The Jason Stapleton Program show

The Jason Stapleton Program

Summary: Try as we might, we could never describe the show better than those who choose to make it a part of their daily lives, so, in the words of one of our listeners,"So who/what is Jason Stapleton/podcast? Before I answer that, ever heard of the saying, 'In a world gone mad...a glimpse of sanity' or 'In an ocean of island of calm'? Well, he's that and a whole lot more...entertaining, topical, knowledgeable, informed, traveled, intelligent and articulate. In his podcasts he brings his special sense of understanding and ability to simply the issues (governments, politics, economy, domestic and foreign policy, war, markets, morals, and more) an hour each day. If all the madness and all the turmoil (at home and all around the world) have you confused, aggravated and looking for a source of clarity, perhaps Jason can bring you a bit of sanity and a welcome sense of calm."

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 Guest Host Dave Smith Talks Hillary and Govt Corruption | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3101

While Jason is out he left the show in the capable hands of Dave Smith from his podcast "Part Of The Problem" and Darren, to talk about the no prosectuion recommendation from the FBI on Hillary. They also discuss what's it going to take for Americans to really get ANGRY at government to actually demand change. Unfortunately, we may be too comfortable yet before anything major may happen. Really excellent and unique show today, make sure to listen and share with your friends!

 Live from Las Vegas: Jason Talks with Real Estate Guru Greg Frost | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3311

I've been saving this interview for about a month because I knew I would be out of town this week. This is a fantastic talk on the housing market; where we've come from and where we're going. I'm talking with Greg Frost one of the "good guys" in the mortgage loan business. He is the first man to every write a billion dollars in loans and during the buildup to the subprime mortgage collapse Greg never sold a single subprime loan. It's an intriguing look into the workings of the mortgage market and by the end I was asking myself a question, "Is all this new regulation really making us safer?" You decide.

 Jason's Recommended Reading List | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3430

I've been promising this episode for a long time. Here is a variety of great books I've read and some discussion on each. Plenty of knowledge to keep you busy for weeks!

 An Economy in Chaos: Italian banks on the verge of collapse. Is France Next? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3128

I've taken a lot of heat over the past couple of years when I said that Europe was in far worse shape than America. As Greece was collapsing, I told all of you to pay close attention to France and Italy because their economies are headed toward the same end. It would appear the EU is now attempting to calm fears in Italy and prevent a run on the banks by providing a 150 billion euro guarantee on Italian bank deposits. Apparently, the Brexit came at just the right time for Italy, giving the Prime Minister just the excuse he needed for such an extraordinary bailout. Also in the stack today; Insurance companies are now suing HHS to get paid after Obamacare fails to deliver it's promised profits. The insurers probably screwed, and you might be tempted to say "GOOD! Serves you right for backing such a distinctly socialist policy." The problem is, you're the one who's going to end up footing the bill through higher premiums. It's another example of failed socialist policies at work. Happy 4th Everyone! Enjoy your weekend. Jason

 Interns Learn the Cold Reality of Working in the Real World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3249

Many students today are facing culture shock when they leave college and start looking for work. They've been brought up in a society that is so wealthy that not only do children do not need to work but where those same kids can go from birth to their mid 20's without ever holding down a job. Such was the situation that one young intern found herself in recently when she decided to challenge her office dress code by getting all the interns in the office to sign a petition requesting the dress code be changed. Not only did she and the other interns lose their jobs, but she was also confused and felt she was unfairly treated by her bosses. And why wouldn't she feel that way? By her admission, she's never had a job. She's always "focused on her schooling". She comes from a world where her ideas and opinions are treated with respect. (No matter how foolish or absurd those ideas might be.) College is not preparing our students for the real world. It's indoctrinating them into an ideology that has no basis in reality. These adult children are now coming out of school poorly educated and with no idea how the "real world" works. Being terminated from her job be the most valuable lesson this young intern ever learns but judging by her reaction I don't think her firing had the desired effect of fracturing her alternate reality or delivering the wake-up call she desperately needs. Jason

 Not Another Inch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3144

I'm tired of giving up ground. The progressive playbook is so predictable. They exploit every opportunity to restrict liberty and trample on our Constitution. No more. It's time to draw a line, dig in and refuse to fall back. What happened to our side? We used to have a side. The side that defended the idea of limited government, of constitutional principles. Where have these men gone? The bar continues to move closer and closer to totalitarianism. The most recent example is the gun debate no raging in Congress over the restriction of gun purchases to people on the no-fly list and/or terror watch list. Since when did being accused of a crime grant the government the authority to restrict a citizens 2nd amendment right? The answer is NEVER. So why are Republicans considering this as a "compromise" to the Democratic calls for gun bans? Where are our libertarian warriors? Our side needs a wake-up call. We take ground we don't give it up. We move our line forward, inch by inch. We don't make deals that sacrifice hard earned victories. We NEVER give up ground. Progressives learned this long ago. The fight for every inch. They never surrender ground. If you want it, you have to take it. It's time we announced to the opposition that we are done capitulating. We are done negotiating. Do you want our liberty? Molon Labe!

 Puerto Rico: How Government Debt and Cronyism Bankrupted a People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3274

Puerto Rico: How Government Debt and Cronyism Bankrupted a People

 Globalists Want a Redo: Call Brexit Voters Racist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3066

Yeah, I wish that headline was an exaggeration, but it's not. I told you this was coming. Globalists got caught flat-footed when the vote to leave the EU didn't go their way, and now they're doing everything they can to nullify the results. I've said before that there's an easy way to know if a libertarian has lost an argument. He'll just call you a statist. For progressives (read globalist) the term is racist. If you position has no merit or is indefensible based on logic, reason and fact, simply call your opponent a racist and then you can claim all of their ideas to be suspect. Leftists have done this with Donald Trump. After he received the endorsement of the KKK, the media, and the democratic socialists pounced, attempting to tie Trump's views with that of the KKK. It's an easy sell since Trump's comments on immigration have been anything but diplomatic. Piggybacking off the race discussion, I want to cover a story involving a TV reporter and a few remarks she made on Facebook that got her fired. In America today you've got to be careful anytime you bring race into a conversation. It might just cost you your job.

 British Exit Not a Done Deal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3167

Markets are in an uproar today after the UK voted to leave the EU. But has anyone bothered to look at what happens next? I think a lot of people believe that a British separation from the EU is inevitable, even imminent but nothing could be further from the truth. By my estimation, it's going to take at least two and a half years for the UK to make it's transition and that's assuming there are no political shenanigans that come up. Considering that a mere 2% separated the winners from the losers, it would not be at all unlikely to see some MP's step up to block the referendum from being implemented. What you need to understand is that we are years away from any change coming to the trading relationship between the UK and EU, and a lot can happen between now and then. From the EU discussion, we'll move to guns where I'll play some interesting comments from Charlie Rangel, who apparently believes he deserves to be protected by guns while you should be forced to fend for yourself. It's a crazy backward world out there, and it's getting crazier by the day. Don't miss a minute of today's show. You won't here this type of commentary anywhere else in media. Jason

 The Libertarian Town Hall: Did Gary Come Out a Winner? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3092

Last night marked the first prime time opportunity for co-presidential nominees Gary Johnson and Bill Weld to speak directly to Americans about their "unique" view on politics. Moderated by Chirs Cuomo, who I can only assume drew the short straw, the town hall was a series of rambling policy explanations and repeated contradictions as Gary Johnson attempted to mumble and stutter his way through a series of gaffes and missteps, even being caught in a lie at one point. I know that many of you will maintain your support for Mr. Bean and Wild Bill even after they referred to Obama as a "good guy" and Hillary as "a friend." I'm sure you'll still cast your vote for a man who back-peddled on his legalization position and advocated for the social welfare state. You'll do it for the same reason progressives continue to support economic ideas that have been debunked time and time again. You'll do it because you don't want to admit you were wrong. Above all else what bothers me the most about Gary J and Wild Bill is they are clearly unprepared and lack even a basic understanding of their police opinions. They have no pride in what they do or what they stand for. It's shameful we have these two man representing our ideas. No one voting in this election is going to know what libertarianism is. Even if Gary was a libertarian (and I contend his is not) he lacks either the desire or ability to explain his positions. Shame on the LP for nominating these two clowns. Pray we don't get 15%. These men will be made to look like fools on a debate stage. After the convention libertarians don't need any help looking stupid. Jason

 Brexit Looms as Europe Awaits its Fate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3047

It's a jam-packed show today folks and we kick it off will a little update on the Orlando shooter. For a week now I've been telling you that the narrative of this guy being a radical extremist just didn't match his actions and today, I got some vindication. A former lover has come forward to claim that Mateen felt "used" by many of the men at the Pulse nightclub. He allegedly even had sex with one man who ended up being positive for HIV. Mateen's former lover said he was "100% gay" and that Mateen told him he was going to get back at those he felt had wronged him. This is almost verbatim what I said on the show just a few days ago. Is this guy Mateen's lover? I don't know. But I do know the story matches the facts much closer than anything the media is reporting right now. I think it will turn out to be far closer to the truth than anyone could have imagined. From there its on to a discussion of the Brexit. Voting happens tomorrow, and no one knows how it's going to turn out. I'm on record saying I think they're going to leave. I'll have all the commentary you can take tomorrow. Jason

 Supreme Court Says It's OK to Use Illegal Evidence to Convict Criminals. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3227

I'm light on show notes this today. I have to work quick so I can get out of the studio at a decent time but today we're going to be talking about a couple of court decisions that further illustrate the show erosion of our constitutional liberty. But before we get to all of that I'm going to tell you about my winter project. I'm just about ready to pull the trigger on a custom motorcycle build. I've always wanted a cafe racer, and I've been doing some research this week to price it out. I'm looking to start the build in late fall and have the bike ready for the streets next spring. It's an ambitious project since I don't have any experience in motorcycle mechanics or bike building, but I know what I want, and I've found some resources here in KC to help me with it. If any of you have experience building triumph cafe bikes let me know. It would be nice to talk shop. Jason

 The United "Nanny" State of America: Counting the cost of liberty lost. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3204

This is an interesting episode. I had a huge stack of news articles to talk about today, and I didn't make it though half of them. The more I look at the world around me the more concerned I become with the ever expanding nanny state and seeming desire by many for more and more of it. Why do we continue to allow our civil liberties to be trampled? In the past week, I've shown evidence of police, politicians and media either calling for or outright violating the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th amendments to the constitution. This cannot last. It is no longer enough to defend our rights and liberties. Until we, as a group, are willing to defend the liberty and constitutionally protected rights of our neighbors we will never see the change we desire.

 Jason Calls For Senator Joe Manchin to Resign after Comments Over Due Process. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3143

Yesterday I alluded to some comments by Senator Joe Manchin on MSNBC's Morning Joe. The senator suggested that the problem with gun violence today has to do with due process. That pesky 5th amendment that requires the government to have evidence against you before charging you with a crime. That terrible constitutional protection that prevents the government from depriving you of life, liberty or property without due process. The same amendment that protects the accused from self-incrimination. Yes, Senator Manchin thinks that's what's keeping the government from being able to protect the people. Well, I've had enough. I'm calling for the resignation or expulsion of Joe Manchin. He swore and oath to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, and I submit to you he is now one of those domestic enemies. Sign the petition now: From there we move on to "Wild" Bill Weld, Co-President for the libertarian party and his comments about the Trans-Pacific Partnership. It's sad when a libertarian show host has to defend the principles of liberty not just from the left and the right but also from the representatives of the libertarian party as well. Have a great weekend everyone. Don't forget to share the show.

 Guest Robin Koerner Talks About the Power of Persuasion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3086

If you need a good laugh, the first 10 minutes of today's show is a must listen. Just when I think Gary Johnson can't be any worse, he proves me wrong again. This time on the popular internet talk show "The Daily Beast." My guest today is Robin Koerner, who is the host of the very popular podcast "The Blue Republican." He's also got a new book out that I think you're going to enjoy. Pick up Robins new book here: Robin and I spend the bulk of the show today talking about the psychology of persuasion and how to win people over to the libertarian point of view. Then I drop a bombshell. Politicians used to pretend they were supporters and defenders of the constitution. Not anymore. Senator Joe Manchin just stated on Morning Joe that our real problem is due process. If we had a little less, we'd be a lot safer according to Joe. I'm calling for Joe's resignation and I hope you'll join me. Jason


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