The JoLynn Braley Show | End the Binge with JoLynn show

The JoLynn Braley Show | End the Binge with JoLynn

Summary: Achieve Permanent Weight Loss with Emotional Eating Coach JoLynn Braley

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  • Artist: JoLynn Braley Weight Loss Coach
  • Copyright: © JoLynn Braley International LLC


 Food Is Easy Awareness Is Freedom [Podcast #141] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:54

Let's face it: the easiest thing to do is to overeat, binge eating, emotionally eat, and eat all kinds of whatever foods that you know for sure are not helping you get to your goal weight. The truth is food is easy awareness is freedom. If you choose the path of awareness, of paying attention to your own thoughts, of paying attention to your emotional state, to stop running from yourself and be present with YOU, then you stand a good chance of making to the finish line. What's the finish line? Well, if your goal is to lose weight and keep it off, raising your level of awareness is the first step! Of course, awareness without action won't get you to your end results, but you must start with awareness. Why? Because you cannot change anything you are unaware of. Food Is Easy Awareness Is Freedom - Get the One Thought Shift for Weight Loss This week's episode of The JoLynn Braley Show is the 20th one thought shift for weight loss episode. Yay! These episodes are delivered to you in 10 minutes or less and the one thought shift for weight loss is provided to you in the form of a question - a question that you must ask yourself, IF you want to get to know yourself better and raise your level of awareness of what is driving your out-of-control eating behaviors. Grab pen and paper, write the question down, and then write your answers to the question pen on paper. In fact, I give you several variations of the main one thought shift for weight loss question for you to delve deeper into the subject, all for the purpose of raising your level of self-awareness. Remember: you cannot change what you are not aware of. All change is preceded by awareness. Awareness with action can lead you to healthier eating behaviors.Click To Tweet Food Is Easy Awareness Is Freedom [Podcast #141] In episode #141 of  The JoLynn Braley Show you'll get the one thought shift for weight loss delivered in the form of a question, a self-question for YOU to ask YOU. Grab pen and paper  and remember: you cannot change anything you aren't aware of. Awareness is always the first step. To listen to the previous 19 One Thought Shift for episodes you can use the search bar on this page and type in OTS4WL and you'll be able to listen back to the previous in this exclusive series. Or you can look them up on iTunes. It's free to subscribe to The JoLynn Braley Show on iTunes Grab pen and paper to take notes as you'll get questions to write down and write your answers to, pen on paper. You'll get so much out of this Free iTunes Podcast when you write each question...

 3 Starter Steps to Stop Binge Eating [Podcast #130] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:19

Listen in instantly by clicking the Play Button in this post below and get the 3 starter steps to stop binge eating! Take action with these steps now and if you stick with them over time you will experience a difference. I put these together for you because since I've been broadcasting The JoLynn Braley Show since the first week of January 2013, I've noticed that the most popular episodes are about binge eating. What this means is that you're not alone in your struggles to stop binge eating! In fact there are multiple millions who are struggling right now with eating disorders, obesity, and overweight issues and they just cannot do enough diets to fix these problems. This makes sense because there is no food diet that can ever cure your binge eating, emotional eating, or any other unhealthy eating habit you're struggling with! Why? Because diets are only band aids applies to the symptoms. Diets are not supposed to give you struggle-free weight loss. The only way to get struggle-free weight loss is to change your mindset. Get a weight loss mindset. Cure the REAL problems that are driving you to compulsively overeat, mindlessly eat, and binge eat. One diet that actually is not a diet, The Inner Self Diet, does heal the root of any ongoing food and weight struggle, your unhealthy eating behaviors, and your out-of-control eating, food obsessions, scale obsessions, and more. The Inner Self Diet is my proven step-by-step system I've been coaching amazing clients through since 2009 and it works every time. Of course, you have to work it. Nothing on this planet will work for you without taking action with the proven steps. 3 Starter Steps to Stop Binge Eating When you can stop binge eating and break free of your never-ending cycle of struggle to lose weight and keep it off, just imagine.... how would you feel about yourself? What would life be like for you? A place to start is with the 3 starter steps to stop binge eating which I cover in my free weight loss podcast episode #130 of The JoLynn Braley Show. To get a weight loss mindset though, you'll want to go to the root problems, the problems that drive you to binge eat. Heal the root and you'll finally break free of your ongoing struggles to stop binge eating, lose weight, and keep it off. Changing your eating habits is easy, unless you make it hard. The way you make it hard is with your mindset.Click To Tweet 3 Starter Steps to Stop Binge Eating [Podcast #130] In episode #123 of  

 How to Stop Being Confused and Start Losing Weight [Podcast #123] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:24

There is so much conflicting diet and weight loss information out there that it's very easy to get confused, doubt yourself, and even doubt your ability to lose weight and keep it off. What if instead of being confused you could stop being confused and start losing weight? How cool would that be? I mean really, just imagine if you could: * Lose weight once and for all * Trust yourself * Trust your body * Trust your physical hunger * Stop being confused. * Stop collecting endless diet advice that you might not be taking any action on anyway. What if you could do all of the above AND end your emotional eating, quit binge eating, and heal any other unhealthy eating habit you're struggling with? You won't get those results by collecting more diet tips. In fact, information collected without taking action on it only leads to frustration. Not fun, and not productive. Make sense? How to Stop Being Confused and Start Losing Weight When you can stop being confused and start losing weight then things become really simple. And really, weight loss IS really simple! The only thing that makes it hard to do, is your mindset. Your mindset is either 92.8% of your problem that's keeping you stuck, overweight (or obese), frustrated and fed up, OR your mindset is 92.8% of the solution because once you have the right mindset, a weight loss mindset, then doing the simple acts of healthy living becomes easy and struggle-free. I mean it that weight loss, healthy weight loss is really not a big deal, unless you make it a big deal. If you refuse to change your thinking, refuse to change what you eat, refuse to change when you eat and refuse to change how much you eat then of course, you're going to have a massive battle on your hands. The good news is you're only fighting that battle with yourself. The reason this is good news is because Only YOU must change in order to get the results you seek. But if you don't change, how will you get new results?? Changing your eating habits is easy, unless you make it hard. The way you make it hard is with your mindset.Click To Tweet How to Stop Being Confused and Start Losing Weight [Podcast #123] In episode #123 of  The JoLynn Braley Show you'll learn how to stop being confused and start losing weight.  Listen in and remember: you cannot change anything you aren't aware of. Awareness is always the first step. For example, if you are serious about ending the never ending cycle of searching for new diets tips, diet hacks, magic pills and more that will not give you long term success (but lead to more and more confusion) then awareness is the first step towards making a decision to do something different, something totally different that will get you to your goal weight and give you the tools to maintain it for life,...

 Why You Need the Mindset of a Successful Everest Climber to Lose Weight For Good [Podcast #143] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:02

To lose weight and keep it off you need a weight loss mindset; it's 92.8% of winning at the long term game with your weight! In this week's free weight loss podcast learn why you need the mindset of a successful Everest climber to lose weight for good. The reason you need the mindset of a successful Everest climber to lose weight for good is because the essential mindset ingredients you must have in order to succeed on Everest (and make it out alive) are the same essential mindset ingredients you must get if you're serious about achieving long term success with your weight. What Is Long Term Weight Loss Success? Long term weight loss success means that you get to your goal weight and you stay there. You maintain it for life. If this sounds impossible, to achieve permanent weight loss, it's not! You just need to live a healthy lifestyle, which means no binge eating, no food addiction, no more using food as a coping mechanism, and instead using high quality whole, real food to fuel your body. To get the ultimate weight loss dream, to lose weight for good, you'll need a weight loss mindset. Your mindset is 92.8% of the solution, or it's 92.8% of the problem. If your mindset is fat (F.A.T. = fear attracting thoughts) then you'll continue to struggle with your eating and your weight. On the other hand if you have a weight loss mindset then you're ready to scale your own Everest and succeed beyond the summit! What's interesting is that once you get the same qualities embedded in your mindset that a successful Everest climber must have in their mindset, then you'll be able to lose weight without a struggle to get to your goal weight and stay there. Good stuff! NOTE: a healthy lifestyle means you eat only when physically hungry, you stop eating when physically full (not stuffed), you eat foods that work best in your body to release the fat, and you do all of this  without struggle while feeling fantastic about yourself. The opposite of a healthy lifestyle is doing fad diets (like intermittent fasting) for the sole purpose of losing weight while struggling to stick with it and obsessing about food which ends up leading to binge eating with an intensity that increases the longer you avoid healing the root of the eating disorder. Why You Need the Mindset of a Successful Everest Climber to Lose Weight For Good To scale Everest successfully and get home safely you must be reaching for the right goal, just like when it comes to achieving the goal of permanent weight loss. To achieve permanent weight loss the WRONG goal is a goal weight. The right goal is what happens beyond the danger zone. What's the danger zone? That's when you get to your goal weight. You see, many can get to their goal weight, but only a few stay there. A weight loss mindset is required to maintain your goal weight for life. If you want to succeed in life long weight maintenance then you must set a goal that goes far beyond the day you reach your goal weight on the scale. Where most fail is they can reach their goal weight but as soon as they do they start to "relax". Do you know what happens when a climber reaches the summit and they "relax" up there? They die. No joke. Do you know what happens when an overeater makes it to their goal weight and they "relax" their eating habits? They quickly gain back the weight they lost plus extra. And then they die, metaphorically, meaning that parts of themselves die with every pound they gain back and every failure they have with their weight: their self-esteem, self-confidence, belief in themselves,

 Intermittent Fasting and Binge Eating: The Newest Binging Cycle [Podcast #301] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:21

I was doing some research and learned something interesting: that intermittent fasting and binge eating is the newest cycle of binging, meaning that many are thinking that fasting will help them lose weight but the reason they are overweight is because they are binge eaters. The problem with this is ... well, it's not a problem, there are several problems! First of all, going about weight loss in this way will not help you actually lose weight and keep it off. Why? Because when you're overweight because you're a binge eater and the method that you're attempting to lose weight only intensifies your binge eating and cycles of binging, then in my personal opinion you're moving into crazy town. Yes, I said it: crazy town. Forcing yourself to fast, which is going to lead to obsessing about food, watching the clock, waiting until the clock strikes zero and you're off to the races binging on anything you can find. This is not only going to stop you from reaching a healthy weight and maintaining it for life, but it's also going to drive you deeper into a fat mindset. A fat mindset is a mindset grounded in Fear Attracting Thoughts (F.A.T.). Just consider this simple question: how many fears are driving you to binge eat? What about the simple fear of "I'm missing out" or "I'll never get to eat ABC again if I start a diet or fast so I'd better eat all of ABC that I can buy in the entire grocery store now!!" The bad news is the mindset of a binge eater does not lead to permanent weight loss. The good news is that you CAN get a weight loss mindset and then you'll be able to stop binge eating, stop trying crazy non-lifestyle weight loss fads and just plain and simple, learn how to live a healthy lifestyle without struggle to lose weight and keep it off. Does it make sense to you that if you could just live a healthy lifestyle without it being any big deal, that then you'd be able to lose weight and keep it off? NOTE: a healthy lifestyle means you eat only when physically hungry, you stop eating when physically full (not stuffed), you eat foods that work best in your body to release the fat, and you do all of this  without struggle while feeling fantastic about yourself. The opposite of a healthy lifestyle is doing fad diets (like intermittent fasting) for the sole purpose of losing weight while struggling to stick with it and obsessing about food which ends up leading to binge eating with an intensity that increases the longer you avoid healing the root of the eating disorder. Intermittent Fasting and Binge Eating: The New Binging Cycle So intermittent fasting and binge eating are the newest cycle of binging, according to what I've learned in my research. It's really a problem for binge eaters who are trying to lose weight by using intermittent fasting. Say what? Well yeah, it actually makes sense, on two levels: one being that from a practical, human level, if you allow yourself to get overly hungry then it's obviously super easy to binge eat on anything you can find once the clock winds down to zero and your fasting period is done for the moment. I know for myself that if I allow myself to go beyond the point of physical hunger until I get to the place where I'm famished then I can easily eat anything that is available especially anything unhealthy such as highly processed food. I suggest to my coaching clients to pay attention to their physical hunger, to fuel their body based on their physical hunger, and not allow themselves to get to the "famished level".

 Why There’s Never Enough Food to Fill Up a Last Supper Eater [Podcast #134] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:23

Fact: there's never enough food to fill up a last supper eater and the problem with this is you cannot reach your goal weight when you're stuck in last supper eating. What about you? Have you ever heard of last supper eating? Have you ever wondered if you might be a last supper eater? Have you ever wondered why you've never been able to eat enough food ever to fill up what's missing within your inner self? Maybe you've never heard of last supper eating and would simply like to know what a last supper eater is to be able to know if you are one! Very possibly you haven't asked any of the questions above because all you know is that you're stuck in out-of-control eating, binge eating, emotional eating, late-night-stuffing, compulsive overeating and all of these behaviors are unconscious for you, meaning that they are running on auto pilot. When you've got unhealthy eating behaviors running on auto pilot then you've gotta get conscious in order to start making changes. Without gaining conscious awareness of what's going on with you there will never be enough food to fill up a last supper eater and this means YOU if you're last supper eating. Make sense? One place to start is with this week's free weight loss podcast which is part 3 of my 3-part series on last supper eating. If you'd rather start with part one you can click here to listen immediately and get clear on the definition of last supper eating. All change is preceded by awareness. So if you're a last supper eater you must first gain awareness before you can change it!Click To Tweet Hey, if you do find out that you're a last supper eater you're not alone. Millions of the overweight and obese population are struggling to lose weight and keep it off because they are unable to break free of their unhealthy eating behaviors. They are stuck in unhealthy patterns with eating disorders such as last supper eating, emotional eating, late-night stuffing, consistent binge eating and more. Maybe you can relate to last supper eating if you're an out-of-control binge eater who never feels satisfied no matter how much food you eat. Why There's Never Enough Food to Fill Up a Last Supper Eater The good news is if you want to learn more about last supper eating and find out if you might be stuck in this unhealthy eating behavior, you can tune in now to part 3 of the 3-part series on last supper eating, delivered to you exclusively from The JoLynn Braley Show! If you're  

 3 Signs You’re a Last Supper Eater [Podcast #133] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:26

Have you ever wondered if you might be a last supper eater? Or maybe this is the first you've ever heard of last supper eating? Check out the 3 signs you're a last supper eater in this week's free weight loss podcast, exclusively from The JoLynn Braley Show! If you do find that you've been engaging in last supper eating then this is an unhealthy eating behavior you're going to want to release. Why? Because it only leads to more weight gain and a deeper pattern of more struggle. Always remember, your brain will make it easy to keep struggling! The way this works is that whatever you do over and over and over again, your brain is going to make it easy to keep doing the same thing, even if what you're doing over and over and over again is binge eating! Yep, the thing is, your brain isn't concerned with the fact that you hate yourself because you can't stop overeating; your brain is only concerned that you're alive and surviving. Surviving certainly isn't thriving though, is it? Surviving doesn't = happiness. Thriving does!Click To Tweet Surviving doesn't equal happiness either. And isn't that what you really want: to lose weight, look great in your jeans, and Be Happy with yourself? Is this true for you? Isn't THIS what you really want? The key to getting happy with yourself, making weight loss easy, and getting back into your cutest jeans is getting a weight loss mindset. When you get a weight loss mindset you'll get your brain into gear to help make it easy to live a healthy lifestyle! After all... if you could just live a healthy lifestyle, day after day, meal after meal, eating only healthy foods that allow your body to release the fat, using portion control, eating only when physically hungry, no more binge eating and no more emotional eating.... well, you wouldn't have any problem getting to your goal weight and staying there, correct?! Of course you wouldn't have a problem. To accomplish the easy way of living a healthy lifestyle though, you want to start with your mindset. A weight loss mindset is 92.8% of the job of making it easy to lose weight and keep it off. Most people are focused only on diet and exercise, which is only 7.2% of the equation. Is it making sense why 95% of dieters fail? 3 Signs You're a Last Supper Eater If you're  like millions are struggling right now to stop binge eating, stop emotional eating, stop obsessing about food, stop being

 What Is Last Supper Eating? [Podcast #132] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:21

What is last supper eating? Good question! If you're  like millions are struggling right now to stop binge eating, stop emotional eating, stop obsessing about food, stop being addicted to food and stop allowing food to control your whole life... not to mention the struggle to lose weight and keep it off... then you just might be struggling with last supper eating. More than likely if you struggle with binge eating and you tell yourself each week that you're going to "start again on Monday" then you likely are struggling with last supper eating. The problem is last supper eating leads to weekly and monthly weight gain, and it makes it harder and harder to a) get started changing to healthy eating habits and b) last supper eating makes it easier and easier to continue binge eating and continue gaining weight. Ugh, not fun, and very frustrating, right? (I understand, I've been caught up in that pattern before too!) What Is Last Supper Eating? In this week's free weight loss podcast episode I'll answer the question What IS last supper eating and probably by learning what this is, you'll know right away if you engage in this unhealthy eating behavior. However if you're not sure then be sure to tune in next week to episode #133 of The JoLynn Braley Show when I will detail 3 signs that you're a last supper eater. Then you will know for certain whether or not this binge eating behavior is holding you back from reaching your goal weight and maintaining it for life. Keep in mind that whatever your unhealthy behaviors are that have piled on the fat, frustration, and hopelessness that you'll ever be able to lose weight and keep it off can all be resolved by getting a weight loss mindset. A weight loss mindset is 92.8% of winning the battle with your weight. In fact, getting a weight loss mindset is critical if you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off. If you do not get a weight loss mindset you will continue to struggle with emotional eating for a lifetime. Your mindset is 92.8% of the challenge - get the right mindset, get a weight loss mindset, and you'll already have won 92.8% of the battle. Yay! What Is Last Supper Eating? [Podcast #132] In this episode of  The JoLynn Braley Show you can listen in and learn exactly what is last supper eating.  You might be surprised to learn that you've been caught up in last supper eating for years and you didn't realize this unhealthy eating behavior had a specific name. Grab pen and paper to take notes and I'll give questions to write down and then write down your answers to. You'll get so much out of this Free iTunes Podcast when you write each question down on paper with pen and then write down your answer. In this week's episode you'll learn:

 Emotional Eating Q&A: Can Emotional Eating REALLY Be Cured? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:53

When you're an emotional eater struggling to lose weight and keep it off like millions are struggling with right now, you might be asking can emotional eating really be cured? Really? The problem with this question is that you're already doubting that you can end your emotional eating. This question sets you up for more emotional eating and more struggle. Ack! What's interesting is this... What IF emotional eating really CAN be cured? Then what? Can Emotional Eating REALLY Be Cured? In this week's free weight loss podcast episode I'll answer the question can emotional eating really be cured. But I'll give you a small hint about something up front: if you believe that it's impossible to cure your emotional eating, if you believe that only other people can cure their emotional eating, if you believe you doomed to struggle with emotional eating a lifetime, then guess what? You're right! You see, if your mind is closed to the possibility that emotional eating really can be cured and if you believe that you'll always struggle with food, with your weight, and with out-of-control eating, then you will make all of your beliefs come true. You are more powerful than you probably realize and every success (and failure) in your life hinges on what you believe. This is why a weight loss mindset is critical to get if you are serious about losing weight and keeping it off. If you do not get a weight loss mindset you will continue to struggle with emotional eating for a lifetime. Your mindset is 92.8% of the challenge - get the right mindset, get a weight loss mindset, and you'll already have won 92.8% of the battle. Exciting!! Can Emotional Eating REALLY Be Cured? [Podcast #128] In this episode of  The JoLynn Braley Show you can listen in and learn more about whether or not emotional eating can really be cured (yay!!). Grab pen and paper to take notes and I'll give questions to write down and then write down your answers to. You'll get so much out of this Free iTunes Podcast when you write each question down on paper with pen and then write down your answer. In this week's episode you'll learn: * Answer the question Can Emotional Eating Really Be Cured? * Why your beliefs control your outcomes with emotional eating. * Powerful self-questions to write pen on paper and then answer pen on paper. Simply click the play button on the player on this page and you can listen in instantly listen in. Listen In Below to The JoLynn Braley Show! Be sure and subscribe on iTunes to get immediate access to the show each week.  LIKE our Facebook Page and get a "shout out" on the show! If you don't have an iTunes account yet, you can easily

 3 Signs Your Weight Loss Expectations are All Wrong [Podcast #293] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:34

If you're like most who are struggling to lose weight you have expectations about what will happen once you reach your goal weight. But what if your weight loss expectations are off track? A great place to discover more is in this week's free weight loss podcast from The JoLynn Braley Show where you'll learn 3 signs your weight loss expectations are all wrong (and take action to change them!). 3 Signs Your Weight Loss Expectations are All Wrong In this week's free weight loss podcast you'll get to examine your weight loss expectations. If you have weight loss expectations that are setting you up for long term weight loss success, then you don't need to make any changes. But if your weight loss expectations are all wrong then you'll want to make changes to them stat. It's important to keep in mind what weight loss can do for you, and what it cannot do for you. Many have the expectation that weight loss is going to make their life perfect and they are sorely disappointed once they reach their weight loss goal. Guess what happens next? If you guessed that they gain all the weight back plus an extra 30% then you're right! This is just one reason you want to make sure your weight loss expectations are setting you up for long term success. After all, do you want to lose weight over and over and over again, or do you want to lose weight and keep it off? 3 Signs Your Weight Loss Expectations are All Wrong [Podcast #293] In this episode of  The JoLynn Braley Show you can take a look at your current weight loss expectations and see if there are any you might need to revise for yourself.   Grab pen and paper to take notes and I'll give questions to write down and then write down your answers to. You'll get so much out of this Free iTunes Podcast when you write each question down on paper with pen and then write down your answer. In this week's episode you'll learn: * 3 signs your weight loss expectations are all wrong * Why the wrong weight loss expectations are common traps to fall into * Questions to ask yourself to gain clarity and insight into where you're at and where you're headed with your food and weight challenges. Simply click the play button on the player on this page and you can listen in instantly listen in. Listen In Below to The JoLynn Braley Show! Be sure and subscribe on iTunes to get immediate access to the show each week.  LIKE our Facebook Page and get a "shout out" on the show! If you don't have an iTunes account yet, you can easily sign up for one now, it's free!  

 3 Things to Do Now if You Can’t Stop Eating and You’re Not Losing Weight [Podcast #129] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:20

Are you feeling stuck when it comes to fully achieving success with your weight? Maybe you can't stop eating and you're not losing weight because of it? Listen in to episode number 129 of The JoLynn Braley Show to learn 3 things to do now if you can't stop eating and you're not losing weight. WARNING: This is Get REAL episode number 30 of The JoLynn Braley Show! If you're not willing to Get REAL with Yourself now, for the purpose of achieving long term success with your weight, then do NOT listen to this episode. It will only cause you frustration and irritation because it will shatter any magical weight loss illusions you have about what it takes to achieve permanent success with your weight. If you are willing to Get REAL with yourself now however, then by all means, listen in! 3 Things to Do Now if You Can't Stop Eating and You're Not Losing Weight Listen in now to learn three things to do now if you can't stop eating and you're not losing weight (and you want to lose weight!). Keep in mind that you're not alone if you're struggling with compulsive overeating, binge eating, emotional eating, or overweight frustrations. Unfortunately this is a mass problem today, especially in the USA with the highly addictive processed foods that can be found as close as your corner convenience store. The thing is, unless you heal the root of your food and weight struggles, you'll continue to struggle. HINT: the root of the problem will not be solved by doing another food diet. While it absolutely is necessary to change your physical lifestyle to lose weight and maintain your goal weight for life, if you only do another food diet without addressing the root of the out-of-control eating behaviors, then you'll only be enacting a short-term results. 3 Things to Do Now if You Can't Stop Eating and You're Not Losing Weight [Podcast #129] In this episode of  The JoLynn Braley Show let's take a look at 3 things to do now if you can't stop eating and you're not losing weight (assuming you DO want to lose weight!).   Grab pen and paper to take notes and I'll give questions to write down and then write down your answers to. You'll get so much out of this Free iTunes Podcast when you write each question down on paper with pen and then write down your answer. In this week's episode you'll learn: * 3 things you can do right now if you can't stop eating and you're not losing weight * Why it's critical you get a weight loss mindset (unless you're Ok with yo-yo dieting and weight regains!) * Questions to ask yourself to gain clarity and insight into where you're at and where you're headed with your food and weight challenges. Simply click the play button on the player on this page and you can listen in instantly listen in. Listen In Below to The JoLynn Braley Show! Be sure and subscribe on iTunes to...

 A Clear Sign You Are Destined for FULL Weight Loss Success [Podcast #121] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:05

Would you love to know the clear sign you are destined for full weight loss success? How much confidence would that give you, right?! On the flip side, if you don't fit the sign you are destined for full weight loss success then perhaps you could use that as a spring board to make some changes starting today. Why not, right?! The good news is that even if you don't fit that clear sign of being destined for full weight loss success yet, then once you get it then you'll be able to get on the path to releasing your emotional eating, binge eating, or compulsive overeating, if you struggle with any of these common, overeating, behavior issues. If you're like most people who are struggling to lose weight then you probably spend most of your time searching for more information on how to eat and how to exercise. Or you're spending all of your time looking for how to get motivated to lose weight. But when you collect all of that information and you're still not taking consistent action with that information, then this is a glaring sign of a much bigger problem. Information collected without consistent action taken on that information only leads to more frustration. Not good! Nor does that lead you down the path to lasting success with your weight. A Clear Sign You Are Destined for FULL Weight Loss Success There are clear signs you are destined for full weight loss success and in this special episode of The JoLynn Braley Show you'll get to discover one of the most important signs. If you do possess it then you definitely will achieve full weight loss success because you won't make any excuses, you won't say you don't have enough time, you won't say you don't have enough money, you won't be a doormat and give everyone else your daily self-care time, (the time required to live a healthy lifestyle) and you won't procrastinate on living healthy and fit. You might be wondering what FULL weight loss success means though. Here's the answer: Full Weight Loss Success means that you stop yo-yo dieting. Full weight loss success means you stop emotional eating, stop binge eating, and stop sabotaging yourself. Full weight loss success means that you reach your fittest, healthiest weight, and you stay there the rest of your life, without a struggle. It's not about a short term diet of deprivation and willpower that never lasts, but instead full weight loss success comes from becoming the YOU on the inside who would naturally and easily live healthy and fit on the outside. That right there is the journey I guide my weight loss coaching clients through in The Inner Self Diet. If you have the clear sign you are destined for full weight loss success then you will do whatever it takes to get the professional coaching you need to achieve that full success with your weight, and you'll feel absolutely wonderful about doing it!

 How Self-Worth Determines Your Weight [Podcast #277] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:39

Ever wondered how self-worth determines your weight? Maybe you've had an insight that possibly your level of self-worth could be driving your emotional eating, binge eating, or compulsive overeating? If you're like most people who are struggling to lose weight then you probably spend most of your time searching for more information on how to eat and how to exercise. Or you're spending all of your time looking for how to get motivated to lose weight. But when you collect all of that information and you're still not taking consistent action with that information, then this is a glaring sign of a much bigger problem. Information collected without consistent action taken on that information only leads to more frustration. Not good! Nor does that lead you down the path to lasting success with your weight. How Self-Worth Determines Your Weight If you've ever noticed a connection between your level of self-worth and an inability to stick with healthy eating, which requires maintaining boundaries with other people, then you might have a head start on the self-awareness you need to raise within your Inner Self in order to begin seeing what's stopping you from losing weight and keeping it off. Remember: All change is preceded by awareness. You cannot change what you are not aware of.Click To Tweet When you're caught in the ongoing cycle of emotional eating, binge eating, dieting, self-sabotage, negative self-talk, body hate, self-hate, shame, yo-yo dieting, and on top of this when food is your crutch, meaning that food is the unhealthy coping mechanism you use to attempt to deal with your life, then does it make sense that the inability to "stick with it" each Monday and the inability to stop overeating only serves to keep lowering your self-worth? Here's why: your mindset is 92.8% of what is causing your food and weight struggles. If you don't change your mindset you will forever struggle with food and your weight. The mind leads the body, this is just how it is. No one can change this or "make this up" because without a mind, your body won't move. Your mind is the driver of your body; without a driver, your body won't do anything. Does this make sense? It's just like the fact that you must drive your car to get it to move.

 5 Signs You ONLY Need More Diet Tips to Finally Reach Your Ideal Weight [Podcast #120] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:18

If you're like most who are struggling to lose weight then you probably spend most of your time looking for the latest food diet tips and exercise hacks. The thing is though, that if you're also like most then you're not aware of missing out on 92.8% of the solution if you want to do more than lose weight, if instead you want to read your ideal weight and maintain it for life. If this is you then start with the top 5 signs you only need more diet tips to finally reach your goal weight which are covered in this week's free weight loss podcast. Be Warned Though: this is Get REAL episode number 28 of The JoLynn Braley Show, which means you won't like this episode if you're not willing to get real with yourself now for the purpose of achieving permanent success with your weight going forward. If you're not ready to drop all excuses, if you're not ready to get honest with yourself, to stop lying to yourself and holding yourself back, then do Not listen to this podcast episode because you're not going to like it! On the other hand, if you understand that all change is preceded by awareness and that you've gotta start by getting real with yourself in order to fully succeed with your weight, then click the play button on the podcast player on this page and get started stat! 5 Signs You ONLY Need More Diet Tips to Finally Reach Your Ideal Weight In episode number 275 of my free weight loss podcast I did cover several reasons why you feel depressed when you stop eating junk but one point that I failed to mention is very important. Here it is: When you're caught in the ongoing cycle of emotional eating, binge eating, dieting, self-sabotage, yo-yo dieting, and on top of this when food is your crutch, it's your (unhealthy) coping mechanism in life, then when you take that food away and replace it with only healthy, high-octane fuel for your body, then all of those emotions you'd been trying to stuff down with food come roaring back to the surface. Those emotions don't go away just because you tried to eat them away, avoid them with food, or stuff them down with a binge. Instead they remain within, just waiting to pop out if only you will let them. When you stop eating junk and you stop stuffing with food then those uncomfortable emotions can come up to the surface. This is another reason why you feel depressed when you stop eating junk. Make sense?   Here's why: your mindset is 92.8% of what is causing your food and weight struggles. If you don't change your mindset you will forever struggle with food and your weight. The mind leads the body, this is just how it is. No one can change this or "make this up" because without a mind, your body won't move. Your mind is the driver of your body; without a driver, your body won't do anything. Does this make sense? It's just like the fact that you must drive your car to get it to move. Otherwise your car just sits there in your driveway, correct? What's great about the fact that your mindset is 92.8% of the challenge to achieving permanent weight loss is that you are the only one who thinks your thoughts. Learn how to change your mindset, transform your current mindset into a weight loss mindset, and then you won't struggle to lose weight and keep it off! Then you won't complain of restrictive eating, you won't be struggling with  binge eating, or em...

 Why Waiting to Lose Weight Makes It Worse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:41

In this week's free weight loss podcast we'll take a look at the reasons why waiting to start your weight loss never works. If the phrase waiting to start your weight loss doesn't make sense then this might be familiar to you: if you consistently tell yourself "I'll start again on Monday!" and this cycle continues 52 times a year then this is one example of why waiting to start your weight loss never works. Another example is when there's never a "right time" to get started. Reasons abound year-round: the holiday season, New Year's Day (it's a holiday after all!), Valentine's Day (too much chocolate to resist!), Pie Day (gotta eat pie cuz it's Pie Day!), Easter, Spring Break, that Cruise, that Wedding, Birthday, Block Party, BBQ, Graduation, Vacation, Memorial Day Weekend, 4th of July, and on and on and on until the holiday season rolls into town once again. There's just never the right time to get started with your weight loss plan when you don't have a weight loss mindset. Read on for more... Why Waiting To Start Your Weight Loss Never Works In episode number 275 of my free weight loss podcast I did cover several reasons why you feel depressed when you stop eating junk but one point that I failed to mention is very important. Here it is: When you're caught in the ongoing cycle of emotional eating, binge eating, dieting, self-sabotage, yo-yo dieting, and on top of this when food is your crutch, it's your (unhealthy) coping mechanism in life, then when you take that food away and replace it with only healthy, high-octane fuel for your body, then all of those emotions you'd been trying to stuff down with food come roaring back to the surface. Those emotions don't go away just because you tried to eat them away, avoid them with food, or stuff them down with a binge. Instead they remain within, just waiting to pop out if only you will let them. When you stop eating junk and you stop stuffing with food then those uncomfortable emotions can come up to the surface. This is another reason why you feel depressed when you stop eating junk. Make sense?   Here's why: your mindset is 92.8% of what is causing your food and weight struggles. If you don't change your mindset you will forever struggle with food and your weight. The mind leads the body, this is just how it is. No one can change this or "make this up" because without a mind, your body won't move. Your mind is the driver of your body; without a driver, your body won't do anything. Does this make sense? It's just like the fact that you must drive your car to get it to move. Otherwise your car just sits there in your driveway, correct? What's great about the fact that your mindset is 92.8% of the challenge to achieving permanent weight loss is that you are the only one who thinks your thoughts. Learn how to change your mindset, transform your current mindset into a weight loss mindset, and then you won't struggle to lose weight and keep it off! Then you won't complain of restrictive eating, you won't be struggling with  binge eating, or emotional eating, and yo-yo dieting. How awesome would that be, if you could just get out of your own way, get into choice, step fully into your own power,


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