WAR On Soft Drinks?

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Tonights broadcast is dedicated In Loving Memory of :  SSG Israel Nuañes (U.S. Army), The 38-year old native of Las Cruces was killed in Kandahar Province of injuries suffered from an enemy attack. He was A leader by example and his platoon leader said he is everything that is GREAT about his Platoon Family. War on : Terror , Drugs , Poverty & NOW Soft drinks. President George Bush LOVED WAR , BIG Governement & A Police state almost in the same manner President Obama LOVES Communism. George W. Bush set the country on the "slippery slope" to socialism & THANKS to Barack Hussein Obama we are rapidly eliminating documents such as The Declaration of Independence ( for A more modern U.N. Charter of A One World Cultural Art Society ) and The The Meaningless Constitution. Now it appears STATES are following suit w/ our PAIR of Puppet & Absolutely Imposing laws that are almost to STUPID to really believe they are introduced by A Billion dollar IDIOT in NY City Mayor Bloomberg. The currect standing Prez & first lady introduced us to A WAR on  obesity it now has been join by Americans NEWEST & BIGGEST IDIOT Communist Mayor Bloomberg of NY City.   Personal responsibility & accountability must be pretty low in NYC, if you read into what Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants for new laws governing drink sizes.   Goverment in NY City already said you can NOT GROW A Garden & you can NOT listen to music while crossing the street & NOW they want to regular what SIZE Energy or Soda Pop Beverage A business can offer its customers. Is this real?  Is this what happens when really STUIPID people elect even more STUPID people to be leaders and TONIGHT WAR ON THE BIG GULP? What next? Come chat or call in it's CTP on BTR