Jason Calls For Senator Joe Manchin to Resign after Comments Over Due Process.

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Yesterday I alluded to some comments by Senator Joe Manchin on MSNBC's Morning Joe. The senator suggested that the problem with gun violence today has to do with due process. That pesky 5th amendment that requires the government to have evidence against you before charging you with a crime. That terrible constitutional protection that prevents the government from depriving you of life, liberty or property without due process. The same amendment that protects the accused from self-incrimination. Yes, Senator Manchin thinks that's what's keeping the government from being able to protect the people. Well, I've had enough. I'm calling for the resignation or expulsion of Joe Manchin. He swore and oath to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, and I submit to you he is now one of those domestic enemies. Sign the petition now: http://www.jasonstapleton.com/joe From there we move on to "Wild" Bill Weld, Co-President for the libertarian party and his comments about the Trans-Pacific Partnership. It's sad when a libertarian show host has to defend the principles of liberty not just from the left and the right but also from the representatives of the libertarian party as well. Have a great weekend everyone. Don't forget to share the show.