Brexit Looms as Europe Awaits its Fate

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: It's a jam-packed show today folks and we kick it off will a little update on the Orlando shooter. For a week now I've been telling you that the narrative of this guy being a radical extremist just didn't match his actions and today, I got some vindication. A former lover has come forward to claim that Mateen felt "used" by many of the men at the Pulse nightclub. He allegedly even had sex with one man who ended up being positive for HIV. Mateen's former lover said he was "100% gay" and that Mateen told him he was going to get back at those he felt had wronged him. This is almost verbatim what I said on the show just a few days ago. Is this guy Mateen's lover? I don't know. But I do know the story matches the facts much closer than anything the media is reporting right now. I think it will turn out to be far closer to the truth than anyone could have imagined. From there its on to a discussion of the Brexit. Voting happens tomorrow, and no one knows how it's going to turn out. I'm on record saying I think they're going to leave. I'll have all the commentary you can take tomorrow. Jason