Special Guest-Lela Pittenger For US Senate

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary:   The 2012 elections will be the time the American people decide whether they want to elect more game players or to send game changers to Washington, D.C. This will be the time when the people of Texas decide whether they want elected officials who focus on politics or on good government and the voice of the Constitution. We will decide whether it will be our own voices that determine this election or whether Washington elites and money will buy the legislators of their choice.   As a life-long native Texan, fully educated in the Lone Star State, I have lived in several regions and experienced the wondrous variety of people that makes us so great. My passion is to take a Christian, Constitutionally Conservative voice to Washington that will focus on restoring our nation’s legislative, fiscal, and moral integrity. With the support of my fellow Texans, I will be a voice that daily reminds Washington why Texas is a beacon in this storm- Lela Pittenger For US Senate   Call In Number 424-222-5255 Join The Discussion