572: Neil Gorsuch, The Freedom Caucus & Tax Reform

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: So much has happened in just the last few days. I had scheduled interviews on Thursday and Friday that turned out to be fantastic talks with some interesting people, but that means we've had nearly five full days without any current events. There's a great deal happening in Washinton right now. Gorsuch will likely make it through to a full Senate vote, and the question is, will Republicans have to resort to changing the Senate rules to get him approved. One thing is sure, with the media already priming the idea that the reason Trump is failing is that he's an outsider, Republicans can't afford another loss. Behind the Gorsuch appointment is tax reform and as much as Republicans would like you to believe it's a slam dunk there are provisions in the tax plan that will anger both progressives and conservatives. It's an exciting start to the week. Listen, learn, share. I'll talk to you tomorrow, Jason