The Libertarian Town Hall: Did Gary Come Out a Winner?

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Last night marked the first prime time opportunity for co-presidential nominees Gary Johnson and Bill Weld to speak directly to Americans about their "unique" view on politics. Moderated by Chirs Cuomo, who I can only assume drew the short straw, the town hall was a series of rambling policy explanations and repeated contradictions as Gary Johnson attempted to mumble and stutter his way through a series of gaffes and missteps, even being caught in a lie at one point. I know that many of you will maintain your support for Mr. Bean and Wild Bill even after they referred to Obama as a "good guy" and Hillary as "a friend." I'm sure you'll still cast your vote for a man who back-peddled on his legalization position and advocated for the social welfare state. You'll do it for the same reason progressives continue to support economic ideas that have been debunked time and time again. You'll do it because you don't want to admit you were wrong. Above all else what bothers me the most about Gary J and Wild Bill is they are clearly unprepared and lack even a basic understanding of their police opinions. They have no pride in what they do or what they stand for. It's shameful we have these two man representing our ideas. No one voting in this election is going to know what libertarianism is. Even if Gary was a libertarian (and I contend his is not) he lacks either the desire or ability to explain his positions. Shame on the LP for nominating these two clowns. Pray we don't get 15%. These men will be made to look like fools on a debate stage. After the convention libertarians don't need any help looking stupid. Jason