Journalism is Dead: The Media of the 21st Century

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: I've been dialed into CNN for the past few days, and I'm appalled at the coverage of both political candidates. CNN has been a 24-hour network dedicated to amplifying Clinton's negative image of Trump. Now before you go getting any while ideas about me a Trump supporter let me set the record strait. I can't stand Trump, and I'm fine with the media pointing out his every flaw. JUST PLAY IT BOTH WAYS!! If you were watching a football game and the referee was calling every hold or false start for one team but ignoring the facemasks and pass interference of the opposition you'd cry foul. Nobody want's to watch a rigged game. CNN has plenty of controversies to keep them busy covering Clinton for the next two years yet they ignore all of it. On the rare occasion, we do hear about a scandal; it's typically in the form of a panel where half the coverage is spent defending Clinton and shifting blame to Trump. CNN is not alone in it disdain for basic journalistic intergrity. MSNBC, ABC, CBS and FOX News all do the same thing in one form or another. Americans are not getting the type of media the deserve, and it's our own fault. Until we start turning off this biased and politically motivated reporting, it won't change. Sadly I fear most Americans have no interest in the truth and are happy to seek out reporting that confirms their own political bias. Lots to cover today. We've got the latest Bill Weld comments, and it looks like the government is going to try to find a way to bail out the insurance companies using your money. Another great story to come out of the ObamaCare fiasco. Jason