Hillary Clinton Avoids Another Major Scandal

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: You would have to go back in the JSP archive to find my discussion on the Libyan arms sales, but if you've been listening with any regularity, you might remember the name, Marc Turi. He's the government arms dealer who sold weapons to Qatar for the U.S. government. Those weapons were then transferred, sold, bartered to terrorist groups operating in Libya and later flowed into Syria, Iraq and possibly Turkey. It's a felony for anyone (including government officials) to sell or facilitate the sale of arms to groups classified as terrorist organizations. In short, the State Department and Hillary Clinton specifically sold guns to Qatar through Mr. Turi with the intention of sending those weapons to terrorist groups fighting Gadaffi in Libya. Once word got out about what Hillary and the State Department had done, they immediately went after Mr. Turi, charging him with four felonies. Turi fought the charges and yesterday the Department of Justice dropped all charges against Mr. Turi rather than take him to court and expose what he knows about the scandal. It's another case of Hillary avoiding the day of reckoning we all hope she'll see. *** I've also got some post-debate coverage from last night and some pretty scary news out of Russia. All that and some witty banter, today on the Jason Stapleton Program. Subscribe and Share!! Jason