Sales Secrets show

Sales Secrets

Summary: Brandon Bornancin is a serial salesperson, entrepreneur, and Founder & CEO of Seamless.AI. Twice a week, Brandon interviews the world’s biggest and brightest business experts including Kevin Harrington, Jordan Belfort, Ryan Serhant, Bob Burg, Jill Konrath, Anthony Iannarino, and many more -- to uncover actionable strategies, tips, and insights that you can use to generate more revenue and accelerate your business. Ready to learn exclusive secrets from top sales, business, and entrepreneurs from around the world? Then Sales Secrets From The Top 1% is the place to find them.

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 #431. How To Get Ahead In Cold Calling In 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:39

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In this episode, Brandon talks about his secret weapon for cold-calling: the knowledge that your next sales call will always be the best call. No matter what happens, good or bad, can be reversed fundamentally by the next call because it will be the best call of your life.

 #430. Breaking Down Your First 30 Days Working for Seamless.AI - Onboarding Process & More Ft. Cole Fullerton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:51

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In this episode, Seamless.AI's Sales Enablement and Training Manager Cole Fullerton talks about the day he was first hired as an SDR and Seamless' onboarding process. Cole describes the process as a very unique experience because of the approaches it took to help SDRs like him crush quota as soon as possible. In his current post, Cole helps ensure that their newly-hired SDRs find their voice and approach in selling Seamless through buyer personas, scripts, objection-handling, and more.

 #429. #1 Secret SDR KPI That You NEED to Book More Appointments In 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:41

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In this episode of Sales Secrets, Brandon Bornancin talks about his favorite KPI: the number of inactive days between you and your prospect. Brandon explains that this KPI can be used to prioritize which prospect you need to follow up based on when you last heard back from them. Make sure to avoid spending too much time and resources on people you haven't heard from in more than 10 days, since these are prospects that are very unlikely to buy from you.

 #428. 5 Sales Lessons That I Learned From Contact Sports - Nate Fadil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:04

This episode of Sales Secrets features Nate Fadil, a Sales Development Representative-Lead at Seamless.AI. Nate talks about the lessons he learned from contact sports that are applicable to sales work. For Nate, it’s all about hard work and developing a thick skin to wade through the NOs before finding your YESs. Like in football, finding success in sales means putting the work in with repetitions in exercise and the persistence to just keep going.

 #427. Use This Math To Make February Your Biggest Sales Month | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:05

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In this episode, Brandon talks about keeping your productivity up even during the shortest month of the year. Try to increase your activity by as much as 50 to 100%, set even higher stands than you would any other month, and you'll make February your biggest sales month.

 #426. Management Secrets To Retain Your Top Salespeople | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:34

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In this episode, Brandon talks about ensuring that you retain your top sales talent by always paying your people more than their worth. Don't be afraid to overinvest in your people, so that even if they end up leaving, they'll remember how you did them right and refer more people. Some will even bounce back and return to the fold.

 #425. I Used This Simple Script To Get 50,000 LinkedIn Follows | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:29

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In this episode, Brandon shares the script he used to go from 500 to 50000 LinkedIn followers. He ensures that his connection message is not salesy, and focuses on the value that you can provide to the person you're trying to connect with, which are even more relevant and useful connections.

 #424. Strategies And Tips I Used To Grow My Startup Into A Multi-Million | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:33

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In this episode, Brandon talks about his best formulas for success. Brandon has a good piece of advice for a lot of situations because he’s been through it all. However, the core of his advice rests on one key: do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. Learn something new everyday, figure out the solution to the next problem you might encounter, and just keep grinding. Wherever you are in your sales journey, you're one list, one call, and one meeting away from the life that you want, so don’t stop selling.

 #423. The Motivation Secret You Need To Get Un-Stuck | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:38

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In this episode, Brandon shares his best secret to help SDRs get unstuck when they lose focus and motivation, and that is to stop relying on motivation alone: just do it. Let repetition keep you in the motions and remember that if something is worth doing, it's worth doing everyday. Be consistent in doing excellent work, make it a habit, and soon you won't need any motivation.

 #422. Sales Tactics To Turn Follow Ups Into Booked Appointments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:44

Welcome to another episode of the Sales Secrets Podcast. In this episode, Brandon talks about writing all of your follow up scripts in advance. This helps you remove the emotion out of your follow ups and you just execute. Doing follow ups can be very difficult because dealing with rejection does not come easy. However, with scripts under your belt, it's easier to maximize your follow ups and avoid being held back by emotions.

 #421. Secrets To Finally Pay Off Your Student Debt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:37

In this episode, Brandon talks about his strategy for paying off student debt as soon as you can, even right after getting out of college. Brandon recommends getting into sales, taking advantage of every sales book and service to improve your skills, getting your commission checks, and putting those commission checks into some investmentment vehicle such as your 401(k)s. Just keep grinding and become the best salesperson that you can be, make enough money to pay off your debt faster than anybody else, and then some.

 #420. How We Grew 300% During The Pandemic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:17

In today’s Sales Secrets podcast, Brandon Bornancin talks about how they were able to grow 300% during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when most other businesses were struggling to just survive. Brandon says it all boiled down to being able to plan ahead and applying the hard-earned lessons that he gained from the success of his first company and the failures of his second venture. Experience is everything, and the habits and secrets he gathered through the years prepared him for the series of challenges that eventually came with the pandemic.

 #419. Leverage These Mindset Tips For Maximum Success In Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:25

In today's Sales Secrets podcast, Brandon talks about ensuring success by committing oneself to constant improvement and growth. If you believe you can commit yourself to this mindset, then you're already halfway through your success journey. Perception is reality, and if you have the correct mindset and you go all out everyday, there's nothing that can stop you from realizing your goals.

 #418. How We Built The #1 Sales Software In The World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:38

In today’s Entrepreneur Secrets podcast, Brandon Bornancin talks how they built Seamless.AI, which is functionally a search engine that lets you find contact details about all the people you want to sell to or work with, complete with insights and verification. Brandon talks about the painstaking work of building out his vision from scratch and risking everything he had to achieve that vision without any assurance of success.

 #417. Management Secrets To Survive Going 100% Remote | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:05

In today’s Marketing Secrets podcast, Brandon talks about handling a 100% remote workforce by doing daily standups with every team and leading the way in terms of motivation, momentum, and energy. Brandon kept his team engaged by praising every bit of success that they achieved. He also instituted a collective mindset of "constructive paranoia", where everyone kept themselves on their toes by working hard because everything they've worked hard for can be taken from them at any given time.


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