So the Russians Meddled in our Election, So What?

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Apparently, some are shocked to find out the Russians played a part in the DNC hacking scandal and attempted to influence the result of the recent election. The media is beside themselves, questioning how this could happen and what should be done. Some are even calling for another election. So much for the peaceful transition of power. Is this a shock to you? I shouldn't be. How quickly we forgot that just a few short months ago, it was discovered that our own NSA had been spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel by hacking her cell phone. Every country does this to every other country. Need more evidence? Here are just a few of the elections we've meddled in over the last few years. 1. Afghanistan 2. Iraq 3. Egypt 4. Iran 5. Yemen 6. Syria 7. Libya And those are just the ones off the top of my head. To fake outrage at the Russian attempt to influence our election is hypocritical, to say the least. A little honesty would be refreshing. Stay Thirsty! Jason