Citizens Primetime Show "Break Free Monday

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Fox News and Trump complain: Blacks say ‘cracker’ but we can’t use the N-word- Conservative mogul Donald Trump and the hosts of Fox & Friends on Monday complained that African-American Democrats were allowed to say the word “cracker,” but celebrity cook Paula Deen was “crucified” for using the N-word.During a weekly segment with Trump, Fox News host Gretchen Carlson reported that Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) had gone on a “racist rant” last week when he said that the tea party was the “same white crackers” who fought against the civil rights movement.“If Charlie or whoever it was was a Republican and they made that statement, they’d be resigning from office right now,” Trump opined. Republican rep.: Obamacare ‘racist’ because white people use tanning beds- Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) recently told a group of constituents that he backing a birther bill because he hoped that it would “get rid of everything” that President Barack Obama had done, and then added that the president’s “racist” health care law forced white people to pay more to use tanning beds. Meet GOP’s fringy new star, E. W. Jackson- After years lurking on the fringes of the social conservative movement, expect to start hearing a lot more about E.W. Jackson, an African-American minister who just won the GOP nomination for Virginia’s lieutenant governor. Jackson won the nod at the party’s convention in Richmond Saturday, call in @ 424-222-5255 To Join The Conversation