#23 Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) (20th January 2019)

(ASMR) Deep Sleep Whisper Hypnosis (Jason Newland) show

Summary: TRANSCRIBED BY <a href="https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7" rel="noopener">https://otter.ai/referrals/T1UKO5K7</a><br>Hello, and welcome to Jason. New land.com. My name is Jason, new land. This is deep sleep with hypnosis. Please only listen to this when you can safely Close your eyes. Or if you're watching the video on YouTube after you're subscribed if you haven't already. only watch this when you can safely Close your eyes. Or you may think well, how can I watch it with my eyes closed?<br>And that is a good point. Well, basically the video is of a candle flickering. So it's real video. And it's a real candle that I filmed myself.<br>So you don't miss it much less. There's not a lot happens. I promise you, when you get your eyes closed. It's a bunch of people don't come on clouds start juggling and dancing around this. There is nothing happening.<br>There's no tractors. This this really nobody comes on and breaks the world records would post a Rubik's Cube or bounces around a trampoline. There's no cake baking this. This nothing is just the candle, I promise you for the duration of this recording is just the same candle with the gambled light at the top flickering around not dancing, not Jacqueline just flicker, I just want you to feel comfortable in the knowledge that when you're sleeping, or when you're lying down, preparing to fall asleep. There isn't anything that you'll miss.<br>I don't know that it can sometimes feel like that. And to be fair, that's a good sign. If you are wondering, you know, why am I missing what's what's shader? And what's he doing? What's happening there? What's that you can use that as a positive that you're<br>in trouble interested in your life. Interesting what's going on. I don't personally have pet growing up. I really don't care what anyone else is doing. Not even when I'm awake. But that's just me. But there can always be a little bit of, well, if there's something on television that I'm missing, I could be I could be doing something instead of laying sleeping or trying to get to sleep. What actually you're still getting the benefits by lying down on your bed, your Stoke and the benefits of relaxation. You still can have benefits your mind not being distracted by constant sound of television the constant Visual flickering of the television screen or the computer screen or phone screen.<br>When you're asleep laying down, you can relax that part of you. That maybe seems to want to look at your phone to see what's happening on your favorite app, Facebook or Twitter, or Instagram.<br>And whatever your your favorite app is, seeing what's going on elsewhere, when all that really matters is what's going<br>on here. And by letting go of that, elsewhere, you shut that door. In the same way that you may shut your bedroom door. Same way, pretty sure. And if you should close and lock your front door, and your back door so that you can feel safe and secure. To fall asleep, easily and naturally. without needing to think about anything at all. That's, that's a nice place to be. It's a nice feeling.<br>When you know that you're safe. have to think about anything at all. nothing whatsoever. There is no person control in your brain with a remote control, pressing the button, check, check Facebook, Check Twitter. There is no one weather remote control person and button which says think about what your friends are doing now. Think about this worry about tomorrow. Think about things you regret no one is doing is not to say that it does stuff doesn't come up. Cause it does means you're human with feelings and emotions. But the fact that you're here and also means that you can naturally sleep easily. Because you as a human being was born with the ability to sleep easily. Naturally. Because one point you were the same as every other baby and as much as she could fall asleep in an instant. Regardless of where you were, what you would do. You have that ability to just through nature just...