Zimmerman Trial 6-26-2013

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Tonights broadcast is dedicated In Loving Memory of : Marine Cpl. Marcus W. Preudhomme Died June 26, 2008 Serving During Operation Iraqi Freedom. BREAKING NEWS The United States Supreme Court RULED that Bill Clintons : DOMA was 100%  Unconstitutional so good bye to that LAW w/ in 30 days & also dismisses California's Proposition 8 appeal claiming in detail that the people who brought the law forwward had NOTHING to do with the law or were NOT effected. They also ruled it was an attempt to $ purchase $ A court ruling & the lower courts removal of this proposal was legal and shalll stand w/ in 24 hours. Aaron Hernandez an ALL- Pro football player in The NFL was arrested earlier today & charged with MURDER. He later pleaded not guilty  & was ordered held without bail. He also faces five gun-related charges.  George #Zimmerman, a 29-year-old  "Neighborhood Watch volunteer", killed Trayvon Martin, an unarmed BLACK 17-year-old, on Feb. 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida If convicted, #Zimmerman faces minimum-mandatory of 25 years / maximum life sentence, Zimmerman says he shot the Miami Gardens teenager in self-defense Prosecutors say Zimmerman profiled #Trayvon, assuming he was about to commit a crime, followed and murdered him in COLD BLOOD & Six jurors now decide whether the state has enough evidence to send Zimmerman to prison.   Tonight ALL of todays breaking NEWS & we will appoint ourselves JURY MEMBERS based on what we know or dont and prior to going off the air rule GUILTY or NOT it's  CPT on BTR.