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 Will this Tuesday be SUPER? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

Tonights broadcast is dedicated In Loving Memory of : Jon T. Tumilson Died August 6, 2011, 35, of Rockford, Iowa; assigned to East Coast-based SEAL team; died in Wardak province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when the CH-47 Chinook helicopter in which he was riding was shot down. Tonight could be looked at as the BEGINNING OF THE END or A NEW Beginning. What will it be for The United States & it's world famous LEFT COAST Election Primary? All over The USA it's A TuesdayPrimary w/ MAJOR races that could determine if the President is going to have his A$$ & EGO handed to him or we as A REPUBLIC vote to end ALL & assure our own demise. Is the Bay Area voting for yesterdays thinking or TODAY'S SOCIALISM Via The GOP & their good friend President Obama? Will Gregory Cheadle WIN & bring home A Declaration endowed by our Creator? Is Orange Country looking to reform & clean house or will they vote for another FAT CAT to bring cigars & joke about how stupid the peasants are? Will the voters CROWN Republican & Tea Party Deborah Pauly NEW Queen? San Deigo Dist. 51/53 will either send Ghosts of the past to represent the GOP party or A pair of VETERANS of The USA Marines names of Major Michael Crimmins &  Nick Popaditch to the dance? Will REPUBLICAN Socialist Scott Walker live to destroy another base of middle class? Will The Green Bay Fudge packer dance w/ the BILLION DOLLAR Kings who funded his campaign from outside of Wisc? Or shall he be sent packing? Are we about to make A move for the good of the people or  is the END near? What will it be? So join us for updates & political talk & conversation as we follow Americas Super Tuesday Primary. Don't touch that dial TONIGHT CPT is LIVE on BTR so join us in the chat room or double down and dial up.

 WAR On Soft Drinks? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:00

Tonights broadcast is dedicated In Loving Memory of :  SSG Israel Nuañes (U.S. Army), The 38-year old native of Las Cruces was killed in Kandahar Province of injuries suffered from an enemy attack. He was A leader by example and his platoon leader said he is everything that is GREAT about his Platoon Family. War on : Terror , Drugs , Poverty & NOW Soft drinks. President George Bush LOVED WAR , BIG Governement & A Police state almost in the same manner President Obama LOVES Communism. George W. Bush set the country on the "slippery slope" to socialism & THANKS to Barack Hussein Obama we are rapidly eliminating documents such as The Declaration of Independence ( for A more modern U.N. Charter of A One World Cultural Art Society ) and The The Meaningless Constitution. Now it appears STATES are following suit w/ our PAIR of Puppet & Absolutely Imposing laws that are almost to STUPID to really believe they are introduced by A Billion dollar IDIOT in NY City Mayor Bloomberg. The currect standing Prez & first lady introduced us to A WAR on  obesity it now has been join by Americans NEWEST & BIGGEST IDIOT Communist Mayor Bloomberg of NY City.   Personal responsibility & accountability must be pretty low in NYC, if you read into what Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants for new laws governing drink sizes.   Goverment in NY City already said you can NOT GROW A Garden & you can NOT listen to music while crossing the street & NOW they want to regular what SIZE Energy or Soda Pop Beverage A business can offer its customers. Is this real?  Is this what happens when really STUIPID people elect even more STUPID people to be leaders and TONIGHT WAR ON THE BIG GULP? What next? Come chat or call in it's CTP on BTR

 President Obama's Secret Kill List | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:38:00

Tonights Broadcast is dedicated In Loving Memory of : Army Spc. Tofiga J. Tautolo - 23, of Wilmington, Calif.; assigned to 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colo.; died May 27 in Bati Kot, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan, of wounds caused by an enemy improvised explosive device.   We have known for some time that President Obama is waging A private war, Using the CIA on his own & not the military after congressional authorization & APPROVED him to fire drones at thousands of persons in foreign lands, usually while they are riding in a car or a truck.   He has done this both with the consent and over the objection of the governments of the countries in which he has killed. He doesn’t want to talk about this, but he doesn’t deny it. How chilling is it that David Axelrod -- the president’s campaign manager -- has periodically seen the secret kill list?    Might this be to keep the killings politically correct?Can the president legally do this? In a word: No.The president cannot lawfully order the killing of anyone, except according to the Constitution and federal law. Under the Constitution, he can only order killing using the military when the U.S. has been attacked, or when an attack is so imminent and certain that delay would cost innocent American lives, or in pursuit of a congressional declaration of war.    If Congress says this is leagal and The Senate ( as they did Obama Care & taking away guns from residence ) what is the SUPREME COURTS views?   TONIGHT join us in the chat or call in & tell us what you think of The Pres KILL LIST.

 Special Guest- Gregory Cheadle For Congress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

Tonights Broadcast is dedicated In Loving Memory of : PFC. Steven F. Shapiro 29, of Hidden Valley Lake, Calif.; assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Advise and Assist Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas; died Oct. 21 in Tallil, Iraq.   Gregory Cheadle for Congress 2012 Gregory Cheadle the man for congress in Californias 1st Congressional district? Well that is NOT even in question because of his varied background & his determination to do WHAT IS RIGHT & not what is politically correct. He was NOT born of The Country Club Elite but does NOT knock it down. He is A MAN on A mission and has met challenges in his life in fine style & grace. Mr. Cheadle is a advocate of education & equal opportunity. His main area of concern is that of Govt. Health Care. He has A graduate degree in public administration with an emphasis in health care administration, having a child undergo more than three years of chemotherapy for cancer, as well as being an ER volunteer for more than 10 years, Gregory Cheadle is well versed in the goings on in health care. Mr. Cheadle's approach to health care reform is both pragmatic and makes economic sense. TONIGHT he joins CPT on BTR as A Special Guest en'route to Washinton DC.

 Special Guest - Deborah Pauly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:54:00

TONIGHT broadcast is dedicated In Loving Memory of: Casey Austin Sheehan. 24, of Vacaville, Calif.; assigned to 1st Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas; killed April 4 when his unit was attacked with rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire in Baghdad. Deborah Pauly is serving her second term for the City ( Council ) of Villa Park and her third 2-year term as an elected member of the Central Committee of the GOP of Orange County, in the  60th Assembly District.  In January, she was elected by her peers as 1st vice chair of The Republican Party of Orange County. She is NOW A candidate for the Orange County Board of Supervisors, 3rd District. Councilwoman Pauly was  2009 Woman of the Year Award for the 60th Assembly District. The California Legislative Women’s Caucus sponsors the annual recognition ceremony in the Capitol each March as part of Women’s History Month. It is a rare distinction to be honored once, but Deborah was also named Woman of the Year in 2003. Over the past two years, she has been a popular Tea Party speaker – known for blunt honesty, speaking the truth out boldly and articulating a common sense approach to current political issues.She’s been a member of the Orange Republican Women Federated since 2003, having served as chairwoman for Local Issues and Educational Issues, as a member of the Scholarship Committee and as 1st Vice President for Programs. She served as Chaplain South for the California Federation of Republican Women in 2004 and 2005. She is also a graduate of the Defense Information School and served active duty in the United States Air Force as a Public Affairs Specialist. Tonight " COOL " Deborah Pauly joins CTP on BTR.

 The Iranian Update- "Islam The Ideology" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

  1st hr-An American envoy to Israel has stated that the U.S. has plans in place to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, if necessary. The stern statement was released ahead of scheduled talks next week in Baghdad with Iran.Iranian diplomats and the UN’s nuclear watchdog agency, the IAEA, have been meeting in Vienna this week, ahead of scheduled talks in Baghdad between Iran and six world powers on May 23rd. The IAEA and Iran are attempting to reach a deal on access to Iran’s secretive military facility at Parchin, where the IAEA believes Iran may be further enriching uranium. If a deal is reached, Iran could use it as a bargaining chip next week in Baghdad. However, Israeli leaders and many western diplomats are skeptical of Iran’s sincerity in negotiations and believe that Iran may be using negotiations as a delay tactic to further develop its nuclear capabilities.According to a report from OPEC, Iran’s oil production has fallen 12 percent in the first three months of the year. If this trend continues, Iran may soon lose the number two oil producing spot to Iraq. Iran’s declining production is a result of increasing sanctions related to its nuclear program.     2nd hr-Radical Islam is not merely an extreme version of Islam. Rather, it is a cultural-social ideology dominating all aspects of life. Like many violent totalitarian movements, its primary objective is to dominate all those within its reach and suppress all other ideologies, movements, and beliefs in its path.In short, Radical Islam is dedicated to the conquest of the world, by any means possible.    

 Special Guest- Reza Kahlili | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:29:00

REZA KAHLILI is a former Iranian Revolutionary Guard member who worked undercover as a CIA agent for several years in the ‘80s and ‘90s.He spent an idyllic childhood in Tehran, the capital of Iran, surrounded by a close-knit upper middle-class family and two spirited boyhood friends. The Iran of his youth allowed Reza to think and act freely, and even indulge a penchant for rebellious pranks in the face of the local mullahs.His political and personal freedoms flourished while he continued his education in America during the ’70s. He returned to Iran shortly after the Revolution eager to help rebuild his country, honestly believing that freedom and democracy would prevail and lead his country into a glorious future.Even though most Iranians had enjoyed varying degrees of success under the Shah, the ayatollah Khomeini’s message resonated with a population weary of oppression and desperate for the political choice denied them under the Shah. To this end, Reza joined the Revolutionary Guards, an elite force that served Khomeini.Instead of finding a new beginning for his country, he discovered a tyrannical ayatollah bent on plunging Iran into a dark age of religious fundamentalism and causing his fellow countrymen to turn on each other. Shaken to his very core after witnessing the atrocities at Evin Prison atrocities that hit very close to home, a shattered and disillusioned Reza embarked on a mission that would change his life forever.Please visit his website at You can also purchase his book at    

 Special Guest-Lela Pittenger For US Senate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:29:00

  The 2012 elections will be the time the American people decide whether they want to elect more game players or to send game changers to Washington, D.C. This will be the time when the people of Texas decide whether they want elected officials who focus on politics or on good government and the voice of the Constitution. We will decide whether it will be our own voices that determine this election or whether Washington elites and money will buy the legislators of their choice.   As a life-long native Texan, fully educated in the Lone Star State, I have lived in several regions and experienced the wondrous variety of people that makes us so great. My passion is to take a Christian, Constitutionally Conservative voice to Washington that will focus on restoring our nation’s legislative, fiscal, and moral integrity. With the support of my fellow Texans, I will be a voice that daily reminds Washington why Texas is a beacon in this storm- Lela Pittenger For US Senate   Call In Number 424-222-5255 Join The Discussion    

 Do Republicans also HATE The U.S.A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Tonights show is dedicated In Loving Memory of : Weston H. Reece of Butte, Mt. killed on April 21, 1967 in Vietnam.  Although wounded, w/ others, from hostile fire and artillery concentration. Pfc. Reece moved among his comrades to administer first aid. While so doing, he was mortally wounded, but not before he saved many lives. Have you ever heard the statement that : President Obama is one of the muslim brotherhood members & A  treasonous or communist who desired for the down fall of The United States of America & it's Constitution. President Obama seems to HATE The USA as much as King George or ANY other dictator and Tranny since 1776. Really? Can he hate this country any worse then the REPUBLICAN policies of the past several years? A WAR on Terror & A WAR on Drug as well as A WAR on Poverty ALL programs helping to down fall this country were enacted by REPUBLICANS. The Department of Homeland which is does NOT have to adhear to the even the CREATOR - The Republican party policies have almost 100% been in agreement with President Obama when it comes to making THE FEDERAL Govt. STRONGER and we the people weaker. Alost 100% of the GOP has been in support of arresting anybody for any reason USA born or NOT and being able to hold them w/ out trial period for or til whenever & it again has been the REPUBLICANS with President Obama to entrust the FEDERAL Govt. to reign as MASTERS & KINGS w/ out debate or discussion & NOW w/ out right to assembly. If you go by policy & facts The REPUBLICAN Party is & has become A party of Socialists. So the question lies Do Republicans also HATE The U.S.A? The REPUBLICAN PARTY has declared WAR on fellow REPUBLICANS because they are NOT tied into their LIBERAL AGENDA. Tonight on CPT your presents in chat room and if your up to calling in LET YOUR VOICE be heard on this issue,

 NATO welcome to Chicago | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

Spec. Leslie H. Sabo Jr. of Elwood City, Pa. Leslie Sabo's Vietnam War ended in the flash of his own grenade, hurled at an enemy bunker in Cambodia to save surrounded comrades. Forty years later & A dozen years after the long-lost paperwork turned up in military archives _ he was honored by President Obama on Wednesday with the nation's highest award for gallantry. This Sunday kicks off NATO(s) Summitt in the USA. The last time we had our presents blessed with such ROYALTY of The Communist & Socialist movement was in Seattle 1995. Tea Party Thomas Massie TONIGHT WON The Republican Primary in Kentucky. We will meet him @ 11:30pm Welcome NATO - you will be protected this tyme by : The United States Federal Government  and A REPUBLICAN LAW known as : The Legal Landscape for Emergency Management in the United States which RESTRICTS the first ammendment to We the People ( this law is woshiped by The Bush Family as well as Dick Cheney & other Hitler alikes ) so e are NOT ALLOWED to even protest unless the FEDERAL Govt. gives us permission as well as approval where and when we can protest. I wonder what The founding fathers would of thought of this law? We know what G HW Bush , Bill Clinton , GW Bush  & President Obama think of it as well as almost 100% of the Senate and Congress.  We the people just take this laying down and again the only people with backbone and the BEATNICKS & HIPPIES. Where are The Tea Party & Constitutional Conservatives? Where are those who WANT THEIR RIGHT RETURN to the taxpayers?  Has it now come to A point where we are so indoctrinated almost NOBODY will stand with 55 Hero's in 1776?  NATO is here to give the AMERICAN Political officials their marching order - & - we simply don't care or even more wish then success for A WONDERFUL LOVING ONE WORLD Government.

 Defining Prejudice, Discrimination, Stereotype And Racism 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

   There are more and more “-isms” thrown at us every day, but nobody seems to be taking the time to define exactly what capitalism, socialism, communism or any of these multiple “-isms” even mean, or how they are being applied today.     Throughout history and in contemporary society, here in the United States, we have been living with a variety of prejudices. Racism, sexism, anti-semitism, ablism, and homophobia to name a few. These prejudices are ingrained in the culture of the United States. They are built into our social institutions. We can find evidence of prejudice in religious practices, in local, state and federal law, in electoral politics, in the media and in education.   We have all grown up being conditioned by messages from these institutions about how to see each other, how to relate to one another, and how to see ourselves .Think of an example of prejudice that is commonly communicated to us through our social environment.   How do you know the idea is an example of prejudice?

 Obama - Kenya or U.S.A? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Tonights show is dedicated In Loving Memory of : Sgt. John P. Huling of West Chester, Ohio was killed in The Helmand province he was 25 years of age. He attended Moeller High School in Cincinnati. He also attended culinary school @ Cincinnati State & Technical Community College, but left to join the Marines. May he rest in peace! In 1991 Obama Admits He Was Born In Kenya & agent agrees. Well NOT anymore as records seem to have disappeared almost as if devine intervention. So where are all te copies and where is all this proof that 20 years ago The President Obama indeed is Kenyan born? By any chance as their been A Elvis sighting? Did the The King of rock & roll steal the evidence or did Michael Jackson? Rodney King? TONIGHT we talk about The Presidents Secret Book FOUND but like the Watergate tapes A few missing details. Hour Number II Ism's Part II Throughout history and in contemporary society, here in the United States, we have been living with a variety of prejudices. Racism, sexism, anti-semitism, ablism, and homophobia to name a few. These prejudices are ingrained in the culture of the United States. They are built into our social institutions. We can find evidence of prejudice in religious practices, in local, state and federal law, in electoral politics, in the media and in education.  It's ABC's & Germaine Thompson Monday show continued. Is Sarge A Negro hating RACIST who is covering up his RacISM? Is " FOOL " Mike A Anti Semite who's RacISM lines are deep w/ in himself? How about Germain, ABC? Labels and ISM's Part II in the second hour - Who on BTR has an ISM? Well tonight is your moment to call them on and call them out or - simply keep the issue to NATIONAL Political & The issue's of ISM's. Tonight on CPT

 New Evidence In The Trayvon Martin Case | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Trayvon Martin Update

 Trayvon Martin Update | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

TRaVoN mArTIn the newest HERO , Role model & outstanding member of the BLACK ( Panther ) community is gone. But his SPIRIT lives on w/ Threats from ALMOST ALL if NOT every single BLACK HATE BASED Organization. Those who talked about him being A VICTUM have NOT been heard from in recent months. Its been quiet that TRaVoN mArTIn  was dealing dope & maybe other illegal narcotics. It's not really been talked about his NiGGa GaNgStA Twitter page. With an update on the case released to the media we are going to take A walk down memory lane and allow the real facts to appear & we will get updates on The TRaVoN mArTIn that President Obama claims would be A TWIN if he and The Chocolate Goddess had A baby boy. TONIGHT we are pulling out all stops and going to speak on THE FACTS period. Why didnt anybody mention TRaVoN mArTIn  was making threats to others at SkOOl n Was SeNT bAcK hOmE sUspEndEd from his school in which he was such A ACIDEMIC WONDER? TONIGHT its the show of shows - join us early you can bet from opening bell this is going to go 15 rounds.,

 A Unified Government of Communism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

  Tonights broadcast is dedicated In Loving Memory:   Sgt. Amanda Sheldon, 24, died after she was discovered unresponsive at her off-base Fayetville home. She took her own life just days after returning home from her 5th tour.   Sheldon was a unit supply sergeant with the 18th Fires Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division. She joined the Army in October 2005. In February 2010 she was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division. She was from Grand Rapids, Michigan.! ------------------------------- HR 347 has passed NO BIG DEAL again just like it was NOT when : 1. Warrantless Wiretapping 2. Torture, Kidnapping and Detention 3. The Growing Surveillance Society 4. The Patriot Act 5. Real ID Act 6. No Fly and Selectee Lists for Americans No Big deals we need them to protect our freedoms and liberties and BOTH the DEMOCRATS & REPUBLICANS are going to garentee this because their WORKING HARD for : We the people....... I was deaf and dumb and blind to all but me, myself and I., Loretta Young If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. George Washington Tonight on CPT we will address The Senators Carl Levin & Joe Lieberman bill to begin A elimination of FIRST AMMENDMENT RIGHTS by The Federal Government. And why did only 3 Political bodys in Congress & The Senate even care at all about voting this down? FINALLY they have gotten to The First Amendment & almost NOBODY in America cares - Next up The Internet KILL SWITCH.


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