The Truth About the Iran Hostage Scandal

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Did the U.S. pay a 400 million dollar ransom for our hostages in Iran? The Iranians say we did, and the timeline looks somewhat fishy. Today I'm going to do what no media outlet has bothered to do and walks you through the entire story and explain what I think happened. What bothers me most about this story is how the government clearly lied to the American people. We now have media relations people working for the government who have the sole duty and responsibility of lying to the press and spinning the truth to the American people. This is a problem both caused and perpetuated by the media. Our first amendment provides for a free press to prevent just this kind of government abuse. Our "journalists" (and I use that term very loosely) refuse to hold government accountable for its statements. Instead of calling guys like John Kirby out as liars and deceivers, media outlets like Fox News provide Kirby a chance to put his spin on a damaging story. Unfortunately, new media doesn't have a seat at the political big kid's table, so they're forced to sit on the outside and criticize those that do. The reality is, this type of behavior will continue to get worse as long as our media refuse to do their job and expose these liars and thieves for what they truly are. Jason