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 Pledge allegiance to the United Nations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:19:00

Do we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America OR to The United Nations? Are we still One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all OR are we about to take MARCHING ORDERS from President Obama & his NEW Famed Foreign Policy ? TONIGHT " COOL " Mike . Germaine & Sarge once again lead the night shift into A NEW Era of Blog Talk Radio Programing. Are we following The United Nations and looking to them for leadership in Americas Foreign Policy  OR do we as Americans lead bi example ? Do we NOT lead at all? Do we let the rest of the world find answers for their own jihads or is it U.S.A ALL the way? Where in history has The United States helped in it's Foreign Policy? Where have we failed? TONIGHT we are going to ask some questions & question some answers as once again we LAUNCH A Foreign Policy debate un-like any other BTR Show. Is the U.N an out dated part of yesterday or do we pledge ourselves to their teachings today? Let the games begin TONIGHT on CPT!!!!!   JOIN THE DISCUSSION@424-222-5255

 OPEN TOPIC | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:22:00


 SUPER TUESDAY ALL NIGHT SPECIAL | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

  Tune in for a Special Presentation of Socialism Is Not An Option ™ this Tuesday evening, March 6, 2012 as part of the multi-part, mega-BTR radio show,   Super Tuesday All Night Special     The Place for Super Talk On Super Tuesday   - A 7 hour presentation, spread over 3 shows, with multiple hosts: Tessler & Annie "The Radio Chick", G-Ski Rocks & David Graham and GGT813 (Germaine).   7:00 pm - 9:00 pm - Socialism Is Not An Option ™ Hosts: Tessler & Annie "The Radio Chick"   9:00 pm - 11:00 pm - 20-20 Radio Hosts: G-Ski Rocks & David Graham   11:00 pm - 1:00 am (3 hours!) Conservative Prime Time Host: GGT813(Germaine),Cool Mike and Sarge   JOIN THE DISCUSSION @ 424-222-5255

 THE BLACK VOTE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:23:00

  Since the 1960s the Republican party has failed to capture a significant portion of the black vote in America, and over time the party has come to view these votes as out of their reach.  I begin by arguing that changing political realities make it necessary for the Republicans to reexamine their relationship with black voters and launch a new effort to recapture at least some of these voters.  Furthermore, I claim that changes in both the black and white communities have made it possible for the Republicans to attract black voters without losing their base of conservative whites.- Changes within the black and white communities include the decline of racism in white America, the rise of a black middle class, the incorporation of blacks into mainstream American society and politics, and the decline of black social cohesion.  Modern political realities, which make it imperative for the GOP to pursue black voters, include the rise of a multiracial America in which white Americans will become decreasingly important and the realignment of the South from a Democratic stronghold to a competitive electoral region. I will suggest both symbolic and substantive actions which the party can take to win over black voters.    JOIN THE DISCUSSION@ 424-222-5255

 Tea Party Paul and Sarge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:06:00
 SANDRA FLUKE AND RUSH LIMBAUGH FIRESTORM | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

  President Obama called Georgetown University Law School student Sandra Fluke to "offer his support to her" Friday, after conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh bashed the student activist as a "slut" and a "prostitute" because she is pushing for employers to pay for contraception.Mr. Obama called Fluke because "he wanted to offer his support to her, he wanted to express his disappointment that she has been the subject of inappropriate personal attacks and to thank her for exercising her rights as a citizen to speak out on an issue of public policy," said White House spokesman Jay Carney, adding the call lasted several minutes.TONIGHT WE WILL DISCUSS THIS ISSUE AS WELL AS OTHER NEWS AND CURRENT EVENTS   JOIN THE DISCUSSION @ 424-222-5255

 SHERIFF JOE ARPAIOS COLD CASE POSSE RESULTS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

   Poll after poll in recent months has indicated that Americans have a high level of concern over Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president, with one poll showing fully half of the nation wants Congress to investigate the question.   But reporters for the traditional media – networks, major newspapers, major news corporations and conglomerates – mostly have giggled when talk turns to the serious question of just what the U.S. Constitution requires of presidents.   The topic of discussion will be an investigation by Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse into concerns about Obama’s eligibility. It’s the first time an official law enforcement report has addressed many of the allegations about the presumptive 2012 Democratic nominee for president.   The issues include Obama’s eligibility under the U.S. Constitution’s requirements, questions about his use of a Connecticut Social Security number and the image of his purported birth certificate from Hawaii.We will also discuss other news and current events   JOIN THE DISCUSSION @ 424-2222-5255

 BLACK HISTORY MONTH | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Tonight we will discuss Black History and why it should or should not be taught in our public school system.We will also test our panels and our callers knowledge of Black History with some fun trivia questions.   JOIN THE DISCUSSION @ 424-222-5255

 MICHIGAN PRIMARY "COUNTDOWN TO NOV 6TH" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Tonight we will discuss the 2012 election and give you the results and our opinions of the Michigan Primary.   JOIN THE DISCUSSION @ 424-222-5255

 IS IT TIME TO LEAVE AFGHANISTAN ? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

When the United States launched its post-September 11 military actions against Afghanistan, the George W. Bush administration issued to the Taliban a set of demands. The Taliban refused to comply, so we went to war.   Here are Bush's original demands:   "Deliver to U.S. authorities all the leaders of al-Qaeda that hide in your land." "Release all foreign national including American citizens you have unjustly imprisoned." "Protect all journalists, diplomats, and aid workers in your country." "Close immediately and permanently every terrorist training camp in Afghanistan and hand over every terrorist and every person in their support structure to appropriate authorities." "Give the US full access to terrorist training camps so we make sure they are no longer operating."   Two key assumptions are at work here. One is that the Taliban was actively sheltering key al-Qaeda leaders. The other is that terrorist "training camps" operating in Afghanistan constituted a major threat against the United States. Neither of these is true anymore. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is under American custody at the detention center in Guantánamo Bay. Osama bin Laden is dead. Anwar al-Awlaki is dead. And no terrorist training camps have been operating in Afghanistan for years.So our troops have completed the "original mission". What's more, that bin Laden was found and killed in a suburb of Islamabad, Pakistan, ought to underscore that physical control of Afghan territory is neither necessary nor sufficient to ensure America's safety.   So Tonight we will discuss this issue and other current events   JOIN THE DISCUSSION @ 424-222-5255

 The 90 minute Sarge Challenge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Call in and challenge sarge on ANY Political or cultural topic.Call if you think you have what it takes

 IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

  So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause in 2001 it was simply The Patriot Act. A few years later extentions and A extention. Now it's an encore for President Obama and The National Defense Authorization Act.   Jesus Christ gave us The Ten Commandments yet Congress, The Senate and Presidents are giving us over 1,000 + in A country where by we are so post to be endowed by their Creator NOT its Federal Government.   Is the NEW Father The executive, the legislative and the judicial? Is the Declaration of Independence ALIVE TODAY or do we now pray for saftey to :Nancy Poloci , Mitch McConnell & Harry Reid?   Has President Obama violated our rights while being assisted by all branches of The Federal Government?   In stead of the Father , Son & Holy Spirit is it NOW in the name of The Executive, The Legislative and The Judicial?    Have we allowed ourselves to be beat down and so scared we really believe that GOVERNMENT is the answer to every and ALL of out problems?   Tonight we as always take on the tuff issues and w/ no holding back declare WAR on Terror & ask who are the terriorist? Is the enemy over sea's or simply w/ in the country?   Your calls , chats and kicking off the week-end right TONIGHT on CPT. Staring : Germaine , Sarge & " COOL " Mike 

 ARE OBAMA AND THE LIBERALS EVIL? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Are Liberals and President Obama evil? Do they have Americas best interest at heart? Are Liberals close minded? JOIN THE DISCUSSION 424-222-5255   For those wondering how Liberals win elections despite being total failures at governing, the answer is as simple as the scorched Earth Barack Obama will leave behind on the road to 2013. Since the Left cannot defeat the Right on policy, they resort to politics of the personal.The Left despises conservative Republicans.Every single conservative is by definition either evil or stupid.A Conservative is targeted, and whichever narrative is the least preposterous determines the selected method. For instance:Even the Leftists who have bedtime fantasies about murdering Dick Cheney cannot dispute his intelligence. Therefore, he is evil, the reincarnation of Darth Vader.Dan Quayle is one of the kindest human beings on the planet. No  Liberal could craft a believable narrative of him as mean-spirited, so he must be a complete dunderhead.Sometimes the Left has a difficult time choosing between stupid and evil, so they declare the Conservative to be both, even though being an evil mastermind  and being an imbecile are directly contradictory.So Tonight Sarge,"Cool Mike" and GGT183 will discuss this issue.   WE WILL ALSO DISCUSS TONIGHTS GOP DEBATE AND 2012 ELECTION   JOIN THE DISCUSSION@ 424-222-5255

 BLACK LIBERATION THEOLOGY-IS IT RACIST? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:19:00

  James Cone, the chief architect of Black Liberation Theology in his book A Black Theology of Liberation (1970), develops black theology as a system. In this new formulation, Christian theology is a theology of liberation -- "a rational study of the being of God in the world in light of the existential situation of an oppressed community, relating the forces of liberation to the essence of the gospel, which is Jesus Christ," writes Cone. Black consciousness and the black experience of oppression orient black liberation theology -- i.e., one of victimization from white oppression. One of the tasks of black theology, says Cone, is to analyze the nature of the gospel of Jesus Christ in light of the experience of oppressed blacks. For Cone, no theology is Christian theology unless it arises from oppressed communities and interprets Jesus' work as that of liberation. Christian theology is understood in terms of systemic and structural relationships between two main groups: victims (the oppressed) and victimizers (oppressors). In Cone's context, writing in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the great event of Christ's liberation was freeing African Americans from the centuries-old tyranny of white racism and white oppression. American white theology, which Cone never clearly defines,but says is charged with having failed to help blacks in the struggle for liberation. Black theology exists because "white religionists" failed to relate the gospel of Jesus to the pain of being black in a white racist society.Tonight our panel will discuss" BLACK LIBERATION THEOLOGY"   JOIN THE DISCUSSION 424-222-5255

 MITT ROMNEY IS NO RONALD REAGAN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:33:00

Does the establishment of the Republican party have your best interest in mind or do they simply want to retain their power inside the beltway? Since the final days of the Reagan Administration the party establishment has sold the masses on the lie that a true conservative would not, in fact cannot, win another general election.With this in mind they have presented a plethora of candidates who were truly left-of-center-moderates dressed up to look conservative.A short list includes George H.W. Bush (remember he referred to supply side economics as voodoo economics and proved this during his administration employing big government programs which sank the economy and raised the nation debt.) Then there was Bob Dole. He was a moderate at best! Next in line was George W. Bush, one of the biggest “borrow and spend” Presidents up until the current administrations. And then came John McCain. Enough said.Now the establishment wants to force Mitt Romney upon the party. If this man is a conservative, then perhaps the moon is really made of Cheese. Romney’s voting record is so liberal that one democratic strategist on FoxNews recently noted that “six year ago Romney was more liberal than I was.”In simple terms, Ronald Reagan was our President. He was our friend. And Mitt Romney is no Ronald Reagan!Thank God "True Conservatives" are waking up to this fact.When will the base of the Republican party wake up and realize that the establishment needs them more than they need the establishment?    JOIN THE DISCUSSION @ 424-222-5255


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