Austin Petersen Spot on with His Analysis of Ron Paul

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: I was trolling through Facebook yesterday and ran across a live stream Austin Petersen had done where he criticized Ron Paul for having a muddled message. Naturally, I was intrigued. No self-respecting libertarian who doesn't hate himself makes a point of publicly criticizing the great Dr. Paul. So I clicked the play button and waited for the fireworks. One thing that has always amazed me about libertarians is now we can claim the banner of individualism and free thought, laugh at the Trump supporters for their blind faith in a candidate while holding on to our own idolatry. I think Austin did a great job of pointing this out without being judgmental or rude. His calm and well-defended argument did not escape the rebuke of many who cannot see past the immortalized figure that is Ron Paul, but I think we would all do well to at least consider the merits of his argument. You can see his full comments here: Talk soon, Jason