Head of the FDIC Now Warns that U.S. Banks are Unstable

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: For several years not I've been warning about the risk to our bond and banking system. The measures put into place after the last economic panic were wholly inadequate. In fact, they did nothing to correct the major issues that lead to the near collapse of our entire economic system. Here we are, eight years later, interest rates are still at near zero with many countries dipping into negative territory. While politicians and sellout economists extol the virtues of a mythical recovery some very important people are sounding warning bells. The signs are always in plain sight for all to see. It's easy to figure out where the risk is if you know where to look. Now both the head of the San Francisco Fed and the head of the FDIC are both sounding the alarm about the next economic panic. Today we'll talk about both of them along with some discussion of Obamacare. I reference two Papers in the show today. Here they are: The Babylon Report http://www.jasonstapleton.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/babylon-report.pdf The Coming Divide http://www.jasonstapleton.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/TheComingDivide.pdf Jason