The Jason Stapleton Program show

The Jason Stapleton Program

Summary: Try as we might, we could never describe the show better than those who choose to make it a part of their daily lives, so, in the words of one of our listeners,"So who/what is Jason Stapleton/podcast? Before I answer that, ever heard of the saying, 'In a world gone mad...a glimpse of sanity' or 'In an ocean of island of calm'? Well, he's that and a whole lot more...entertaining, topical, knowledgeable, informed, traveled, intelligent and articulate. In his podcasts he brings his special sense of understanding and ability to simply the issues (governments, politics, economy, domestic and foreign policy, war, markets, morals, and more) an hour each day. If all the madness and all the turmoil (at home and all around the world) have you confused, aggravated and looking for a source of clarity, perhaps Jason can bring you a bit of sanity and a welcome sense of calm."

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 578: Did United Make the Right Call? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3371

578: Did United Make the Right Call?

 577: Russia and Iran Draw a Red Line | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2981

Well, if you're wondering what 96 million dollars worth of Tomahawk missiles bought us the answer is, "not much." Reports started coming out on Friday that the Syrians resumed launching airstrikes from the airfield we bombed just hours after we finished. To add insult to injury, Iran and Russia just sent us an ultimatum. In short, they said, if you try that again, we're going to strike back. This creates problems for Trump. Not only was his strike ineffective but now he risks starting WWIII if he takes action again. This is exactly why you don't start wars you're not prepared to win. Syria is a country that did not attack America and a country that poses no threat to our liberty. We should have left well enough alone.

 576: Thoughts on Americas Attack on Syria | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3166

Yesterday, the President of the United States took unilateral action to bomb a sovereign nation that had not attacked us or threatened our liberties. In response, the media and Congress have moved swiftly to reinforce several key points that help to justify the president's actions. For the President to be safe from criticism, the media must ensure the narrative that Trump's actions were. 1. LEGAL 2. REASONABLE 3. NECESSARY What I will do today is show you how the media, with the help of some slippery politicians, are accomplishing this. Get ready; this is not going to be pretty. Jason

 575: Neo-Cons Salivate Over Trumps Comments on Syria | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3480

Yesterday Trump said his views on Syria and President Assad had changed. Neo-conservatives must have been salivating at the idea that Trump might approach Congress about an authorization to go to war. Senator John McCain is certainly excited. He not only wants a war with Syria he wants Assad replaced, Russia and Iran punished and deeper military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. Does anyone else see a problem with this? Rep. Thomas Massie does, and he braved a CNN interview with some talking-head in a skirt to share his thoughts. I'll break down the debate, and we'll also talk about the Nu-CLEAR option and Obamacare. Thanks for your support and as always, share the show! Jason

 574: A Unique Take on the Syrian Chemical Attack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3055

We all heard about the recent chemical attack in Syria and the prevailing narrative coming out of the government and being carried by the media is that Assad ordered the attack in a brazen attempt to end the war. But let me ask you a question. Why would Assad, who has managed to retain power, keep the Americans and Allies at bay and enlist the support of the Iranians and Russians risk everything by using chemical weapons? In December Assad, with the help of the Russians was able to take back the city of Aleppo. He was winning. Why risk a war with America by doing something that would virtually guarantee a defeat? Something smells funny, and I'm going to give you my take on it today. *** We'll also get an update on the North Korea situation. The situation is not improving, and a recent defector has given us some news that is concerning, to say the least. A meeting between President Xi of China and Trump is scheduled for later this week at Mar-a-Lago, and it will be imperative Trump secures the support of the Chinese if he intends to take military action to put down the North Korean Dictator. *** Finally, employment numbers are up, and Trump is taking credit, but does he deserve it? I think not. Enjoy the show, don't forget to like and share! Jason

 573: Trump Vindicated? Or is Susan Rice Story Fake News? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3369

News out today that Susan Rice, Obama's national security adviser was behind the unmasking of Trump associates that were later compiled and disseminated throughout the intelligence community. So, is this a vindication of Trumps claim that he was "wiretapped" by the Obama administration? Well, no. Neither does it mean that the Rice story is fake news. Everything about it appears to be true. Rice is not denying anything. She is simply saying she was not the one who leaked the information to the press. So where does that leave us? Well if you're a partisan hack you just pick a side and defend it like Don Lemon from CNN did. If you're and actual journalist or someone seeking the truth you listen to this show. Today I'm going to break down the Trump/Russia/Obama scandal and show you the real story, the story nobody is reporting on. It's the story that SHOULD be making you angry. We'll also talk government spending and Trumps new TRILLION dollar infrastructrue spending plan. It's more big government solutions to a problem caused by government. Listen, Share, Repeat. Jason

 572: Neil Gorsuch, The Freedom Caucus & Tax Reform | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3078

So much has happened in just the last few days. I had scheduled interviews on Thursday and Friday that turned out to be fantastic talks with some interesting people, but that means we've had nearly five full days without any current events. There's a great deal happening in Washinton right now. Gorsuch will likely make it through to a full Senate vote, and the question is, will Republicans have to resort to changing the Senate rules to get him approved. One thing is sure, with the media already priming the idea that the reason Trump is failing is that he's an outsider, Republicans can't afford another loss. Behind the Gorsuch appointment is tax reform and as much as Republicans would like you to believe it's a slam dunk there are provisions in the tax plan that will anger both progressives and conservatives. It's an exciting start to the week. Listen, learn, share. I'll talk to you tomorrow, Jason

 571: Author Danielle Dimartino Booth and her Book "Fed Up." | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2527

I'm not sure how I ran across her book but the title no doubt caught my eye. Any new book on the federal reserve always sparks my interested, and when I found out Danielle had worked inside the fed for years, I got excited. The book did not disappoint. Danielle takes you through the entire economic collapse of 2008, detailing at each step what the Fed was thinking and doing. She is very critical of the feds heavy Ph.D. staff of economic intellectuals with no real world experience. This book is a wealth of knowledge from an insider who knows what's broken and what MUST change if we ever hope to avoid another disaster. Here's a link to order the book:

 570: Actor Mark Pellegrino Talks Objectivism, Capitalism, and His New Political Party | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3152

What an incredible discussion. For anyone who doesn't know Mark is an incredibly successful actor in both TV and film who, instead of enjoying the spoils of his success has decided to take on the seemingly impossible task of starting his own political party. The American Capitalist Party follows the objectivist philosophy of Ayn Rand and differentiates itself from the current left/right political framework in it's strict adherence to core free market principles. Mark and I had a great talk about his ideas on role government and foreign policy as well as the difference between his party and the Libertarian Party. I think you're really going to enjoy this one. In the interview, he mentioned a book he could not remember. The book is called, "Nothing Less Than Victory by J. D. Lewis." I'll be adding it to my reading list. We've had a week of alternative views, and I hope you've found the conversation as interesting as I have. Jason

 MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Gets Schooled on Paid Maternity Leave | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3259

Yesterday, I was watching Morning Joe as I drank my morning cup of Coffee and I heard an exchange between Representative Raul Labrador and Mika Brzezinski. It was evident Raul thought he was coming on to talk about health care, but Mika wanted to make the interview about paid maternity leave. I'd love to tell you Raul knocked it out of the park. It shouldn't have been hard to do given the fact that Mika isn't exactly known for being a deep thinker. But unfortunately, Raul failed by making one of the great mistakes conservatives and libertarians make when trying to promote the ideas of limited government and free markets. Watch today's show as I break down the exchange and teach you the proper way to destroy a progressive in record time. *** From there we'll move to an exchange between Sean Spicer and April Ryan that ended with April appearing on CNN to explain her side. I've complained about CNN being a less-than-reputable news source, and today I'll give you a clear example of Chris Cuomo trying to turn a heated exchange into a story about race. It's disgusting. *** Finally some good news. Justin Amash is trying to get a bill passed that would end the sale of military equipment to law enforcement. Demilitarizing our police forces starts with our government not sending them free military equipment. It's a start, but I fear it has little chance of becoming law. Action packed episode today. Enjoy!

 568: Tim Kennedy on War, Podcasting, and Waterboarding Steven Crowder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2778

Today my very special guest is Tim Kennedy who many of you know has made quite a name for himself in the world if MMA, self-defense, and personal protection. Tim has recently launched a new podcast to complement his company, Sheepdog Response and you can find out more about both at his website. We cover a lot of ground in this interview, and I think you're going to get a perspective on foreign policy that runs contrary to current libertarian opinion. In the end, I was impressed with Tim. It was a pleasure to have him on the show and I suggest you go check out his podcast. Jason

 567: Media Goes Orgasmic Over Republican Healthcare Defeat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3388

Watching the Sunday shows this week you'd think all the pundits just got raises. The giddiness was hard to contain. It was evident they were relishing the fact that Republicans failed to deliver their healthcare bill for a vote. But the jokes on them. Real liberty minded people didn't want that garbage either. I was overjoyed (while not surprised) to hear that Ryan's plan to strong-arm Republicans into supporting his tired excuse for healthcare reform. Now they turn their attention to tax reform, or at least that's what they're saying. I think the president is more interested in infrastructure spending and if he wants to secure a win for himself, he will do far better if he started with his trillion dollar stimulus. It doesn't matter. If Trump starts with stimulus, we'll go deeper into debt, if he starts with tax cuts we won't see a dime in spending decreases. In the end, Washington stays the same, only the leadership changes. Special guest on the show tomorrow. Listen in to find out who it is. Jason

 566: Trump Delivers Ultimatum to Congress - Massie's Response is Priceless | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3113

Yesterday President Trump delivered an Ultimatum to Republican leadership in the House demanding a vote on the new healthcare bill by the end of day Friday. Paul Ryan, being the good little soldier he is, snapped to attention and as of this writing has scheduled a vote for later this afternoon. Now, we know they don't have the votes, and I would be shocked if they go through with the process of watching their first piece of legislation go down in flames. They will more than likely pull the bill from consideration and move on to tax reform. But the Presidents ultimatum brings up an important question; one Rep. Thomas Massie asked in a Twitter post this morning. "If Exec branch tells Legislative branch "when 2 vote" "how 2 vote" & "what it will b allowed 2 work on if vote fails," is that a republic?" - Massie I've also been asked by a few people why this bill isn't "an inch in the right direction." I'll address that on today's show as well. *** From there we'll discuss Schumer's threat to filibuster the SCOTUS vote for Gorsuch. I think he's bluffing and I'll tell you why. *** Finally, we'll look again to Venezuela and take a look at their continued slide into third world status. We have a real world socialist implosion on our hands, and nobody is talking about it. Your children are living through this event, and there is an incredible teaching opportunity you should capitalize on. We've had a great week. Enjoy your weekend and don't forget to like and Share! Jason

 565: Thoughts on the London Attack and Surveillance State | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2973

We have more information on the London attack and as I expected this appears to be a lone attacker who's actions were inspired but not orchestrated by ISIS. For a long time, I've talked about the danger of single, independent attackers executing small terror attacks that yield tremendous results. In the absence of ease to acquire firearms those looking to do harm have simply moved to weapons like vehicles, knives, and hatchets. It's a dangerous world we live in. Vigilance is required. *** It appears the vote on the Republican healthcare bill is still up in the air. As of this writing, the freedom caucus still says there is no deal. My gut tells me this vote gets delayed, perhaps indefinitely. It's a bad bill, and I'll explain why this is not a situation where we should "take an inch." *** House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes found himself in a bit of a scandal yesterday when he went directly to the president with information about unmasked surveillance conducted on him and his team after the election. I've got a lot to say about this, and it's one more example of the media and the government missing the larger constitutional picture. All that and the assassination of an exiled Russian MP who found himself on the wrong side of Putin's wrath. Jason

 564: Government Nearly Kills Child Using Cyanide Bomb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2850

That is not a catchy headline designed to get your attention. A 14-year-old child narrowly escaped death when he unknowingly triggered a cyanide bomb near his home. The boy's dog was not so lucky. I'll give you the whole story today on the show, but the perhaps the biggest "screw you" from the government came in the aftermath of the incident. No one has bothered to apologize or even assist this boy and his family with the exposure. Imagine the outrage by these same government agencies and politicians if a private company had exposed a citizen to this level of deadly poison. *** It looks like the Republican health care bill will fail if brought up for a vote. I've got clips from Paul Ryan and Rand Paul talking about the divide between conservatives in the freedom caucus and RINO Republicans in the House. All signs point to Ryan pulling the bill before the scheduled vote tomorrow. According to the Freedom Caucus, they have 25 "no" votes, and they only need 21 to prevent the bill from passing. *** I briefly discuss the attack this morning in London, but with limited information, there's not much to cover. If there turns out to be a story there, I'll cover it tomorrow once we have some facts rather than speculation to draw from. Jason


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