Fast Keto with Ketogenic Girl show

Fast Keto with Ketogenic Girl

Summary: Vanessa Spina is a Sport Nutrion Specialist, Biomedical Science Student. She is the Best selling author of Keto Essentials (Victory Belt) & an international speaker. On Fast Keto, Vanessa shares Keto and fasting tips & hacks, along with the science of fat burning and being a fat fueled machine! Fast Keto answers all of your pressing questions about the ketogenic lifestyle as well as intermittent fasting by featuring world renowned and leading edge keto & low carb doctors, scientist experts, authors, and people with inspiring transformational stories discussing the best tools for becoming fat adapted and optimizing your metabolic health with whole foods, intermittent and longer term fasting, nutrition, exercise and more!


 Gretchen Rubin: Happier with Low Carb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:28

Ever wondered about your personality type and how to make following a healthy lifestyle easier for you? NY Times Best Selling author Gretchen Rubin is joining us to talk about her book the Four Tendencies: Upholder, Obliger, Questioner & Rebel. Which one are you? How can you make the most of your personal tendencies to get to your health goals faster? Plus, Gretchen has been following a low carb diet herself for several years, so chat about her love of Low Carb and how to make it work with a busy schedule!

 Keto for Fat Burning, Boosting Metabolism and Muscle with Dr Ben Bikman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:43

Did you know ketones have a caloric value?! Hold onto your hats, buckle your seatbelt for this wild ride into the land of ketosis and the science of fat burning, metabolism and muscle boosting effects from ketones! Vanessa and Dr. Ben Bikman do a deep dive today on brown fat, how to activate brown fat, how keto lowers insulin so that the metabolism can be boosted, how ketones can enhance mitochondrial biogenesis in the brain, muscle and fat tissues and much more including actual caloric value of ketones!

 Losing 50+ LBS & Crushing Keto Cookbooks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:44

Join Vanessa and Kyndra (a.k.a PeaceLoveAndLowCarb) today as they delve into all kinds of fun topics about keto including how to order food low carb at restaurants, what really goes on in the kitchen with substitutions, how to grill the perfect steak at home, and much more including her personal journey to keto and weight loss and running a food blog based business with over 4 cookbooks! 

 Fasting for Metabolic Health with Dr. Nadia Pateguana | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:32

This episode is all about fasting and keto! Featuring fasting educator Dr. Nadia Pateguana from Dr. Jason Fung and Megan Ramos' Intensive Dietary Management (IDM) program. Vanessa and Dr. Pateguana discuss the fasting protocols and how they can improve metabolic health by lowering insulin. They discuss various applications of fasting including time restricted eating and the best times to eat in the day to avoid insulin spikes. Dr. Nadia also specializes in working with women with PCOS and fertility.

 130 LBS Lost with Keto and then 8+ Years of a Carnivore Zero Carb Lifestyle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:22

Kelly Hogan has been on a zero carb, carnivore lifestyle for 8+ years, a total of 9 years this October. She lost 130 lbs following a low carb or ketogenic diet for 5 years, and then eventually reduced carbs to zero in order to relieve carb cravings and food addiction that she was dealing with. Vanessa and Kelly discuss her story in full as well as how good it is to eat high fat foods, tuning into your body and listening to it, how Kelly eats daily on her zero carb, carnivore diet, and so much more!

 Relieving Anxiety with Gut Health & Keto | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:37

Today's episode features Ali Miller and her brand new book, The Anti-Anxiety Diet - coming out next week! Vanessa and Ali talk about the connection between anxiety and gut health and some of the best methods to support the integrity of the gut lining to help with leaky gut and how it all connects back to anxiety. Ali has a similar whole foods based approach and they talk about sweeteners and keto and the gut, and so many aspects of mood and feeling calm and serene and how to optimize this through diet.

 Perfecting Ketones, Carnivore & Protein with Dr. Anthony Gustin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:56

Perfecting Ketones, Carnivore & Protein with Dr. Anthony Gustin

 The Truth about the Maasai & Their Keto Diet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:48

Join Vanessa this week to discuss the truth behind the African Ketogenic dieters known as the Maasai from her recent trip to meet them in Tanzania. Do they really eat keto and is their health truly that much better than their peers? Are they truly ketogenic dieters and what does the future hold for them? Also covered is the topic of caffeine on keto and to optimize restoring your body's insulin sensitivity, in this week's Fast Keto tip!

 Food Lies & Food Heroes: A New Film by Brian Sanders | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:31

Food Lies & Food Heroes: A New Film by Brian Sanders Check out the indigogo campaign at

 My 30 Day+ Carnivore Zero Carb Experiment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:44

This episode is part 1 of 2 in sharing my experience doing a carnivore diet. I talk about why I did carnivore/zero carb, how I did it, how I ate on it, what I learned, the best aspects of it, and how I am adapting my ketogenic diet based on what I learned from doing it. I also focus in on carnivore for eliminating cravings, what causes cravings, how to get rid of them completely, and I talk about fat loss and lack of fiber on zero carb. Episode 2 of 2 will be out next week answering all of your questions

 Strict Carnivore Diet for Arthritis, Depression & Fat Loss with Mikhaila Peterson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:09

Mikhaila Peterson has had quite a journey to health. Her father, Jordan Peterson has spoken about his Carnivore diet for anxiety on the Joe Rogan Podcast, and he found it through his daughter's discovery of it. She had suffered since a very young age with crippling health conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain, depression and many more symptoms which were improved considerably from a strict carnivore diet. Vanessa and Mikhaila do a deep dive on her zero carb diet and journey back to health.

 Lowering Fat for Fat Loss with Amy Berger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:52

On today's episode we talk about optimizing fat loss, health, disease prevention, her approach to low carb and keto as a nutritionist and Amy's fantastic book The Alzheimer's Antidote and so much more! Amy Berger, MS, CNS, NTP, is a USAF veteran, Certified Nutrition Specialist and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who specializes in using low-carbohydrate nutrition to help people reclaim their vitality through eating delicious foods, and that getting and staying well can be done just eating less carbs!

 How Leanne Vogel Lives Her Best Keto Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:59

In this episode, Leanne shares with us exactly how she personally does keto for herself, how she eats, her approach and thoughts on fasting, how she has evolved her keto diet over the years from all she has learned podcasting and writing her book, "Carb Ups" (a term she coined), how "carbing up" works and why it can help break a stall, eating grass-fed and grass finished meat or not, and how she sets nutrition goals for herself (hint: she doesn't), and SO MUCH MORE! Tune in to hear all of the keto things!

 Top Ketogenic Resources for Brain Cancer, Epilepsy & More: KetoCon 2018 Stories Panel Featuring Vanessa Spina, Shawn Mynar, Gillian Szollos, Jade Nelson, Alison Gannett, Carrie Brown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:56

Rich in ketogenic tools and resources, this episode features Top Ketogenic Resources for Brain Cancer, Epilepsy & More. The Ketocon 2018 Panel Featuring Vanessa Spina, Shawn Mynar, Gillian Szollos, Jade Nelson, Alison Gannett, Carrie Brown. Originally aired on the Ketovangelist podcast. Finding a Keto doctor mentioned by Alison:

 How to Find Your Keto with Shawn Mynar, NTP | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:57

This is a really FUN and insightful episode with special guest Shawn Mynar, NTP and host of the Keto Show for Women! Vanessa and Shawn discuss emotional eating, eliminating cravings with regular blood sugar, intuitive eating, doing keto properly to balance female hormones, eating more instead of restricting as well as Shawn's personal journey from a body building competitor  and how she went from restrictive dieting to whole foods keto. Plus her tips on how women can build and maximizing strength! 


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