Not Another Inch

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: I'm tired of giving up ground. The progressive playbook is so predictable. They exploit every opportunity to restrict liberty and trample on our Constitution. No more. It's time to draw a line, dig in and refuse to fall back. What happened to our side? We used to have a side. The side that defended the idea of limited government, of constitutional principles. Where have these men gone? The bar continues to move closer and closer to totalitarianism. The most recent example is the gun debate no raging in Congress over the restriction of gun purchases to people on the no-fly list and/or terror watch list. Since when did being accused of a crime grant the government the authority to restrict a citizens 2nd amendment right? The answer is NEVER. So why are Republicans considering this as a "compromise" to the Democratic calls for gun bans? Where are our libertarian warriors? Our side needs a wake-up call. We take ground we don't give it up. We move our line forward, inch by inch. We don't make deals that sacrifice hard earned victories. We NEVER give up ground. Progressives learned this long ago. The fight for every inch. They never surrender ground. If you want it, you have to take it. It's time we announced to the opposition that we are done capitulating. We are done negotiating. Do you want our liberty? Molon Labe!