The Purge Of Investigative Journalism

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Following his appearance on “Meet the Press,” The Guardian‘s Glenn Greenwald called out moderator David Gregory on Twitter for asking a question about whether Greenwald or the Guardian should or will face charges for their role in the Edward Snowden NSA document revelation (Howard Kurtz asked Greenwald the same question two hours later on “Reliable Sources.”)  This is the problem, for somebody who claims that he’s a journalist, who would object to a journalist raising questions, which is not actually embracing any particular point of view. And that’s part of the tactics of the debate here when, in fact, lawmakers have questioned him. There’s a question about his role in this, The Guardian’s role in all of this. It is actually part of the debate, rather than going after the questioner, he could take on the issues. Is there a purge of investigative journalism in America This isn't just about press rights. It's about the right of citizens to know what their government is doing. In an atmosphere of secrecy and punishment – despite the hollow promises of transparency - that's getting harder every day."