#24 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (21st January 2019)

(ASMR) Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) show

Summary: TRANSCRIBED BY <a href="https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7" rel="noopener">https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7</a><br>Hello. Welcome to chase new land.com My name is Jason Newland. And for some reason, just as I said that I start thinking about the last time I bought tea cakes in a supermarket.<br>Bit of a weird connection. So, this is a deep sleep, whisper hypnosis. If you like what I do, please share if you're listening on podcasts wherever it's Spotify spreaker tune in Twitch. SoundCloud, iTunes, catch box. thing that's that's what you know, wherever it is, please share on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or wherever. And only listen to this when you can safely Close your eyes.<br>If you're watching on YouTube, please subscribe. And leave a beautiful comment about how wonderful I am. Just kidding, just kidding. I forget which number this is. So it's about 20 to be free.<br>And although each session is similar, also each recording is different. I think what I'm gonna do today is focus just on your mind. In fact, not your mind, your brain, just your brain and my brain. So we can adjust, politely ignore the body. Politely we can ignore their emotions. They can be there but we're not really focusing on that. We can politely ignore the past. We can politely ignore the future. We can focus just on the brain, the physical brain not your thoughts. But the actual organic brain the center of your being thing controls everything and keeps you alive. So it's quite an important thing is the control center. Is that special place and ultimately bye folks focusing on your brain even though we talked about not focusing on emotions doesn't mean that emotions weren't arise. We're not focusing on your fate. Does it mean that you can't feel your fate? This is decided sociation dissociation if I can pronounce it correctly, disassociation does he does he ocean This is just focusing on your brain. The world still spins Your body's still active, the blood is still flowing through your body, your heart still pumping, you can still feel. And even though we focus on your brain, the past still happened, the future is still yet to happen. Thoughts still arise, but maybe less so. Because when you focus on your brain, it's not the same as focusing on<br>your head. It's like comparing a little bit of dust off the floor, to the entire planet.<br>The brain is the entire planet. I don't mean to be brought to the hand by comparing it to a piece of dust.<br>Because it's a beautiful thing I love my hand. It's very handy at times is your focus on your brain, your mind, your brain, that physical thing inside your skull. And this isn't an anatomy class. Luckily, just a factual focus in just on your brain. Technically, the nerve receptors in the brain while the outside of the brain really pretty much zero. But the stimulation, feeling of the stimulation of those different parts can be<br>felt. Even when you're just sitting up or lying down on a bed comfortably, you can feel the different parts of your brain<br>being stimulated. It's an amazing day. You can just ask your brain right now to stimulate and let you feel and experience the sensation of stimulation of that part of your brain responsible for sleeping deeply and activated. That particular part of your brain allows you Feel both sensations extreme tightness, extreme tightness and relaxation, exchange tightness and relaxation because you've gone straight to the source straight to your brain can be instant by activating and stimulating that part of your brain causes you instantly sleeping causes you to instantly fail sleep because when that part of your brain responsible for sleeping deeply is to fail to dance really notice a wave of pleasure and exhaustion noise pleasant sense of tiredness means that you need to close your eyes and just completely like give in to that feeling of have intense sleepiness needing you to just drift naturally into a d d sleigh without any faults, feelings...