The Jason Stapleton Program show

The Jason Stapleton Program

Summary: Try as we might, we could never describe the show better than those who choose to make it a part of their daily lives, so, in the words of one of our listeners,"So who/what is Jason Stapleton/podcast? Before I answer that, ever heard of the saying, 'In a world gone mad...a glimpse of sanity' or 'In an ocean of island of calm'? Well, he's that and a whole lot more...entertaining, topical, knowledgeable, informed, traveled, intelligent and articulate. In his podcasts he brings his special sense of understanding and ability to simply the issues (governments, politics, economy, domestic and foreign policy, war, markets, morals, and more) an hour each day. If all the madness and all the turmoil (at home and all around the world) have you confused, aggravated and looking for a source of clarity, perhaps Jason can bring you a bit of sanity and a welcome sense of calm."

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 A Rare Win for the 2nd Amendment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3074

It's not often I get to talk about a win for liberty, but today we're going to cover the recent appeals court decision that resulted in a quintuple win for 2nd Amendment rights. Our success may be short-lived. Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have been advocating policies that would restrict gun ownership of many Americans without due process. Then No Fly List and Terror Watch list are two backdoor way to control who gets to defend themselves and who doesn't. If either of these candidates is elected, we're likely to see the groundwork for a Constitutional back door. It's only a matter of time before the government starts classifying people like your humble host a "terrorist" and a threat to America. We're also going to talk about the VA and all the failures and false promises our government has made. All the while claiming what we need is a single payer option for regular citizens. Our government is quickly becoming a criminal enterprise. Let's hope we can turn the tide before we all become slaves to our Washinton overlords.

 Hillary Clinton Avoids Another Major Scandal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3130

You would have to go back in the JSP archive to find my discussion on the Libyan arms sales, but if you've been listening with any regularity, you might remember the name, Marc Turi. He's the government arms dealer who sold weapons to Qatar for the U.S. government. Those weapons were then transferred, sold, bartered to terrorist groups operating in Libya and later flowed into Syria, Iraq and possibly Turkey. It's a felony for anyone (including government officials) to sell or facilitate the sale of arms to groups classified as terrorist organizations. In short, the State Department and Hillary Clinton specifically sold guns to Qatar through Mr. Turi with the intention of sending those weapons to terrorist groups fighting Gadaffi in Libya. Once word got out about what Hillary and the State Department had done, they immediately went after Mr. Turi, charging him with four felonies. Turi fought the charges and yesterday the Department of Justice dropped all charges against Mr. Turi rather than take him to court and expose what he knows about the scandal. It's another case of Hillary avoiding the day of reckoning we all hope she'll see. *** I've also got some post-debate coverage from last night and some pretty scary news out of Russia. All that and some witty banter, today on the Jason Stapleton Program. Subscribe and Share!! Jason

 Austin Petersen Spot on with His Analysis of Ron Paul | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3213

I was trolling through Facebook yesterday and ran across a live stream Austin Petersen had done where he criticized Ron Paul for having a muddled message. Naturally, I was intrigued. No self-respecting libertarian who doesn't hate himself makes a point of publicly criticizing the great Dr. Paul. So I clicked the play button and waited for the fireworks. One thing that has always amazed me about libertarians is now we can claim the banner of individualism and free thought, laugh at the Trump supporters for their blind faith in a candidate while holding on to our own idolatry. I think Austin did a great job of pointing this out without being judgmental or rude. His calm and well-defended argument did not escape the rebuke of many who cannot see past the immortalized figure that is Ron Paul, but I think we would all do well to at least consider the merits of his argument. You can see his full comments here: Talk soon, Jason

 Journalism is Dead: The Media of the 21st Century | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3261

I've been dialed into CNN for the past few days, and I'm appalled at the coverage of both political candidates. CNN has been a 24-hour network dedicated to amplifying Clinton's negative image of Trump. Now before you go getting any while ideas about me a Trump supporter let me set the record strait. I can't stand Trump, and I'm fine with the media pointing out his every flaw. JUST PLAY IT BOTH WAYS!! If you were watching a football game and the referee was calling every hold or false start for one team but ignoring the facemasks and pass interference of the opposition you'd cry foul. Nobody want's to watch a rigged game. CNN has plenty of controversies to keep them busy covering Clinton for the next two years yet they ignore all of it. On the rare occasion, we do hear about a scandal; it's typically in the form of a panel where half the coverage is spent defending Clinton and shifting blame to Trump. CNN is not alone in it disdain for basic journalistic intergrity. MSNBC, ABC, CBS and FOX News all do the same thing in one form or another. Americans are not getting the type of media the deserve, and it's our own fault. Until we start turning off this biased and politically motivated reporting, it won't change. Sadly I fear most Americans have no interest in the truth and are happy to seek out reporting that confirms their own political bias. Lots to cover today. We've got the latest Bill Weld comments, and it looks like the government is going to try to find a way to bail out the insurance companies using your money. Another great story to come out of the ObamaCare fiasco. Jason

 Gary Johnson Makes Me Eat My Words | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3087

It's not very often I have to apologize for being wrong but today is one of those days. Gary Johnson has forced me to eat my words, and today I'm going to formally ask for your forgiveness regarding my recent comments about Gary Johnson. It's also "Ask Me Anything" Friday which means I answer your questions live on the show. It's good to be back in the studio after being gone for a week but it was great meeting some of you in Davenport and I'm looking forward to doing it again next year. Jason

 Thoughts on the 1st Presidential Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3082

Thoughts on the 1st Presidential Debate

 My Talk with Mo Dawoud | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3129

My Talk with Mo Dawoud

 My Chat with Johnny Adams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3156

My Chat with Johnny Adams

 A Prepper Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1868

We get a lot of questions about prepping for some reason. Maybe it's because I'm always talking about coming banking problems or maybe its because libertarians just like being self sufficient. Whatever the reason I thought we would devote a show to the ideas and I'd tell you a little about what I think and what I do. Enjoy!

 AMA FRIDAY! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3385

It's Friday, and that means it's another day full of your questions. Lost of stuff on property rights today. We'll dig in and hopefully I'll say something remotely coherent. I'll also talk about the upcoming debate between Clinton and Trump. It turns out Clinton asked for a stool so she wouldn't look so short next to Trump. Optics are everything and in a race where both people are unlikable the person who comes off looking the best will likely take the prize. Jason

 Italian bank Monte Pachi Latest to Face Collapse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3195

Two months ago Monte Pachi, Italy's third largest bank failed a European stress test. Since then it's become increasingly clear something was profoundly wrong. Now we find out Paschi will likely seek a government bailout to save them from a total collapse. This is highly unlikely considering the hit bondholders would have to take, and EU leaders fear it may spark a run on several other Italian banks facing financial trouble. None of this should be shocking to you since we've been talking about the global banking implosion we're all facing. What not many people are discussion is what's going to happen when Paschi doesn't get its handout. The risk of what's called a bail-in is gaining popularity in certain intellectual circles. That's where the bank reaches into your account and deducts a percentage of your savings to help balance their ledger. It's criminal; it should be illegal and in any normal world where property rights and the rule of law were giving even a passing consideration it would be. But in these very dangerous times, it's not going to take much to push banks into a bail-in option and when they do they'll have the support of the government. *** More on the riots today as the National Guard was called in to assist Charlette police. One protester was killed, by another protester, during the evening festivities. Any semblance of an honorable and legitimate protest is long gone. Now we just have thugs on the street using this unrest to destroy private property and loot their own neighborhoods. *** Finally, We'll talk Hillary Clinton and her recent comments to the Labor's International Union. Apparently, she doesn't understand why she's, not 50 points ahead of Trump. I'm going to help explain it to her.

 Another Police Shooting Sparks Riots, PLUS: The Effects of Rent Control | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3087

I've got several things I want to get through today. First, we'll talk about the shooting in Charlotte, and I'll try to bring unbiased thinking to a very explosive situation. From there I'm going to take a look at a story about a young family being evicted from their apartment to make way for higher-paying renters like the ones working at Google and Facebook. We as libertarians get accused of being heartless and this particular story is written to demonize the building owners while victimizing the renters. But how much of that is true and how much is spin? Does believing in a free market where landlords can set their own rent prices make you a heartless capitalist? We'll discuss this in detail today, and I hope you walk away feeling empowered and better informed about the economics and compassion of capitalism. Please Subscribe and Share!!!! Jason

 A New Narrative Emerges in the Push for Globalization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3027

I'm noticing a theme starting to immerge in the talking points of global leaders. It's subtle and if I wasn't so finely tuned into the global financial turmoil boiling under the surface of our rose colored economy. From Obama to IMF Director Christine Lagarde there is a growing call for a more globalized world. Don't misunderstand; this term globalization is not a bad word. We all want to mak it easier to transfer, buy, sell or trade goods between nations. Trade is a very important part of our individual success, but that's not what our world leaders are talking about when they use the term globalization. When Obama or Merkel use the term "globalization," they are talking about a closer political and financial union between nations. (Think the EU on a global scale. Doesn't that sound nice?) They want to create new governing bodies that centralize power on a global scale. Why is this so important now? Well, think about the massive financial disaster brewing in our collective national stew. No nation is safe and what I think we're heading toward is a call for centralized financial and possibly political control to consolidate power when the next default happens.

 Ahmad Rahami and Plastic forks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2965

Suspected pipe bomber Ahmad Rahami is now in custody. The people of New York can now rest easy knowing this low-level amateur bomb builder is off the street. The bigger question is, how many more like him still walk the streets under the radar of our law enforcement and government overlords. Law enforcement deserves a great deal of credit here. They identified and tracked down the suspect in record time. But let us not forget that this is where law enforcement shines. It is the detection and prevention they tend to suck at. On the show, I want to talk a little about these homegrown terrorists we're seeing more and more. Both Ahmad and the Somali stabber had both been in the country for years only to become violent. I fear this will become the rule rather than the exception if we continue our middle eastern excursions. *** Also on the show: France has decided to outlaw plastic forks and knives in an attempt to stave off climate change.

 Matt Carter from the Break it Down Podcast Chat's with Jason | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4625

I don't typically do interviews but as I prepare for our shooting event later this month I've been doing some interviews to make sure you guys have great shows while I'm away. Matt Carter has a great podcast that's centrally focussed around music, but he also uses his show to branch out and learn some new concepts and ideas. I really like Matts southern style and his relaxed manner. I think you will too. You can check out all his shows at Enjoy!


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