Ahmad Rahami and Plastic forks

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Suspected pipe bomber Ahmad Rahami is now in custody. The people of New York can now rest easy knowing this low-level amateur bomb builder is off the street. The bigger question is, how many more like him still walk the streets under the radar of our law enforcement and government overlords. Law enforcement deserves a great deal of credit here. They identified and tracked down the suspect in record time. But let us not forget that this is where law enforcement shines. It is the detection and prevention they tend to suck at. On the show, I want to talk a little about these homegrown terrorists we're seeing more and more. Both Ahmad and the Somali stabber had both been in the country for years only to become violent. I fear this will become the rule rather than the exception if we continue our middle eastern excursions. *** Also on the show: France has decided to outlaw plastic forks and knives in an attempt to stave off climate change.