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 Shame Shame Shame | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:36:00

Rep. Corrine Brown (D-Fla.) sparked a congressional manners debate after she shouted "Shame on Republicans" during a discussion of GOP farm legislation on the House floor Thursday.   Brown's was one of many tirades from Democrats angry that Republican leaders had omitted food stamps from their traditional place alongside agriculture subsidies in a bill that passed Thursday afternoon.   "Mitt Romney was right," she said. "You all do not care about the 47 percent. Shame on you!" Entitlement Resentment?? Janina Riley noticed a woman muttering behind her in the checkout line as she paid for food at a Giant Eagle grocery store in Pittsburgh last April.   "I can't believe she's buying that big-ass cake with food stamps," the woman said, according to Riley.   Riley, 19, had just used a government-issued debit card to pay for most of her groceries, which included a cake for her son that said "Happy First Birthday Xavier" in a theme from the movie "Cars." She glared at the women for a second, then decided to confront her.     "I was just like, 'Shut the "F" up,'" Riley said. "You don't know what I'm doing with these food stamps."   Sound off Tonight on CPT @ 424-222-5255      

 Can Low-Skilled Visa Workers Save the Economy ? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

I admit upfront that I wish we lived in a country where an economic argument to justify a policy that uplifts 11 million people — and reunites countless others with their families — was unnecesssary. That it would just be common sense. But politics can sometimes be ugly, and the people in decision making positions can forget that they're dealing with peoples' lives.    We should continue to remind decision makers that undocumented people are indeed people, and in the meantime we can talk economics. During the battle to pass the S. 744, the Senate immigration bill's (accurately named The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Modernization Act) most divisive top lines was whether we should favor so-called "skilled" or "unskilled" immigrant workers. This was a false choice, and reveals the classism and racism that diseased S.744 from the beginning. The idea that skilled workers add value to the economy and country while "unskilled" workers are a necessary evil that should be limited because they take American jobs during a time of high unemployment is a fallacy.   Aside from the fact that this emphasis has moved the U.S. immigration system away from familial-based immigration to an employment-based immigration system (again, peoples' lives?), this ignores the fact that so-called "unskilled" workers usually do dangerous work for very little pay. If you think that sitting behind a computer is more difficult than picking and carrying vegetables in the sun all day, then you probably have never done it. How do you feel about this? sound off tonight on CPT.    Join The Discussion 424-222-5255

 Financial Crisis Just a Symptom of Detroit’s Woes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

As officials negotiate urgently with creditors and unions in a last-ditch effort to spare Detroit from plunging into the largest municipal bankruptcy in the nation’s history, residents say the city has worse problems than its estimated $18 billion debt.   “The city is past being a city now; it’s gone,” said Kendrick Benguche, whose family lives on a block with a single streetlight, just down from a vacant firehouse that sits beside a burned-out home. The Detroit police’s average response time to calls for the highest-priority crimes this year was 58 minutes, officials now overseeing the city say. The department’s recent rate of solving cases was 8.7 percent, far lower, the officials acknowledge, than clearance rates in cities like Pittsburgh, Milwaukee and St. Louis.   “I guess I’ll be glad if someone else takes over and other people run this thing,” Mr. Benguche said. “The way I look at it, the city is already bankrupt.”   Kevyn D. Orr, the state-appointed emergency financial manager for Detroit, has said that the chances of filing for bankruptcy, a possibility that could be decided as early as this month, stand at 50-50. On Wednesday, Mr. Orr is expected to lead 40 representatives of Detroit’s creditors on a bus tour of the city and its blight to let the bleak images of empty lots and shuttered firehouses make the argument that creditors should accept pennies on the dollars owed.   Join The Discussion @ 424-222-5255  

 America's NSA 'in bed with' Germany : Edward Snowden | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

"They are in bed with the Germans, just like with most other Western states," German magazine Der Spiegel quotes him as saying in an interview published on Sunday that was carried out before he fled to Hong Kong in May and divulged details of extensive secret US surveillance. America's National Security Agency works closely with Germany and other Western states on a 'no questions asked'-basis, former NSA employee Edward Snowden said in comments that undermine Chancellor Angela Merkel's indignant talk of "Cold War" tactics.   "They are in bed with the Germans, just like with most other Western states," German magazine Der Spiegel quotes him as saying in an interview published on Sunday that was carried out before he fled to Hong Kong in May and divulged details of extensive secret US surveillance.   "Other agencies don't ask us where we got the information from and we don't ask them. That way they can protect their top politicians from the backlash in case it emerges how massively people's privacy is abused worldwide," he said. His comments about cooperation with governments overseas, which he said were led by the NSA's Foreign Affairs Directorate, appear to contradict the German government's show of surprise at the scale of the US electronic snooping.   JOIN THE DISCUSSION 424-222-5255

 Special Guest - Marshall Frank | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

Thirty years of law enforcement with a major police agency would provide any retired cop with enough career experience to write any book, fiction or non-fiction.Marshall Frank is a retired Miami Police Captain.He originally started by documenting true life experiences, then realized he could tell more of these stories by embellishing and expanding the fertile imagination, using those real-life people as composite subjects for fictional characters and real-life events as the basis for plots. As he delved more into fiction,he saw where he could not only tell a suspenseful story, but deliver messages to the reader about the many problems inherent within the police profession in today's complex world of crime and injustice Tonight Marshall Frank joins us as a guest to discuss the Trayvon Martin case.

 Zimmerman Trial 7-3-2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

A medical examiner testified that George Zimmerman's injuries were "insignificant" and could have been the result of a single blow as prosecutors continued to make their case that the neighborhood watch volunteer was not simply defending himself when he shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Dr. Valerie Rao, who was called by the prosecution to provide her assessment of Zimmerman's injuries based on photos, cast doubt on Zimmerman's claim his head was repeatedly bashed against the pavement as he fought with Martin in the Feb. 26, 2012 incident. "The injuries are so minor that the word slam implies great force," Rao said in response to questioning by prosecutor John Guy. "There was not great force used here."   The George Zimmerman trial has been going on all week with jurors hearing testimony from investigators and witnesses involved in the case.Zimmerman allegedly killed Trayvon Martin back in 2012 after an altercation. Martin was walking home from the store when Zimmerman, part of the neighborhood watch, thought Martin was up to no good. Zimmerman called the police but followed Martin while carrying a gun. Eventually, Martin confronts Zimmerman as to why he was following him, a fight breaks out and Martin is dead on the sidewalk.Tonight CPT continues its coverage of the George Zimmerman Trial.        

 Special Guest- Michael Yon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Michael Yon (born 1964)is an American writer and photographer. He served in the Special Forces in the early-1980s,and he became a general freelance writer in the mid-1990s.He focused on military writing after the invasion of Iraq has been embedded on numerous occasions with American and British troops in Iraq, most prominently a deployment with the 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment (Deuce Four) of the 25th Infantry Division in Mosul, Iraq that ended in September 2005.Yon has had vocal feuds with the US military hierarchy, and the nature of his reports are also controversial.Yon's alternative media reporting has been mentioned by numerous mainstream media agencies, and he has won accolades from the 2005, 2007,and 2008 Weblog Awards.In 2008, The New York Times reported that he has spent more time embedded with combat units than any other journalist in Iraq. He shifted the focus of his blogging from Iraq to Afghanistan in August 2008. His work is supported primarily by donations from readers.   Join Sarge,Cool Mike and Germaine for a great discussion with guest Michael Yon.

 Zimmerman Trail 7-1-2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Zimmerman Trial Update- After being shot at close range, the gun inches from his chest, Trayvon says to Zimmerman "you got me"???  After the shot, Zimmerman rolls over on top of Trayvon (with Trayvon face down), spreads Trayvon's hands out to hold him down, but the body is found with the hands inside, under the body? A number of inconsistencies were revealed in recent testimony of the Zimmerman case. Why does anybody believe Zimmerman? Former President George W. Bush defended PRISM, the Internet spying program that began under his administration but remained secret until The Washington Post and The Guardian revealed its existence last month.   "I put that program in place to protect the country. One of the certainties was that civil liberties were guaranteed," Bush told CNN in an interview airing Monday. "I think there needs to be a balance, and as the president expl ained, there is a proper balance."   Snowden reportedly seeking asylum in Russia- Is he a hero or a traitor?                

 Where Is The Outrage? Black On White Crime | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

NEWARK, N.J. -- Authorities have arrested a man wanted in a New Jersey home invasion that left a mother beaten, an attack that was captured on a nanny cam.   The Essex County prosecutor's office said 42-year-old Shawn Custis was arrested Friday in Manhattan by the prosecutor's office and the FBI. Custis faces charges of attempted murder, robbery, burglary and child endangerment.   The attack last Friday in Millburn was captured on a hidden camera in the woman's home. A man can be seen bursting into the home, punching and kicking the woman and throwing her down stairs while her 3-year-old daughter cowered on a couch. Police withheld the names of the woman and child.   County chief of detectives Anthony Ambrose said Friday that Custis was being transported to an undisclosed location in New Jersey.

 This Nigga Is Still Following Me | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:11:00

Zimmerman Trial-The young woman formerly known as “Dee Dee” or “Witness 8,” who was speaking on the phone to Trayvon Martin moments before he was shot and killed, testified yesterday in George Zimmerman’s second-degree murder trial that Martin called Zimmerman a “creepy ass cracka.”   Rachel Jeantel, an 18-year-old woman from Miami who said she was “just friends” with Martin, testified that Martin told her that on the phone that Zimmerman might be “a rapist.”   Jeantel also said that Martin told her “this nigga is still following me” in reference to Zimmerman. Zimmerman is accused of following Martin before shooting him.   Tonight "Cool" Mike, Sarge And Germaine will discuss all the latest developments in the George Zimmerman Trial.So sit back relax and chat or feel free to Join The Discussion @ 424-222-5255          

 Zimmerman Trial 6-26-2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:04:00

Tonights broadcast is dedicated In Loving Memory of : Marine Cpl. Marcus W. Preudhomme Died June 26, 2008 Serving During Operation Iraqi Freedom. BREAKING NEWS The United States Supreme Court RULED that Bill Clintons : DOMA was 100%  Unconstitutional so good bye to that LAW w/ in 30 days & also dismisses California's Proposition 8 appeal claiming in detail that the people who brought the law forwward had NOTHING to do with the law or were NOT effected. They also ruled it was an attempt to $ purchase $ A court ruling & the lower courts removal of this proposal was legal and shalll stand w/ in 24 hours. Aaron Hernandez an ALL- Pro football player in The NFL was arrested earlier today & charged with MURDER. He later pleaded not guilty  & was ordered held without bail. He also faces five gun-related charges.  George #Zimmerman, a 29-year-old  "Neighborhood Watch volunteer", killed Trayvon Martin, an unarmed BLACK 17-year-old, on Feb. 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida If convicted, #Zimmerman faces minimum-mandatory of 25 years / maximum life sentence, Zimmerman says he shot the Miami Gardens teenager in self-defense Prosecutors say Zimmerman profiled #Trayvon, assuming he was about to commit a crime, followed and murdered him in COLD BLOOD & Six jurors now decide whether the state has enough evidence to send Zimmerman to prison.   Tonight ALL of todays breaking NEWS & we will appoint ourselves JURY MEMBERS based on what we know or dont and prior to going off the air rule GUILTY or NOT it's  CPT on BTR.

 Citizens Primetime with Guest Sharron Angle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

Tonights Broadcast is dedicated In Loving Memory of :  Marine Lance Cpl. John T. Sparks Died October 8, 2010 Serving During Operation Enduring Freedom CPT opn BTR : Tonight Citizens Primetime welcomes Sharron Angle who is best known for her 2010 U.S. Senate Campaign against U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.Although her run was unsuccessful, she continues to be an advocate for true conservative principles and solutions.We will be discussing the current immigration bill and the economy.The hosts are Sarge, Cool Mike and Germaine. Join The Discussion @ 424-222-5255

 The Purge Of Investigative Journalism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Following his appearance on “Meet the Press,” The Guardian‘s Glenn Greenwald called out moderator David Gregory on Twitter for asking a question about whether Greenwald or the Guardian should or will face charges for their role in the Edward Snowden NSA document revelation (Howard Kurtz asked Greenwald the same question two hours later on “Reliable Sources.”)  This is the problem, for somebody who claims that he’s a journalist, who would object to a journalist raising questions, which is not actually embracing any particular point of view. And that’s part of the tactics of the debate here when, in fact, lawmakers have questioned him. There’s a question about his role in this, The Guardian’s role in all of this. It is actually part of the debate, rather than going after the questioner, he could take on the issues. Is there a purge of investigative journalism in America This isn't just about press rights. It's about the right of citizens to know what their government is doing. In an atmosphere of secrecy and punishment – despite the hollow promises of transparency - that's getting harder every day."  

 Open Topic (Citizens Primetime) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:00

Citizens Primetime- Open Topic

 Still support the Patriot Act? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

 Alot of people have suddenly discovered the constitution. Many are outraged about the information revealed by the NSA whistleblower. Is this information new? Are we justifiably outraged? How did the land of the free and home of the brave turn into the big brother police state?


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