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 CONSTITUTION TRIVIA NIGHT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:06:00

Join us for constitution trivia as our panel as well as callers answer and ask questions about the constitution.We encourage everyone to call in and test their knowledge of the constitution.This should be fun and informative. King Brian Bonner & The Constitutional Queen his Wife Susan from BTR's Halls of Valhalla - join us to help tell the story behind the STORY. Do NOT miss the excitment lets live & learn together in Constitutional 101 from The BIG Skye State. JOIN THE DISCUSSION@424-222-5255

 WET BURRITOS? "ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Todays show is dedicated to : Army Staff Sgt. Paul J. Johnson, 29 - Calumet, Mich., Oct. 20 The so called N word in todays day and political correct world is off limits in public. So are terms like Gook or Chink but when it comes to Latinos , Mexicans asking them where their green card is, has become A JOKE everybody seems to enjoy making fun of daily. Wet burrito, taco, and enchalatas are common slang terms accepted by most Americans. It's the idea most if NOT 100% of all South of Texas types are in the USA Illegally. The front door is open and NOBODY wants to get up front and close it & yet we are upset millions are here in the states? What type of labor jobs are these people stealing from everyday Americas? TONIGHT Illegal immigration and why American Latinos are being dragged down by this A commercial campaign by The media to denograte The Mexican Americans as if they are ALL here in The United States Illegally? Does anyboddy know the % of hispanics , latinos in the USA Military? How many have been killeed since the war on terror? Illegal immigration TONIGHT join " COOL " Mike , GGT & Sarge in the chat or on the phone and lets make it happen!!!! JOIN THE DISCUSSION@424-222-5255

 State of emergency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Todays show is in loving memory of Sgt. Daniel J. Brown killed hours ago in the Kandahar province, Afghanistan. By A IED. Does any of this look or sound familiar? On February 28, 1933--the day after the Reichstag fire--President Hindenburg and Chancellor Hitler invoked Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution, which permitted the suspension of civil liberties in a time of national emergency. A Decree which gave Government Complete & TOTAL CONTROL & removed the following rights from the people: Free expression of opinion and of the press, Right of assembly & association, Right to privacy of postal and electronic communications, Protection against unlawful searches and seizures, Individual property rights States' right of self-government. Also do NOT forget : A supplemental decree created the SA (Storm Troops) and SS (Special Security) Federal police agencies. 'Aka Homeland Security. Sound familiar?   Thus, emergency orders of February 28, 1933, read: "Paragraphs 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124, and 153 in the German Reich Constitution are provisionally null and void. Accordingly, the restrictions on personal freedom and the right to express opinions freely, including freedoms of the press, association, and assembly; monitoring of letters, cables, and telephone calls, searches of homes, and expropriation of property, and restrictions thereon, are hereby revoked within the limits previously stipulated in the law. " Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana

 Cultural Blasphemy "The Reason Rally In DC" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

  Washington (CNN) – Billed as a watershed moment in the atheism movement, a gathering of atheists, agnostics and humanists drew large numbers of non-theists to the Washington Mall Saturday despite bad weather.Put on by a coalition of atheist and humanist organizations, the rally was touted as the largest gathering of non-theists in the history of the world. Headlined by a number of high-profile speakers, including Richard Dawkins, the author of “The God Delusion,” organizers said the event shows that atheism is a powerful minority in American life. “We will never be closeted again,” said David Silverman, the rally’s head organizer. “In years to come, the Reason Rally will be seen as the beginning of the end to the religious right’s grip” on American life.Jessica Ahlquist, a 16-year-old high school student who won a lawsuit against her city for a prayer banner that was displayed in her high school, was also a speaker at the event. She touched upon the need for more student groups in high schools and colleges during her remarks. After the speech, she told CNN that students are a critical place for the atheism movement to focus its efforts.Tonight we will discuss the "REASON RALLY and the lefts agenda to remove God from American life.   JOIN THE DISCUSSION@424-222-5255

 God Bless America Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

In 1776 the phrase and term God Bless America was born & since then its help other countries and the people and citizenry to give BIRTH to their NEW Nations / Republic. However in The Unitted States it appears God Bless America indeed is GOD DAMM America ( as so kindly put but Rev. Wright the mentor and friend for decades of our President ) in the eyes of many political figures in BOTH Democrat & GOP Parties. Why is it incorrect from A political standpoint to honor our country and those who have fallen to defend it's freedoms & liberties? Why are the elected officials starting with so many past Presidents ( and NOT just Obama ) NOT thinking God Bless America first formost every tyme and always?  Why? Why does it seem in ACTIONS as well as VOTES our political officials careless about America & more about A political party which due to God Bless America was given it's own BIRTH RIGHT? Can anybody tell me where are The Democratic & Republican Parties in China, Cuba or Central Africa? God Bless America means what it means and these colors NEVER EVER EVER wavier period. Isn't it weird for political figures who more and more delcare WAR on American churches, VOTE A GROWING LOVE of radical Islam? When is the last time A PRESIDENT of any party in the USA said : We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights? TONIGHT we have The BEST Blog Talk Radio has to offer and we talk FREEDOM & Liberties. Are the MAJOR PARTIES in The U.S.A. giving us the choices of , Communism, Islamism, Socialism or ALL of the above?  TONIGHT we stand together - Join us!!!

 The Enemy Within | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, What does it say for A Nation when it's own people in very LARGE quantities don't believe in rights for themselves or others?  Why is it NOTHING is A BIG DEAL? Why is it their is always justificaton for giving the United States Federal Government more and more rights & we the people desire less and less of it? TONIGHT we let the actions speak for itself as as see if indeedthe enemy is with in already and elected to federal office. The President , Senators, Congress what political figure is DEMANDING OUR RIGHTS back to we the people? Why are taxpayers NOT DEMANDING the right be returned? TONIGHT we will let the actions speak for the words of our President and many political figures NOT even elected to office who are making laws over our land. What laws are for we the people and what laws are really for Govt. RULE over the people? Jump into the chat or call in tonight is the enemy within? Join " COOL " Mike , Germaine & Sarge 

 Trayvon Martin Case "Murder or Self Defense" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:56:00

Spurred by social media and community rallies, the shooting death of a 17-year-old Florida youth has become the latest flashpoint over how young black men are perceived in the United States.Trayvon Martin's death Feb. 26 at the hands of a Neighborhood Watch leader in this small, gated Florida community has rippled through many corners of the nation's justice and political system and raised questions about the relationship between the black community and police in small towns.The case has resonated for many who say Martin died because of stereotypes of young black men as violent criminals. The shooting is already being compared with high-profile and historic civil rights cases — for instance, a doctored photograph has circulated throughout many social media sites that compares Martin to Emmett Till, a young man lynched by white men in 1950s Mississippi."It's not about these individual acts of racism," said Mark Neal, a professor of African and African American Studies at Duke University. "It's about the way that black males are framed in the larger culture … as being violent, criminal and threats to safety and property." Tonight "Cool"Mike Sarge And Germaine will discuss this case.   JOIN THE DISCUSSION@424-222-5255

 So help me GOD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

In tonights Tuesday open topic what if you were elected President of The United States. What if all the countries issues and problems lied between you and the cabinet and staff that YOU have appointed to lead the great land from 2012-16. What would you do? President Germaine Thompson , President Sarge , " COOL " Mike or Tessler, Tottie or even the LOVE of our BTR Family Annie from Southern Sense, what in the world would you do different then President Bush or Obama? Just imagine A day where the Chief Justice addresses you as President Kala or  Benyamin Solomon , Brother K, Warlord X, Howard (OAJ ) is NOW King of Kings of U.S.A,  Yes let us make the changes we want and let us take the country in the direction YOU feel we need to as President of The United States what would President Tessler bring to the table or President Perry Steele? Raise your right hands and repeat after me....... Who would be your Vice President & who would you FIRE on day one and send packing & would any host from BTR be appointed to your staff? TONIGHT you spell out your direction for the country. What laws would you repeal and what would you NOT this is your New Presidential Administration. Abortion, Taxes , Health Care , Illegal immigration , Foreign Policy?  Who would you allign yourself with and what country would you put into the stone age river? Who would you reach out to and who would you NOT? The list is endless so let your VOICE be heard  on CPT.

 RON PAUL ON THE ISSUES | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:04:00

Its no secret that there is no love lost between the GOP and the Ron Paul "Revoulution".Ron Paul seems to be a thorn in the side of the republican establishment and mainstream conservative voters,why is this? Ron Paul has been largely ignored in the media,ignored in debates and called names like kook,crazy,dangerous and out of touch.So Tonight our panel will vet Ron Paul issue by issue to see if Ron Paul is really that out of the mainstream. JOIN THE DISCUSSION@ 424-222-5255

 CURRENT EVENTS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:55:00
 Is Israel the BULLY of the Middle East ? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:17:00

Is it  A WORLD WIDE fact Israel is the BULLY of the Middle East.? Is it TRUE or False? Are they bombing & killing using DEADLY CHEMICAL Weapons on children, old women in Gaza & West Banks? Is Israel responsible for the KILLING OF COUNTLESS INNOCENT? Does Israel LOVE to brag to the world about EVEN ADVERTISING their joy of MURDER or is the world simply filled w/ Jewish haters? Does Israel only fight the little people who in reality can NOT fIght back or are they fighting for their life day in and day out? How many people of Israel have been KILLED compared to how many has Israel executed in cold blood?  How many are armed military & how many are defenseless?   TONIGHT we play A tape in which A ISRAELI BULLY BRAGS & OUT RIGHT ADMITS the people of Israel PROUDLY KILLED Jesus Christ & threatens ti KILL those filming.   How many people of non Jewish , Israel decent day in and out  are discriminated against simply because their NOT JEWISH? Is it A JEWISH or Israeli ( or both ) idea to deny anybody and everybody who is NOT one of them ALL RIGHTS? Are these accusations simply lies by A liberal media & press?   Would their be PEACE in the middle east if Israel didn't exist? Why can we NOT ARM other countries to defend themselves against Israel?   Is President Obama bias in his passionate LOVE for The state of Israel? Lets get answers shall we?   We are honored to have BTR's most revered & honorable Middle Eastern Political expert & Scholar expert Perry Steel, to explain to the WORLD the TRUTH about  the accused Israel & the accusations.   Join us TONIGHT in chat or call in for CPT 

 BARACK OBAMA PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

As conservative columnist Ben Shapiro writes today, the mainstream media seem to have decided that recently uncovered video of President Obama praising radical Harvard Professor Derrick Bell is a non-story.  But not so fast, Shapiro says — there’s plenty to take away from that brief interaction between student and professor:The relevance is that Derrick Bell was a massive racial radical. He was the father of a fringe legal theory called the critical race theory, which states first that racial discrimination can never be eliminated; and second, that the constitutional and legal system is based on racism — loaded with it — and is therefore uncorrectable.Bell was therefore significantly more militant than the traditional civil rights movement. That’s why he felt that the 14th Amendment, which guarantees equal protection of the laws, benefitted whites more than blacks. That’s why he thought that Brown v. Board of Education was an attempt by whites to fight back against the Soviet Union during the Cold War by undercutting the narrative that the United States was racist Bell thought that Louis Farrakhan was a “hero for the people,” since he stood up to the white establishment — a position so extreme that even fellow Harvard professors such as Randall Kennedy thought it was over the edge. Bell excused a certain amount of anti-Semitism by blaming it on “Jewish neoconservative racists who are undermining blacks in every way they can.”Tonight Sarge "Cool Mike" and Germaine will discuss critical race theory.   Todays show is In loving Memory of : Lance Cpl. Osbrany Motes De Oca  Killed Feb 10th, 2012: Died while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.   Call in and join the topic : (424) 222-5255

 A Look at The LOVE w/ Democrats & Republicans | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

  Is their anything in the WORLD Democrats & Republicans agree on? If you watch ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX,NBC & MSNBC you would think NEVER EVER do they but look closer and you migh be suprised. Both parties and both their past Presidental leaders agree on the following: The government may jail Americans indefinitely without a trial.  Americans may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them. US citizens (labeled "unlawful combatants") have been held incommunicado and refused attorneys. The government may search and seize Americans' papers and effects without probable cause to assist terror investigation. The government may monitor conversations between attorneys and clients in federal prisons and deny lawyers to Americans accused of crimes.  To assist terror investigation, the government may monitor religious and political institutions without suspecting criminal activity. The government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation.   For the past 12 Years almost 100% of the Democrats & Republicans as well as Americans who belong to BOTH parties not only agree on this but on A day to day basis vote to keep these laws in place.    TONIGHT The Evil US Constitution (Bill of Rights)  vs. The  Patriot Act. If you lack A backbone you might want to sit this one out IT'S NOT A Rated G Program tonight. Dems & GOP =Socialism

 CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER- ZIONISM OR THE NATION OF ISLAM? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:35:00

  The Nation of Islam’s official newspaper The Final Call on Saturday published an opinion piece attacking “minion of the synagogue of Satan” Glenn Beck for his recent comments about Louis Farrakhan, vowing it will “not allow such vicious assaults” on the movement’s leader.During his radio show Feb. 27, Beck discussed Farrakhan’s warning that racial hatred could lead to an attempt on President Barack Obama’s life, even suggesting that a Muslim could be set up to kill him. Beck wondered whether the warning could be a kind of set up to draw attention from Farrakhan and his followers — Farrakhan in the past has called Obama a “murderer” and “assassin.”“I’m telling you this is a clear and present danger to the president of the United States,” Beck said. “Will someone in the Secret Service or DOJ investigate what is happening at the Nation of Islam?”“The Holy Qur’an teaches Muslims to never be the aggressor in word or deed, but if attacked, we fight with those who fight with us,” Muhammad wrote:Mr. Beck is a minion of the Synagogue of Satan and as such represents the thinking of those used as their low-level pawns.  This group, Minister Farrakhan identified in his Saviours’ Day address, “…the Synagogue of Satan doesn’t mean that everybody in it is Jewish.  It’s a combination of people, Gentiles, Jews, Black and White that agree on an idea. And some on a lesser level do not know what those on the highest level are doing, but they always give you a noble reason for what they are doing.” -NOI Tonight we will discuss which ideology is more dangerous to America    JOIN THE DISCUSSION@424-222-5255 SHOW RATED MATURE

 March Madness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

It's been almost 12 months since The Connecticut Huskies Mens Baskeball Team were crown KINGS of The 2010-11 Season in Houston, Texas. Now New Orleans is the host city as this evenings selection Sunday Show has chosen tradition U of Kentucky as it's # 1 over all seed followed by , Syracuse, N. Carolina & The Michigan State Spartans. Let the MADNESS begin.... Will it be the A top 10 team that WINS it all or are we about to enter A NEW Era? U of Kentucky , Syracuse , Kansas , North Carolina , Missouri or Duke? Big 10 Powers Ohio State , Michigan State & Michigan. Does devine intervention take place & put # 9 Marquette in the BIG Dance? Who is the sleeper, Underdog & NEW Kids on the block? Well we do NOT know until the FAT LADY Sings & as Yogi Beara once said it ain't over til it's over so TONIGHT CPT SPORTS brings you March Madness 2012 & your chance to weight in on who you like, who you do NOT like and who do you think should of would of and could of..... TONIGHT join Ralph Lanier Jr. NFL Director of Fandemonium & " COOL " Mike asbreak down  ALL of the regional brackets and pick their FINAL FOUR Teams on top of taking your calls and letting your voice be heard , As always The delicious but dangerouschat room is A place for everybody to pick'em. It's March Madness on Conservative Prime Time SPORTS join the fun. WARNING YOU ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK


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