, I pick out my little piece of a laminated card.How does this help me? And then maybe, if I can't think of a way it helps turn the card over. And it says, to drop it to the flooror let it drop to the floor. How does this help me? Thinking about the past,...

 #21 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (18th January 2019) - deepsleepwhisper.com | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1536

#21 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (18th January 2019)

 #21 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (18th January 2019) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1536

TRANSCRIBED BY https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7Hello. Welcome to Jason newland.com My name is Jason Newland, this is a deep sleep whisper I think it's number 21. Please, only ever listen to this podcast or if you're watching the video when you can safely Close your eyes as this may cause drowsiness now start by counting down from 10 down to one. And that's a countdown to one. You can notice the relaxation in your body and your mind. increase. Now 10 nine right 7654 Ray. Now I'm going to focus on each part of your body, counting down from 10 to onesaying the word sleep starting with you avoid dead slay I say seven Say hi. Fall. Fairy. Slay. Slay. Slay. Now focusing on your eyes. Ay ay. ay. Ay Ay seven stay sci fi furay slay, slay. Now focusing on your jaw, now a slave say slay, fall. For slay, slay, to slay, won. Focusing now, the back of your neck to say I say seven say five for slay, slay, to slay slay. Focusing now, on your chest they say 543 why focusing on your stomach to slay slay I say seven say say slate five slay, three slay to say why slay now focusing on your back all the way from the top to your lower backor the most ego aside it is by slay know I say I slay, seven slay say slay slay, four slay. Slay to say now focus in on your shoulders say hey Seth Say bye for now slay fairy to say why slay now focusing on your from the top, down, including your elbow and your wrists and your forearms, and your upper arm.Ay, ay ay, surfer say five for three All right now on your hands and two fingers to say all right say for sky focus the barn and the muscles in your head. Seven say safe stay fine sorry to say say now we're going to focus your leg Lex including the thighs, the knees, the coughs and the shins and the ankles. moving all the way down. Dad they say hey Seth Say Say fly. Say Say to say now focusing on your feet and your toes. Dad Say hi say seven five sleigh Ray. Now lastly your whole body all together. Counting down from 10 to one saying the words I want to get to one that would be the end of the record your entire body 10 say I say seven Hey.....CONTINUE READING : https://jasonnewland.com/collections/deep-sleep-whisper/products/21-deep-sleep-whisper-hypnosis-jason-newland-18th-january-2019Deep Relaxation Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Licensehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

 #20 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (18th January 2019) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1135

TRANSCRIBED BY https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7Hello welcome to Jason new land.com My name is Jason Newland and this is deep sleep whisper hypnosis so I'm just sitting on my bed just relax and focus in on my body notice in distant background sounds before we go any further please remember to only watch this video or listen to the audio on a podcast when you can safely Close your eyesI'm going to tell you why experience right now, why am experiencing in this very momentand at the same time you can gradually become more more aware of what you are experiencing. In this very moment. example I can notice the temperature of the room I've got the windows open, but very slightly open. That is a bit of the cold air coming in.And the more I focus on that sensation of the air and the temperature of the air on my face more kind of feels like a breeze gently touching my face when the reality is nowhere near the window and the curtains are drawn closed.So there is no breeze. Yeah, I can still feel the air circulated around the room even fails on air This might sound a bit strange, even feels as if the air is moving throughmy head coming out the other side and that sensation actually is causing my face, my forehead and my eyes to feel really relaxed. I wonder what that felt like for you? Just to allow me to travel through your skin and then move out the other side of your head leaving your face pray pray relaxed just kind of got this I have a feeling in parts of my head this part of non brain was just activated to allow me to experience more of a sense of real calmness to experience more of that in the room moving through the different parts of my bodyleaving that part of the body feeling so much more relaxed and tired. Calm and close. Feels nice. I could feel as if to say if my hands become part that the windis naturally in the air. sometimes feels like a breeze, but it's just circulating and as I mentioned, when I look with my eyes closed, I can imagine them becoming part of the air. My fingers becoming part of that like a tiny little wind.Moving around starting with my fingertips and moving down. See if the hands just start not disappear but become part of the air. Same feeling feeling in my face now. But it's not just that feeling is actually a feeling of pleasure in my eyes.underneath our eyelids closed is actually a feeling of pleasure. I don't know what it is why just feels nice. That feeling is now spread it into our forehead. And was scowl feels like every time I brave that feeling of pleasure starting to spread through my body. Real calm and pleasure for letting without to try to feel pleasure really comfortable. Yet these feelings of calmness In farrier spa so your body feels nice. I can actually feel my toes now. bottoms are fake. It's safe they're somehow connected to my hands and my face the energy the nerve endings in my face. To save that kind of mild stimulation not to have excitement that calming calming my body and your mind sending those signals they're your body from your brain all the way down your spinal cordallowing it to enjoy yourself sleepy sleepy they happen that truly continue to fail sleeping notice sleepiness, greases the day certainly be a thing to think about. nothing to talk about. Nothing to say nothing to remember. See maybe no mines a big button. Big, colorful button with the circle Late on when you're ready to let go and just drink that they can press that button in your mind worries and cares have to be released from your body and your mind.So they can just let go completely. You can just every muscle in your body getting what you're letting go of not caring. What it is that you may have gotten about what you may have. Let go. of relaxation in the net can the four legs lay and joy your party and mine letting Joe mind can enjoy feeling completely free Ray....

 #20 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (18th January 2019) - deepsleepwhisper.com | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1135

#20 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (18th January 2019)

 #19 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (15th January 2019) - deepsleepwhisper.com | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1347

#19 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (15th January 2019)

 #19 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (15th January 2019) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1347

TRANSCRIBED BY https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7Hello, and welcome to Jason newland.com. My name is Jason Newland, this is deepsleep whisper hypnosis are only listen when you can safely Close your eyes. And this recording is available to download for just one pound, UK, Sterling, or you can stream for free. So, before we can go any further, the best thing to do before we start is to make sure that you're comfortable. No, that sounds like a really obvious thing. But comfort isn't necessarily as obvious as it sounds. It can be as specific as what you're wearing the temperature in the room, making sure that you're not disturbed. Those kinds of things. If you're wearing socks, though, maybe you're a bit tight, that are fine when you walk in about or maybe trousers that you can undo or even take off for a while just to allow your body to feel relaxed and calm. And of course, if you are sleeping for a period of time,then bounce where your bed pillows. On today's session, I'm going to focus on your mind. Just your mind, nothing else. And it might seem like a strange thing to kind of ignore the entire body. But we're not.It's a brain controls the body. The mind is the brain. It's the suppose to think inside the you're aware of. I suppose that's one way to describe it, the braina part of the brain that you're able to comprehend the part the issue, then is the part of the brain that just does its own thing.which keeps you alive and well and healthy. So we could have focus on the mind. A place where Let's be honest. That's the place where we get in the way of ourselves. place where we cause ourselves problems, by the way we thinkand I know that a lot of those thoughts and not within a conscious understand. Correct would be automatic thoughts. In a way the more automatic thoughts we get. Shouldn't that mean the more prepared we are for dealing with those thoughts.That's what we have windows and doors in our items. You could build a house on a really calm day, in the middle of summer, got the windows, you got no glass or anything in the windows, just the holes in the walls. And it's beautiful. The cool air is coming in. You can hear the birds maybe you can smell the barbecue from next door. Maybe that's not a good thing dependent. Perhaps you can hear an elton john concert in the stadium 100 miles away.They were fixed great. And then it starts to get windy things start to blow out of the house as well as in those windows pokes holes in the wallsstarts to get cold the weather starts to get in the way. So you have to put glass in those holes. It's called the windows it's about learning from what's come before and that was something that was learned probably 1000s of years ago. So we have these continuous thoughts automatic thoughts that getting away or have gotten away in the past withbeing able to relax and slay decide to put up those windows to no longer allow those automatic thoughts which is connected with the windbecause let's face it, the wind is automatic, something that we don't feel we've got any control over but the fact is once you put the windows up and you block those open holes in the walls you do have controlof those automatic ports that when that weather because our thoughts are very much like the weather. It sounds like an opening to a song called the winds of emotions. Come in and go in. never found a window that could block that pitch inthe background. pigeon always won wherever I've lived I've been followed by a pigeon not just the standard pitching but like really loud in the background. His name is Steven Steven sky weird sounds the garden considering it's up in the 14th of January, I think the birds think it's spring, spring out there. So you've got the sounds you've got the wind you've got the thoughts you can do when you want to sleep is you canclose those windows....

 #18 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (14th January 2019) - deepsleepwhisper.com | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2194

#18 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (14th January 2019)


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