Gore Blames Floods on Climate Change While Russia Masses on Border with Ukraine.

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: There's a lot of random news out today, all of it interesting. The recent floods in Louisiana and Texas have caused massive damage and displaced tens of thousands of people. Listening to Al Gore you'd think we'd never seen floods like this before. He claims these types of disasters are getting worse due to climate change. The truth, of course, is far less dramatic although no less tragic. While Gore complains about pretend problems, Ukrainians are worried about a very real, potential invasion of their western front by Russia. Russians are massing troops along the border and are scheduled to run training operations shortly. Rumblings from Ukraine suggest Russia may be planning for a full assault while using the training operation as a smoke screen. We'll also talk about the Clinton and Trump campaigns. Trump just had a major shakeup, hiring Stephen Bannon, who runs Breitbart, as his new campaign CEO. All this stuff and maybe some witty commentary today, on the Jason Stapleton Program. Don't miss it.