Do Republicans also HATE The U.S.A

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Tonights show is dedicated In Loving Memory of : Weston H. Reece of Butte, Mt. killed on April 21, 1967 in Vietnam.  Although wounded, w/ others, from hostile fire and artillery concentration. Pfc. Reece moved among his comrades to administer first aid. While so doing, he was mortally wounded, but not before he saved many lives. Have you ever heard the statement that : President Obama is one of the muslim brotherhood members & A  treasonous or communist who desired for the down fall of The United States of America & it's Constitution. President Obama seems to HATE The USA as much as King George or ANY other dictator and Tranny since 1776. Really? Can he hate this country any worse then the REPUBLICAN policies of the past several years? A WAR on Terror & A WAR on Drug as well as A WAR on Poverty ALL programs helping to down fall this country were enacted by REPUBLICANS. The Department of Homeland which is does NOT have to adhear to the even the CREATOR - The Republican party policies have almost 100% been in agreement with President Obama when it comes to making THE FEDERAL Govt. STRONGER and we the people weaker. Alost 100% of the GOP has been in support of arresting anybody for any reason USA born or NOT and being able to hold them w/ out trial period for or til whenever & it again has been the REPUBLICANS with President Obama to entrust the FEDERAL Govt. to reign as MASTERS & KINGS w/ out debate or discussion & NOW w/ out right to assembly. If you go by policy & facts The REPUBLICAN Party is & has become A party of Socialists. So the question lies Do Republicans also HATE The U.S.A? The REPUBLICAN PARTY has declared WAR on fellow REPUBLICANS because they are NOT tied into their LIBERAL AGENDA. Tonight on CPT your presents in chat room and if your up to calling in LET YOUR VOICE be heard on this issue,