Body By Bate Health and Fitness and Weight Loss Podcast show

Body By Bate Health and Fitness and Weight Loss Podcast

Summary: The Body By Bate Health and Fitness Podcast is a weekly podcast to help individual get and stay motivated on their health and fitness journeys. Hosted by two brothers, and personal trainers, Devon and Adam, they share their own insights, mindsets, and some tips and tricks they've picked up along the way.

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  • Artist: Adam Bate: Health & Fitness Enthusiast and Marathon Trainee
  • Copyright: Body By Bate


 Day 26: Solo gym day, more Super Bowl prep, and switching up cheat day timing. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:33

In tonight's podcast I talk about my experiences of doing a resistance workout on my own, and I also go into some reasoning as to why I may be switching the timing between cheat days. Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes: click here. Right click to download the mp3 here: Right click and download. I hope everyone has a great weekend and stay fit.

 Day 25: Missed gym day, excuses, and Devon gets his kettlebell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:06

Today's podcast is another quick one with an update on what's going on and how things are going. Peter and I missed the gym today - which is the first planned day that we simply missed. Listen above or grab the MP3 below. Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes: click here. Right click to download the mp3 here: Right click and download. We love to hear from our listeners - feel free to leave a comment below or like us on facebook.

 Day 24: PAGG stack shipped, new eBook, and catching the cold | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:09

Tonight's podcast is just a quick update on what's going on and how things are going. Mentioned in tonight's podcast PAGG Stack (affiliate link) Weight Loss eBook (affiliate link) Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes: click here. Right click to download the mp3 here: Right click and download. If you haven't already, be sure to like us on facebook.

 Day 23: Staying focused and on track, and accountability partners | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:48

In tonight's podcast I answer the question of how we have continued to do so well with our lifestyle change and fitness goals. I bring up an older podcast and reiterate one of the most important steps and making this big change in your life. Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes: click here. Right click to download the mp3 here: Right click and download. We would love to hear from you! Feel free to leave a comment below or like us on facebook.

 Day 22: Weight loss words, thank you, and Superbowl prep | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:26

Today's podcast talks quickly about a recent health and fitness and weight loss saying I heard the other day. On top of that I talk about being stopped at the gym and thanked for doing the podcast - and how I plan to prepare for the big Superbowl sunday while still eating well. Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes: click here. Right click to download the mp3 here: Right click and download. If you've enjoyed the podcast, please feel free to leave a comment below.

 Day 21: Cold shower review and week 3 wrap-up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:08

Today's podcast is a quick one as Colleen wasn't able to join me tonight. I quickly review how cold showers are working for me, and wrap up week 3. Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes: click here. Right click to download the mp3 here: Right click and download. Be sure to like us on Facebook if you've enjoyed the podcast.

 Day 20: Week 3 weigh in, 66 lbs lost so far, and introducing the PAGG supplement stack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:57

Well today is the end of the third week of our challenge, which means we have just about 10 weeks to go - still lots of time to transform our bodies and lives and create those healthy habits. I weighed in this morning at 205.2 - which is down 3.8 lbs from last week. Pretty impressed with these numbers so far and hopefully just a couple weeks away from that coveted sub-200 mark - a weight that I haven't felt since before my University graduation. Here's my day 1 weigh-in for reference. I'm almost half way down the weight I wanted to be - but it'll be much slower going from here. It was a great week all around - with everyone down again this week. Even with Devon's birthday in the middle, he still managed to drop a pound and a half. Peter was down around 2.6 pounds and Dad was down another three pounds or so. I'm hoping to have Colleen on the podcast tomorrow to talk a bit more about how she is using the paleo diet to help her stay healthy and some of her mid-week challenges she ran into this week. That said, she still managed to drop a bit of weight as well. In tonight's podcast I also talk about what our cheat days actually consist of (besides from just pizza) and a little bit on a new supplement stack that I'll be adding to my diet in the coming weeks.

 Day 19: Cold showers, muscle recovery, and thermogenesis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:56

Week 3 is quickly coming to an end as we have another weigh-in day tomorrow. We'll be sure to get those numbers out to you at some point throughout the day as we enjoy a little pizza and beer to wrap up a great week. Tonight's podcast talks about the long list of benefits of cold showers or ice baths. This is a topic that has interested me for quite some time but I'm finally going to try to make a habit of it and see what it will do for overall health. Let me know if you're interested in trying the cold shower out after the podcast - I could certainly use someone to complain to while I'm testing it out. Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes: click here. Right click to download the mp3 here: Right click and download. If you haven't already, come say hi and like us on Facebook.

 Day 18: Avoiding temptation, throwing out junk food, and more gym praise | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:36

Today's podcast is a quick talk on how to avoid temptations when starting out with a new diet or healthy eating plan. With the third week coming to an end, every day is getting easier and easier to avoid the foods we want to cut out from our diet, but it's always a bit of a challenge. If you have any questions or want to say hi, leave a comment below. Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes: click here. Right click to download the mp3 here: Right click and download. Are you enjoying the podcast? Make sure to Like us on Facebook and say hi.

 Day 17: Mid-week gym break, movie theatre popcorn, and liver and onions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:08

In today's podcast I talk about how we'll be tempted by delicious food tonight at the movie theatre. Also - if you have a good liver and onion recipe please leave a comment below! I'm dying for something to make this dish a little easier to get down. Enjoy and stay fit. Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes: click here. Right click to download the mp3 here: Right click and download. Like what you hear? Like us on Facebook and say hi!

 Day 16: Happy Birthday Devon, social pressure, and eating for your goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:29

Today is my youngest brother, Devon's 20th birthday - Happy Birthday, Devon and enjoy your day. Tonight's podcast will talk quickly about how you need to stop making excuses to eat or exercise poorly and to take ownership of your own health and fitness. I'll touch on the unfortunate occurrence of social pressures and talk about the ever popular diet vs lifestyle change topic. If you have any questions or want any more information let me know by leaving a comment below. Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes: click here. Right click to download the mp3 here: Right click and download. Like what you hear? Leave a comment below and let us know.

 Day 15: Custom protein bars, best time for the gym, and 1/6th the way through | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:24

In tonight's podcast I talk about how I'm creating a custom protein / meal bar to hopefully help curb appetite when my schedule doesn't allow for regular eating. This will be something to keep in the glove box of the car as a quick healthy snack when needed. Time is flying! We are officially 1/6th of our way through this 90 day health and fitness challenge. I can't speak for everyone but this routine, these eating habits, and getting out of the house to hit the gym is becoming more and more natural every time we do it. Mentioned in this episode: YouBars Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes: click here. Right click to download the mp3 here: Right click and download. Stay fit.

 Day 14: Extended dinners with friends, choosing foods while dining out, and entering week 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:06

Tonight's podcast is a quick one as we spent the evening with some close friends. Something that we actually touch on in the podcast as a great de-stressor and extremely beneficial to overall health. We are hoping to reach out to have a few more guests on the show this week as we enter into week 3 of our challenge. Thanks for everyone who have sent in an email or connected with us on facebook we really enjoy the interactions. Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes: click here. Right click to download the mp3 here: Right click and download. Is 2013 the year you're making some healthy changes? Leave a comment below or send us an email and tell us your story! We love hearing from our listeners.

 Day 13: Week 2 check-in, family dinners, and birthday celebrations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:19

Today's podcast is our week 2 update and tonight we have Dad and Devon on the show for a quick hello. This is a very quick episode as we are celebrating Devon's 20th birthday today (and maybe cheating a little bit in the process). Stay fit and enjoy your weekend. Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes: click here. Right click to download the mp3 here: Right click and download. Are you looking to make some healthy changes to your lifestyle? Let us know! Leave a comment below or send us an email - we would love to hear from you.

 Day 12: Slow carb, hunter gatherer, and managing blood sugar levels | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:09

In tonight's podcast I admit to skipping the gym today and how our gym schedule will likely look going forward. I also discuss the why from last night's podcast regarding the foods that I've chosen to eat on a daily basis. Mentioned in this episode: Tim Ferriss - Four Hour Body (affiliate link) Dr Terry Wahls Dr. Wahls TEDx speech on Eating for the Brain I also promised to embed the video here. The running time is about 18 minutes, but if you're at all interested in health and fitness please take the time to watch it - it's some pretty powerful stuff.


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