Another Police Shooting Sparks Riots, PLUS: The Effects of Rent Control

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: I've got several things I want to get through today. First, we'll talk about the shooting in Charlotte, and I'll try to bring unbiased thinking to a very explosive situation. From there I'm going to take a look at a story about a young family being evicted from their apartment to make way for higher-paying renters like the ones working at Google and Facebook. We as libertarians get accused of being heartless and this particular story is written to demonize the building owners while victimizing the renters. But how much of that is true and how much is spin? Does believing in a free market where landlords can set their own rent prices make you a heartless capitalist? We'll discuss this in detail today, and I hope you walk away feeling empowered and better informed about the economics and compassion of capitalism. Please Subscribe and Share!!!! Jason