The Jason Stapleton Program show

The Jason Stapleton Program

Summary: Try as we might, we could never describe the show better than those who choose to make it a part of their daily lives, so, in the words of one of our listeners,"So who/what is Jason Stapleton/podcast? Before I answer that, ever heard of the saying, 'In a world gone mad...a glimpse of sanity' or 'In an ocean of island of calm'? Well, he's that and a whole lot more...entertaining, topical, knowledgeable, informed, traveled, intelligent and articulate. In his podcasts he brings his special sense of understanding and ability to simply the issues (governments, politics, economy, domestic and foreign policy, war, markets, morals, and more) an hour each day. If all the madness and all the turmoil (at home and all around the world) have you confused, aggravated and looking for a source of clarity, perhaps Jason can bring you a bit of sanity and a welcome sense of calm."

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 Johnson Calls for a New Carbon Tax | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3170

At some point, Johnson supports are going to lose credibility altogether. Many of us left the Republican party because they no longer promoted the ideas of limited government and free markets. We got tired of seeing government expand and our liberty contract. We were fed up with the constant meddling and insane foreign policy. 2016 presented libertarians of all stripes to get a seat at the table finally. Something we had not been able to do for 40 years. We squandered this opportunity, sold our principles for a candidate we thought had the best chance of getting respect from the media. We added insult to injury by nominating a progressive Republican as Johnson's running mate because we thought he could help us raise money. I was at the LP convention. I sat in frustration and disbelief as the party traded principle for popularity. Like the Republican Party, the Libertarian Party has become something I am ashamed to be associated with. Yesterday, Johnson laid out his most recent political truth bomb by admitting he wanted to see a new carbon tax or "fee" as he calls it. I'm done trying to convince libertarians that Johnson is not worth supporting. If you can't see it by now, nothing I can say will convince you. But I won't stop calling him out and fighting against the type of garbage he promotes while wearing my colors. Jason

 Fed Heads to Jackson Hole | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3102

The rest of the media is finally starting to catch up with where we've been on the economy. At their yearly trip to Jackson Hole, the Fed is expected to play down any future rate hikes for 2016. Anyone who didn't expect this is living under a rock or simply shilling for the man. The economy is still on shaky ground. Everyone knows we're overdue for a recession, and the Fed has now resorted to buying corporate bonds in an attempt to boost asset prices and keep equity prices high. It's another bubble that will eventually burst. Even legendary trader Paul Tudor Jones has had to cut staff as his assets have been reduced by half due to poor performance and redemption requests. This is a guy who averaged close to 30% between 1987 and 2007. Since the crash, nearly a decade ago, government and central bank intervention have made investing using traditional fundamental indicators almost impossible. We also dive into the new tax plan being put forward by Republicans. I know the subject of tax structures might be mind-numbing for some of you, and a lesser host might shy away from the topic altogether, but we're going to make it fun and exciting. By the end of today's show, you'll know how companies shield their assets from taxation and play the tax avoidance game on an international scale. Lots of goodies today. Enjoy the show. Don't forget to share!

 The Truth About the Iran Hostage Scandal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3041

Did the U.S. pay a 400 million dollar ransom for our hostages in Iran? The Iranians say we did, and the timeline looks somewhat fishy. Today I'm going to do what no media outlet has bothered to do and walks you through the entire story and explain what I think happened. What bothers me most about this story is how the government clearly lied to the American people. We now have media relations people working for the government who have the sole duty and responsibility of lying to the press and spinning the truth to the American people. This is a problem both caused and perpetuated by the media. Our first amendment provides for a free press to prevent just this kind of government abuse. Our "journalists" (and I use that term very loosely) refuse to hold government accountable for its statements. Instead of calling guys like John Kirby out as liars and deceivers, media outlets like Fox News provide Kirby a chance to put his spin on a damaging story. Unfortunately, new media doesn't have a seat at the political big kid's table, so they're forced to sit on the outside and criticize those that do. The reality is, this type of behavior will continue to get worse as long as our media refuse to do their job and expose these liars and thieves for what they truly are. Jason

 Gore Blames Floods on Climate Change While Russia Masses on Border with Ukraine. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2931

There's a lot of random news out today, all of it interesting. The recent floods in Louisiana and Texas have caused massive damage and displaced tens of thousands of people. Listening to Al Gore you'd think we'd never seen floods like this before. He claims these types of disasters are getting worse due to climate change. The truth, of course, is far less dramatic although no less tragic. While Gore complains about pretend problems, Ukrainians are worried about a very real, potential invasion of their western front by Russia. Russians are massing troops along the border and are scheduled to run training operations shortly. Rumblings from Ukraine suggest Russia may be planning for a full assault while using the training operation as a smoke screen. We'll also talk about the Clinton and Trump campaigns. Trump just had a major shakeup, hiring Stephen Bannon, who runs Breitbart, as his new campaign CEO. All this stuff and maybe some witty commentary today, on the Jason Stapleton Program. Don't miss it.

 Head of the FDIC Now Warns that U.S. Banks are Unstable | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3102

For several years not I've been warning about the risk to our bond and banking system. The measures put into place after the last economic panic were wholly inadequate. In fact, they did nothing to correct the major issues that lead to the near collapse of our entire economic system. Here we are, eight years later, interest rates are still at near zero with many countries dipping into negative territory. While politicians and sellout economists extol the virtues of a mythical recovery some very important people are sounding warning bells. The signs are always in plain sight for all to see. It's easy to figure out where the risk is if you know where to look. Now both the head of the San Francisco Fed and the head of the FDIC are both sounding the alarm about the next economic panic. Today we'll talk about both of them along with some discussion of Obamacare. I reference two Papers in the show today. Here they are: The Babylon Report The Coming Divide Jason

 A Rebuke of Elitest Ignorance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3504

We are surrounded by highly decorated intellectuals. Doctors, lawyers, college presidents with intimidating resumes all spouting their opinion on everything from tax policy to moral judgments. It's easy to get persuaded or even intimidated by these types of people. Many times they are more eloquent and have better credentials than you. It makes it difficult to stand against that kind of intellectual force. Intellectual elites have for years, been apologizing and defending the deplorable actions of governments in an attempt to protect their lives and positions of power. Today we're going to look at a two examples of this. One, a university professor, the other a lawyer and self-described libertarian. What I hope you take away from today's discussion is a sense of empowerment. Just because these elites have more education and often more credibility does not mean their opinions can stand up to scrutiny. Quite the contrary. I've found these types of intellectuals bank on the fact that their resume will protect them from any close inspection. I'm just an Irish kid from Kansas. I barely graduated high school, and I'm about to run roughshod over two intellectuals wouldn't be able to defend their positions at a middle school debate club. Never fall victim to a sense of inferiority. As I've said many times, "In the arena of ideas, we cannot be defeated." We have truth and logic on our side. They have distortions and lies. We are the candle; they are the darkness and darkness always retreats in the presence of the light.

 Negative Interest Rates Coming to a Bank Near You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3262

That's right folks; I've been warning about it for months, and now it's here. I know a lot of you thought I was crazy but yesterday the first European bank announced it would start charging people for holding money in their bank. Also, I've got some really interesting information about LIBOR. If you don't know what that is or why it matters to you, tune in today to get all the details. Like negative interest rates this little nugget is an important one in forming a complete picture of our economic landscape. In the back half of the show, I'm doing something I've never done before. I'm going to do a question and answer. I've asked members of the private Facebook group to send me their questions, and I'm going to respond to some of them. We're closing out another great week. Thanks so much for being part of what we're building and if you want to join me next week for a small group Q&A you can sign up here: Jason

 Nullification: How Americans Win the War for Liberty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3142

I've talked for a long time about starting locally. We focus so much on national elections largely because that's what the media focuses on, but the real war is fought in cities and counties across this nation. The road back to constitutional government seems long and at times impossible but that doesn't have to be the case. All you need is a State willing to ignore unconstitutional federal law and protect its citizens against federal tyranny. This is done through a process called nullification. If you're not familiar with this legal principle, don't feel bad. You're likely the product of a government education, and your government doesn't want you knowing just how much power you have. For instance, did you know, as a Juror, you have the authority to find someone innocent even if they broke the law? That's because you, as a juror have the responsibility to not only judge the guilt or innocence of a defendant, but you also have the responsibility of determining where the law they are accused of breaking is just. I bet you didn't, and that's because the legal system doesn't want you to know just how much power you have. States also have the authority to determine when the federal government has overstepped its constitutional authority since it is the states that created the federal government. Today we're going to talk about what this looks like in practice, and I'm going to try and lay out a roadmap on how we achieve a renewed independence without violence or coercion. It's going to be a great show.

 Is Forcing Prisoners to Work a form of Slave labor? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3092

Yeah, I know it's a funny question, but we do have a prison system that pays prisoners little to nothing for a days labor and then sells that product to companies at discounted prices. Is this the free market at work or is it exploitation? In a recent article from, the author takes a look at several cases where companies benefit from the cheap labor of the prison system. According to the article, some prisoners are forced to work or face solitary confinement. Is this a choice between free markets or slave labor? Is there a better solution? Of course, there is. And I'll talk about it today. We've also going to cover Trumps 2nd amendment comments. Right wing radio is rushing to his defense and trying to explain what he "really meant" or what he "really said." I'll play you the audio, and you can decide if what he said was really all that damning or not. Finally, I've got a report suggesting Germany should be ready to nationalize it's banks in the event of another economic downturn. The writing is on the wall people. The question is, what are you going to do about it. Swiss America wrote an excellent report about this, and you should check it out. Thanks so much for being one of the 20,000 + listeners a day. Help spread the message of liberty subscribe and share the show with your friends! Jason

 While Vets Wait VA Spends Millions on Art | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3044

The VA has 167 full-time designers on staff in its 75 hospitals and regional offices. Over the past eight years, they've spent over 16 million on artwork. To give you some idea of the scale of waste, nearly $700,000 was spent on two sculptures at hospitals for blind veterans. What's worse than the waste on art is the waste of salary for the 167 designers. Estimates put total salary expenses over the same period at over one hundred million dollars. That makes the art itself look cheap. While all of this waste was going on, veterans suffered from long lines secret lists and inadequate care. What's really insulting is how the VA continues to complain that they're underfunded. Do you have any idea how many doctors and specialists you could get for 116 million dollars? It's just another example of government inefficiency and proof nobody in Washington is looking out for you. And to think millions of Americans believe that it would be a good idea to replace ObamaCare with some form of single payer. Wouldn't that be grand! From there we've got some new studies on global warming, and China is making some sneaky moves in the South China Sea in an attempt to control those major shipping ways. Don't forget to subscribe and share!

 New York Times Defends Media Attack on Trump | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3051

We've got lots to cover today. The media has gone into full attack mode on Trump. I'm reminded of 2008, the year John McCain ran for president. During the primary the media had a lovefest with McCain, calling him the "Maverick" and suggesting he was the perfect candidate for Republicans. Then the primary ended. The love affair between McCain and the media came to a quick end, and the attacks started. Is anyone else noticing a pattern? During the primaries, Trump was "the outsider" who's unconventional campaigning defied logic and confused pundits. Sure, nobody liked him but they framed him as the wild card, and everyone wanted a piece of the Donald. Now it's one volley after another as media pundits and self-described "journalists attack every world out of Trump's mouth. I think even those progressives in the media are starting to realize how one-sided their coverage has been because the New York Times just put out a piece defending the biased coverage of journalists sighting the fact that Trump has made this an unconventional election, so journalists have no choice but to throw their integrity aside. I have been saying for years that journalism is dead, and now it would seem the New York Times is even admitting and defending it. If you can believe it, that's just the first story in the stack today. We've also got talk about the Olympics, a bombing in Pakistan and advertising on school buses. Lots of great conversation coming your way this Monday. Don't forget to subscribe and share! Jason

 Olympians Battle Sewage, Zika, Violent Crime and the IRS in Rio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3097

This year competitors may very well be risking their lives as they battle for gold at the Rio Olympics. Not only is the Olympic Village in disarray but sewage filled water, violent crime and Zika fears all add to the risks competitors face at this year's games. To top it off, the IRS would like to remind contestants that if they are lucky enough to survive this year's Hunger...I mean Olympic games and end up coming away with one of the three coveted medals, they will owe a tax on their "winnings." You see the IRS considers an Olympic medal to be "income" and thus taxable. Just one more way the government is doing it's part to make America a better place. The FTC is cutting down on companies that pay internet stars to endorse their products but fail to inform the public. Apparently, the government thinks it's their responsibility to keep you from being influenced by greedy corporations without your knowledge. This is the same government by the way that's mining data on you so they can better understand the most effective ways to spin new government programs. Anyone who thinks the "Affordable Care Act" got its name on accident is already a victim of this type of government manipulation. Finally, did you know the "Don't Tread On Me" flag may be racist? What isn't racist these days? It's all fair game apparently. We'll talk about it today. Don't miss out. Jason

 Everything is Not Fine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3071

Last night Johnson/Weld made their second appearance at a CNN town hall and kudos to CNN for giving them some airtime to present some different views. I don't have much to say about the town hall. There were no standout moments but no big gaffes either. But one thing, in particular, did stand out to me. When asked about the state of the country, Johnson America is doing great, and there's never been a better time to be an American. Now, I understand what he's doing. He wants to be the Ani-Trump and run a positive campaign. I'll also concede the fact that we have a higher standard of living than at any time in our history. But it gets tough to make a case for your candidacy if things are perfect already. In reality, things are far from perfect. There's a major economic storm just over the horizon, and you need to be preparing for it. Today We're going to look a series of concerning economic data that should have you questioning just how great things are. In the end, I just want you to be informed so you can make the best decisions for you and your family. Jason

 Executive Order Gives President the Power to Conscript Americans | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3123

I wish that title was click bait. I wish it were some manipulation of the truth designed to get you to listen to my show. Unfortunately, it's not.

 Dave Rubin Talks Politics, Economics and Taking Charge of Your Destiny | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3275

You guys know I don't do many interviews. In the nearly two years the show has been on, this is by far my favorite guest. Dave has a unique perspective on life and politics. He's a guy who's trying to do the right thing for the right reasons. Regardless of your opinion of his positions, I think you're going to find a man with a desire to throw off the worst parts of our society and focus on what brings us together rather than what tears us apart.


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