Nullification: How Americans Win the War for Liberty

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: I've talked for a long time about starting locally. We focus so much on national elections largely because that's what the media focuses on, but the real war is fought in cities and counties across this nation. The road back to constitutional government seems long and at times impossible but that doesn't have to be the case. All you need is a State willing to ignore unconstitutional federal law and protect its citizens against federal tyranny. This is done through a process called nullification. If you're not familiar with this legal principle, don't feel bad. You're likely the product of a government education, and your government doesn't want you knowing just how much power you have. For instance, did you know, as a Juror, you have the authority to find someone innocent even if they broke the law? That's because you, as a juror have the responsibility to not only judge the guilt or innocence of a defendant, but you also have the responsibility of determining where the law they are accused of breaking is just. I bet you didn't, and that's because the legal system doesn't want you to know just how much power you have. States also have the authority to determine when the federal government has overstepped its constitutional authority since it is the states that created the federal government. Today we're going to talk about what this looks like in practice, and I'm going to try and lay out a roadmap on how we achieve a renewed independence without violence or coercion. It's going to be a great show.