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Citizens Prime Time Show

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 When Are Police Justified To Shoot Black Men? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:41:00

What’s black and blue and crooked all over? The New York Police Department (NYPD). And after years of flashing their shiny badges and guns into the faces of innocent black men, destroying family and community structure with the war on drugs, and instilling fear by implementing “Stop & Frisk,” there’s isn’t much room for error on the black man’s part as he meanders through life as law enforcement’s hobby and worst fear. Who you gonna call? Not the NYPD.The police have maimed and killed our young and old, falling back on false claims, little evidence, and assumptions that justify their actions. And with no consequence, new throngs of police are coming out of the academy with the same perspective…and permission…that aided in the wrongful deaths of Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell, Patrick Moses Dorismond, and most brutality, the beating and sodomizing of Abner Louima.All of which have sent clear messages to black men. Don’t pull out your wallets. Dare to be intoxicated in public. Make sure you don’t try to break up a fight. And fu ck it…just don’t have black skin. Period.You might get shot at 41 times.   These are all examples of the NYPD’s war on black men, but each police department or law enforcement agency around the nation has done their part throughout history to ensure that black communities distrust them, so much so that an innate fear of flashing lights, black boots, gold badges, and gun holsters shake the core even when a crime is not committed.   Join The CPT crew for Rapid Fire Friday Sound Off @ 424-222-5255  

 The ABC show: Religion is Control of the Masses | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

"But--in this is the enormous gravity of his mission--he interprets the promise in a completely new and different sense, so as to destroy the proud Hebrew edifice by spiritualizing and universalizing it. The realization of the promises was transferred from the material to the spiritual plane; surpassing the national level, it was no longer solely addressed to the Jews, until that moment the only beneficiaries, but was extended to the entire world.  ... It was no more a matter of the supremacy of a race or a nation, or the triumph of a privileged nation: the chosen people were reduced to the rank of an ordinary people, one people among others." - See more at: The truth of the matter is that organized religion works to control the masses. Millions of people are steeped in dogmatic learning, but no nothing of the spirit of creation.   

 Citizens Primetime Show with Guest Abby Johnson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Abby Johnson is an American pro-life activist. Johnson had previously worked at Planned Parenthood as a clinic director, but resigned in October 2009. She later stated that she resigned after watching an abortion on ultrasound.Johnson is the chief research strategist for Live Action, a pro-life organization that is known for conducting sting operations against Planned Parenthood clinics.She holds a B.S. (psychology) from Texas A&M University and an M.A. (counseling) from Sam Houston State University.   Abby Johnson’s story is certainly captivating. The former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas nabbed headlines when she became one of the most prominent pro-life voices in America. Just four years later, her startling tale has been told through numerous media outlets and through her book, “unPLANNED.”   “The defining moment for me leaving was assisting and witnessing a live ultrasound abortion procedure and seeing a 13-week old child struggle for his life inside his mother’s womb,” Johnson recalled. “It was really shocking for me to witness that mainly because I had been told by Planned Parenthood that the fetus didn’t have any sensory development until [later].”   Join The Conversation @ 424-222-5255    

 Larry Eugene Jackson Killing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

UPDATE: In the wake of last month's police shooting death of Larry Eugene Jackson, City Manager Marc Ott said this afternoon that he has requested that the Department of Justice investigate Austin Police, to determine if their "tactics and practices" are consistent with department policies and with national best practices Jackson was killed by a single bullet fired from the gun of APD Detective Charles Kleinert during a scuffle under a bridge over Shoal Creek near West 34th Street on Friday afternoon, July 26. Kleinert had been inside a nearby Benchmark Bank conducting a follow-up investigation to an earlier, and unrelated, bank robbery when Jackson came to the bank's locked front door and tried to get inside. Unable to do so he left briefly before returning and again trying to enter the bank. The bank manager went out to talk to Jackson and found his behavior suspicious, which she in turn reported to Kleinert. Kleinert went outside to talk to Jackson, a conversation police say was caught on video; Jackson misidentified himself, police said, and then fled. Kleinert apparently believed Jackson intended to "defraud" the bank in some way, police said. The 19-year department veteran decided to give chase – including by commandeering a car and having a civilian drive him around looking for Jackson – and caught up with Jackson as the 32-year-old was walking along the sidewalk over Shoal Creek. The pair somehow got into an altercation beneath the bridge and Kleinert's gun fired – reportedly by accident – striking Jackson in the back of the neck, killing him. Tonight Sarge, Rhonda and Germaine will discuss this issue and more here on Citizens Primetime Join The Conversation @ 424-222-5255

 Citizens Primetime Show with Guest Paul Sutliff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Paul has a BA in religion and Philosophy from Robert Wesleyan College and a MSED from Nazareth College. He is an active member in his local 912 group. Paul also runs The Independent Chronicle, something birthed out of the 912 group. Paul credits his 912 Group, called We Surround Rochester for awakening him to many things in his community. For this reason he is now a Committeeman with his local Republican Party. Paul is a teacher and a research writer. He is the author of a book titled Stealth Jihad Phase 2: Infiltrating American Colleges and blogs online at .   Call in Join The Conversation @ 424-222-5255

 Citizens Primetime Show "Break Free Monday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Fox News and Trump complain: Blacks say ‘cracker’ but we can’t use the N-word- Conservative mogul Donald Trump and the hosts of Fox & Friends on Monday complained that African-American Democrats were allowed to say the word “cracker,” but celebrity cook Paula Deen was “crucified” for using the N-word.During a weekly segment with Trump, Fox News host Gretchen Carlson reported that Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) had gone on a “racist rant” last week when he said that the tea party was the “same white crackers” who fought against the civil rights movement.“If Charlie or whoever it was was a Republican and they made that statement, they’d be resigning from office right now,” Trump opined. Republican rep.: Obamacare ‘racist’ because white people use tanning beds- Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) recently told a group of constituents that he backing a birther bill because he hoped that it would “get rid of everything” that President Barack Obama had done, and then added that the president’s “racist” health care law forced white people to pay more to use tanning beds. Meet GOP’s fringy new star, E. W. Jackson- After years lurking on the fringes of the social conservative movement, expect to start hearing a lot more about E.W. Jackson, an African-American minister who just won the GOP nomination for Virginia’s lieutenant governor. Jackson won the nod at the party’s convention in Richmond Saturday, call in @ 424-222-5255 To Join The Conversation  

 The ABC show: HEADLINES | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

On today's show,  I'll review some of the headlines that I think reveal the agenda of tyranny and the police state.  I hope to show the connections, that reveal the big picture; which is a redefining of the American ideals, a growing government that is increasing in power and control, and the loss of our freedoms.   Join ABC to discuss current events, the new world order, and this illusion of a false reality that is, in fact, the Matrix.

 Citizens Primetime Show with Guest Paul Hair | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

  Paul Hair honorably served in the U.S. Army Reserve as a non-commissioned officer; he is veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He has worked as a civilian in both the government and private sectors. His writings have appeared across the web including at sites such as Breitbart, The Daily Caller, and WND. Contact Paul at Citizens Primetime is a nightly, live radio program featuring conversations with average citizens and political junkies who enjoy dialogue and are interested in exploring a wide range of issues and ideas, including the economy, politics, current events and news. From politics to economy, from health care to the environment, CPT covers the issues and ideas that matter to you. It's never been easier to discover and share the news and information of your world and ours. Join The Discussion@ 424-222-5255  

 Special Guest - Lynn J. Cheramie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Tonight Citizens Primetime Welcomes Lynn J. Cheramie III - Founder of Freedom Fighters Of America   My name is Lynn J. Cheramie III. I consider myself an old school American. I served in the United States Marine Corps. That's me and my beautiful wife Fate. I have 6 children, ages 15 to 27. My oldest son, LJ IV is in the USAF. I have 2 girls in college and the rest in high school. I have lived in 12 different states from California to North Carolina and been to 34 of them. I lived in Okinawa for over a year while serving in the Marine Corps and saw a few more countries too. I love my wife, children, family and most of all I love our great nation. We've have spit on her far too long. Our elected officials have started acting like we know nothing and we work for them, when in reality it's the other way around.When we elect an official their job is to do our will, nothing more, nothing less! They don't seem to realize that anymore.I will fight and die for my country. I hope everyone of you has thought about that possibility. It's not how they remember you, it's what you leave behind that is remembered.   Freedom Fighters of America was born out of the lies and deceipt of our elected officials, not just Democrats or Republicans, but all of them. We haven't heard the truth out of DC in a long time, but you will hear the TRUTH here! We seek to educate not divide America. This is not a black and white issue, but an AMERICAN issue!   Join "Cool"Mike ,Naj and GGT for an all new Citizens Primetime

 Citizens Primetime Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:29:00

Since September 11, 2001, there has been a steady attack on the rights of the American citizen by our government, the media, and corporations........ all in the name of security. While reinterpreting and limiting our rights of protest and dissent, they have also conspired to extract the wealth of the nation; leaving Americans poorer and farther removed from our so called "representatives".  One example of how they distance themselves from the people is the recent voter suppression law in North Carolina. It's been described as "the most sweeping anti-voter law in at least decades”. Yet this ruse continues to find supporters among some of the supposed conservatives.Read more: North Carolina Passes the Country's Worst Voter Suppression Law | The Nation Follow us: @thenation on Twitter | 

 The ABC show: Alternative Perspectives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Why are some people so incensed by alternative viewpoints and perspectives? They can't have an intelligent discussion, without falling on tribal and partisan talking points and dogma. I thought of Diane West's "The Death of the Grown up" and fell onto some audio that illustrates this idea. We are unwilling to think for ourselves. Like children, we regurgitate what we've been conditioned to believe.   Join ABC to discuss current events, the new world order, and this illusion of a false reality that is, in fact, the Matrix.

 The ABC show: Perception is Reality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

From the Zimmerman case to the "War on Terror", your perceptions are created and managed. This is the foundation of the matrix. Like ants in an ant farm, you go about your daily lives oblivious to the hidden hand directing your thoughts, opinions and actions.  As we progress toward the next level in this "simulated reality",  we are witnessing construction of of the new "mainframe"; including artificial intelligence, new rules and programs, and built in maintenance via self policing.   Join ABC to discuss current events, the new world order, and this illusion of a false reality that is, in fact, the Matrix.

 The Private Sector Part I | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:29:00

Tonight's Broadcast is Dedicated In Loving Memory of : Lt. Billie D. Harris of 354th Pioneer Mustang Fighter Group. An Ar Force Pilot who is known as one of the most advanced and amazing fighter Jet Warrior his story is one of being A TRUE HERO shot down and killed in W.W.II now rests in peace @ The Normandy Memorial in France  Part I A week ago we talked about The City of Detroit and its major $$$ problems. Tonight the PRIVATE sector is taking over and in fine style and grace. So much for the EMERGENCY MANAGER. Tonight its part 1 of 5 in cities that are on the comeback thanks to its people empowering themselves for the betterment of their future and communities. Now comes people out of no where who are starting their own companies and taking the place of Government getting the MOTOR City back on its feet from A - Z in amazing ways.Part II - No Peace , No JusticeThe George Zimmerman trial has been beaten up and so has the verdict and could of and should of and would of but tonight the FACTS of the TRUTH and the FACTS that some don't want you o know about this trial.TONIGHT CPT on BTR

 Zimmerman Verdict and its aftermath | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:03:00

Late Saturday night, the jury in George Zimmerman’s second-degree murder trial acquitted him of all charges in the death of Trayvon Martin.  The verdict required 15 hours of deliberation over the course of two days The not-guilty verdict that sounded so final, so utterly unequivocal, in Courtroom 5D of the Seminole County courthouse Saturday night has quickly given way to a kaleidoscope of demonstrations across the country, debate about wrongful-death lawsuits and Web-site-crashing demands for the filing of federal civil rights charges. Within hours of the verdict , the Justice Department released a statement saying its civil rights division still had an open investigation into Martin’s death, launched more than a year ago. Working with the FBI, federal prosecutors are reviewing evidence gathered during a Justice Department investigation — and revealed during the Seminole County trial — to see whether the case fits within “the limited federal criminal civil rights statutes.   Supporters of Martin’s family who had gathered outside the courthouse yelled out “No! No!”   “Today, justice failed Trayvon Martin and his family,” said Roslyn M. Brock, Chairman of the NAACP in a statement. “We call immediately for the Justice Department to conduct an investigation into the civil rights violations committed against Trayvon Martin. This case has re-energized the movement to end racial profiling in the United States.”   “We are outraged and heartbroken over today’s verdict,” said Benjamin Todd Jealous, President and CEO of the NAACP.   Sound Off Tonight On CPT 424-222-5255  

 The ABC Show: I'm Back! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

I'm back with my friday show, on Citizen's Primetime!  The most fundamental question that we can ask ourselves is, "why do we believe what we believe?" It's my contention that you have been conditioned to your beliefs. Programmed like robots.   In this episode of the ABC Show, I'll examine this idea, and give  examples, using current news, stories and social norms. Join ABC to discuss current events, the new world order, and this illusion of a false reality that is, in fact, the Matrix.


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