The Iranian Update- "Islam The Ideology"

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary:   1st hr-An American envoy to Israel has stated that the U.S. has plans in place to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, if necessary. The stern statement was released ahead of scheduled talks next week in Baghdad with Iran.Iranian diplomats and the UN’s nuclear watchdog agency, the IAEA, have been meeting in Vienna this week, ahead of scheduled talks in Baghdad between Iran and six world powers on May 23rd. The IAEA and Iran are attempting to reach a deal on access to Iran’s secretive military facility at Parchin, where the IAEA believes Iran may be further enriching uranium. If a deal is reached, Iran could use it as a bargaining chip next week in Baghdad. However, Israeli leaders and many western diplomats are skeptical of Iran’s sincerity in negotiations and believe that Iran may be using negotiations as a delay tactic to further develop its nuclear capabilities.According to a report from OPEC, Iran’s oil production has fallen 12 percent in the first three months of the year. If this trend continues, Iran may soon lose the number two oil producing spot to Iraq. Iran’s declining production is a result of increasing sanctions related to its nuclear program.     2nd hr-Radical Islam is not merely an extreme version of Islam. Rather, it is a cultural-social ideology dominating all aspects of life. Like many violent totalitarian movements, its primary objective is to dominate all those within its reach and suppress all other ideologies, movements, and beliefs in its path.In short, Radical Islam is dedicated to the conquest of the world, by any means possible.