NATO welcome to Chicago

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Spec. Leslie H. Sabo Jr. of Elwood City, Pa. Leslie Sabo's Vietnam War ended in the flash of his own grenade, hurled at an enemy bunker in Cambodia to save surrounded comrades. Forty years later & A dozen years after the long-lost paperwork turned up in military archives _ he was honored by President Obama on Wednesday with the nation's highest award for gallantry. This Sunday kicks off NATO(s) Summitt in the USA. The last time we had our presents blessed with such ROYALTY of The Communist & Socialist movement was in Seattle 1995. Tea Party Thomas Massie TONIGHT WON The Republican Primary in Kentucky. We will meet him @ 11:30pm Welcome NATO - you will be protected this tyme by : The United States Federal Government  and A REPUBLICAN LAW known as : The Legal Landscape for Emergency Management in the United States which RESTRICTS the first ammendment to We the People ( this law is woshiped by The Bush Family as well as Dick Cheney & other Hitler alikes ) so e are NOT ALLOWED to even protest unless the FEDERAL Govt. gives us permission as well as approval where and when we can protest. I wonder what The founding fathers would of thought of this law? We know what G HW Bush , Bill Clinton , GW Bush  & President Obama think of it as well as almost 100% of the Senate and Congress.  We the people just take this laying down and again the only people with backbone and the BEATNICKS & HIPPIES. Where are The Tea Party & Constitutional Conservatives? Where are those who WANT THEIR RIGHT RETURN to the taxpayers?  Has it now come to A point where we are so indoctrinated almost NOBODY will stand with 55 Hero's in 1776?  NATO is here to give the AMERICAN Political officials their marching order - & - we simply don't care or even more wish then success for A WONDERFUL LOVING ONE WORLD Government.