Van Jones, Michael Moore and the Hypocrisy of the Left. PLUS!! My interview with Adam Carolla

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: If you can believe it, CNN has given the communist Van Jones his own talk show. Let's see how long it lasts. On today's show, I'm going to cover two interviews he's done. The first is with Michael Moore and the second is with an Ohio family of live long democrats that voted Republican. You're going to see both how out of touch Democrats are and how hypocritical the progressive left can be. It's a barnburner that's sure to get your blood boiling. Finally, I've got a special treat. It was my great pleasure to interview Adam Carolla about his new film The 24 Hour War, and I thought I'd take the time to share it with you at the end of today's show. Make sure you watch the film and if you think about it, you might send them an email or tweet and let them know you heard the interview and you'd love for Adam to come back on for a full show. Have a great day!