The Jason Stapleton Program show

The Jason Stapleton Program

Summary: Try as we might, we could never describe the show better than those who choose to make it a part of their daily lives, so, in the words of one of our listeners,"So who/what is Jason Stapleton/podcast? Before I answer that, ever heard of the saying, 'In a world gone mad...a glimpse of sanity' or 'In an ocean of island of calm'? Well, he's that and a whole lot more...entertaining, topical, knowledgeable, informed, traveled, intelligent and articulate. In his podcasts he brings his special sense of understanding and ability to simply the issues (governments, politics, economy, domestic and foreign policy, war, markets, morals, and more) an hour each day. If all the madness and all the turmoil (at home and all around the world) have you confused, aggravated and looking for a source of clarity, perhaps Jason can bring you a bit of sanity and a welcome sense of calm."

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 So the Russians Meddled in our Election, So What? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3162

Apparently, some are shocked to find out the Russians played a part in the DNC hacking scandal and attempted to influence the result of the recent election. The media is beside themselves, questioning how this could happen and what should be done. Some are even calling for another election. So much for the peaceful transition of power. Is this a shock to you? I shouldn't be. How quickly we forgot that just a few short months ago, it was discovered that our own NSA had been spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel by hacking her cell phone. Every country does this to every other country. Need more evidence? Here are just a few of the elections we've meddled in over the last few years. 1. Afghanistan 2. Iraq 3. Egypt 4. Iran 5. Yemen 6. Syria 7. Libya And those are just the ones off the top of my head. To fake outrage at the Russian attempt to influence our election is hypocritical, to say the least. A little honesty would be refreshing. Stay Thirsty! Jason

 Your Questions Answered! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3432

It's Friday, the day when we do our version of an open line free for all. It's the questions you want answered, and this is episode is a great one. We'll cover authority, regulation and what steps to take in 2017 to move the ball closer to liberty. I also want to throw out a special thank you to all of you who listen each day. You make the show possible and you are the reason we continue to grow. This has been a great year for me personally and the show. I have you to thank for it. All the best, Jason

 Van Jones, Michael Moore and the Hypocrisy of the Left. PLUS!! My interview with Adam Carolla | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3289

If you can believe it, CNN has given the communist Van Jones his own talk show. Let's see how long it lasts. On today's show, I'm going to cover two interviews he's done. The first is with Michael Moore and the second is with an Ohio family of live long democrats that voted Republican. You're going to see both how out of touch Democrats are and how hypocritical the progressive left can be. It's a barnburner that's sure to get your blood boiling. Finally, I've got a special treat. It was my great pleasure to interview Adam Carolla about his new film The 24 Hour War, and I thought I'd take the time to share it with you at the end of today's show. Make sure you watch the film and if you think about it, you might send them an email or tweet and let them know you heard the interview and you'd love for Adam to come back on for a full show. Have a great day!

 Government wants to GPS tag your Grandma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3096

That headline is not clickbait. There is a new bill going through the House that would fund a program designed to tag those with Alzheimer's and autism with GPS locators. This is concerning for a couple of reasons. Number one, there are already dozens of companies that compete in this space. Products range in price but are typically under 200 bucks. The second and more concerning issue is the fact that the program will be administered by the Department of Justice. What business does the Justice Department have in dealing with technology for the mentally ill? My reply? Exactly. From there we'll talk about the "food insecurity" being felt on college campuses across the United States. Apparently young, able-bodied young adults attending college can't get a good meal. I'll tell you some stories about when I was young and poor. This is just another attempt by those in positions of authority to create further dependency. Don't forget to subscribe and share! Jason

 Time Magazine Suggests Americans Not Pay Taxes in Protest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3058

In protest of what you might ask? The fact that Hillary lost the election. Now, I LOVE the idea of every banning together not to pay taxes. If just a few million people decided not to pay the government would be helpless to come after them. But the outrage over the alleged injustice is down right comical. What about the poor? What about the sick? What about the old (and the young for that matter.) What about all the special interest groups liberals drag out every time you talk about cutting a few billion dollars out of the budget? What's most concerning is just how badly people understand the Constitution and the government it establishes. I'll give you all the details on today's show.

 Yes, the Debt Does Matter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3077

We've got some great examples of what debt does to nations staring us in the face so why do so many people still push this false narrative that debt doesn't matter? The lasted wizard of smart I heard questioning the idea of paying down debt came from CNBC. Unfortunately, I don't have the guys name because I would love to call him out on his ignorance but let's just say there's a large group of people in government and financing that seem to think we can print and borrow indefinitely and it won't have an effect on our economy. David Stockman wrote a great little piece over at we're going to take a look at that illustrates just how much drag FED policy is having on our economy. We're also going to talk pipelines. It turns out the environmentalist activists have been out desecrating and polluting the very land they were trying to protect from dangerous polluters and desecrators. You just can't make this stuff up. It's good to be back from my wet, cold Texas hog hunt. Thanks to all my recon brothers for the invite and warm reception. Jason

 AMA Friday! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3406
 Why Rent Control Sucks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2991

Yes, that's right today one of the things we're going to talk about is why rent control is so bad. I've got a story about a couple of landlords who went to some pretty extreme measures to get rent control tenants out of their apartments. Rent control is another creation of those government "wizards of smart" whose plans always seem to end up hurting the very people they are designed to help. More on that in today episode. Also, SHOCKING NEWS! Republicans plan to delay the Obamacare repeal for up to 3 years. I know, you're floored, right? It turns out the Republicans are going to use this policial gem as leverage for as long as they can. If you were under any false notion that government is looking out for you this episode will cure you of your delusions. Great to have all the new listeners! Talk soon, Jason

 Just Who is Trump Appointing to Office? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3075

Over the last week, we've seen several appointments by Donald Trump to positions including Education Secretary, Head of the CIA and Treasury Secretary but who are these people? When Trump was running for office, he promised to "drain the swamp" suggesting he would end the corruption and dysfunction in Washington. Millions believed him and rushed out to vote for him. We now have a glimpse of what his administration will look like. Is he holding up his end of the deal? I also want to take a look at auto loans today. Most people wouldn't find the subject interesting, but I do, and I know once I share it my thoughts with you, you will too. It turns out 25% of Americans are rolling negative equity from a previous car purchase into a new car. If that makes no sense to you, just listen to today's show. It's easy to understand, and I think you'll enjoy learning something to help outsmart your progressive friends and coworkers. Enjoy, Jason

 The World Goes Nationalist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3110

The election of Donald Trump is not just a signal that America is shifting away from globalism, the entire world seems to be souring to the idea. The latest example is French presidential nominee François Fillon who is being described as a Margaret Thatcher-style conservative. His election would mean a rejection of socialist rule in France and evidence the French people are tired of collectivist policies. But the move way from globalism comes with a lot of negatives. Not everything about global cooperation is bad. Truly free trade, freedom of movement and economic cooperation are all benefits of globalization. Unfortunately, men like Donald Trump brings with him a desire to restrict these types of cooperation for a much more protectionist economic policy. On the show today I want to talk in detail about the changes happening around the world. We are certainly living in interesting times, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited about the history we're living through right now. Jason

 Disagree with Me? You're a Russian Propagandist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3204

The narrative has been set. If you disagree with the universally accepted narrative, you're now a propagandist working for the Russian government. Report on things that reflect negatively on America? You should be labeled a "fake news" site or better yet shut down entirely. This is what mainstream news outlets would like you to believe, and if you're not careful, they might just sway you. Fortunately, we still have a counter voice and today I'm going to crush this idea is short order. There are no doubt dishonest players in the alternative news business. Anytime you have an industry that relies on clicks to fund it's operation you're going to get misleading or outright untrue headlines. But that doesn't mean or are Russian shills. If anyone in media today is spewing propaganda it's the very news outlets doing the saber rattling. Networks like CNN, MSNBC, and Fox NEWS all promote a slanted and primarily politically driven agenda. How about we start by cleaning up the largest and most influential news outlets on earth and then move to cleaning up the riffraff on the internet.

 What's with the Alt-Right? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3563

The news is blowing up with discussions about the alt-right. What the heck is going on and what does it mean to be part of the alt-right? In short, alt-right is the new term being used to describe the group of people who got Trump elected. But the media is framing alt-right as extreme neo-Nazi racists and bigots. The idea is to use this new term (alt-right) and tie it to racist ideas and then link it to Trump. Anyone who supports Trump would then be tied to the Alt-Right movement and be associated with racists and bigots. It is a creation of the media, and if we're not careful, we could get dropped into it. After all, it was the third party voters who cost Hillary the election. :-) We've also go an AMA session today so I'll be answering your questions. Don't miss this episode. Jason

 Scott Horton Talks Yemen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3098

I've had a lot of questions about Yemen lately. It's not in the news very often, and after you listen to this episode, you'll know why. Would you believe me if I told you we were fighting with and provided material support to ISIS in Yemen? I know that sounds crazy given all the patriotic talk from our wayward leaders in Washington, but it's true. Right now the U.S. is working with the Saudi government to help the Islamic State defeat a rival faction in Yemen. When you hear this episode, you're going to get sick to your stomach, and it's going to reaffirm what many of you thought about our government and our reasons for being in the middle east. Big thanks to Scott Horton for sharing his knowledge with us. You can find his new site here: Enjoy the holiday everyone!! Jason

 The Show with Vinnie Totorich | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3226

I'm going to deviate from our typical conversation on economics and politics today to cover a book I really enjoyed reading. People are always asking me for book recommendations, and the question came so frequently that I even put out a recommended reading list of books I thought were "must read." Today's book isn't about history, economics or politics; it's about health. It's written by one of the most interesting guys in the health and fitness niche. His name is Vinnie Totorich and his book, Fitness Confidential not only provides some great insight into getting fit and staying fit, but it also tells Vinnie's incredible story. It's a mix of inside Hollywood and overcoming staggering adversity and if you read it for no other reason than the story it will not be wasted time. You can get the book here: Enjoy the show and don't forget to Subscribe and Share!

 AMA Friday! Answering the Questions on Your Mind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3475

Each and every week I take one day make the show about you. The questions you have that I haven't answered, the news stories I haven't covered...ask away!


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