Day 20: Week 3 weigh in, 66 lbs lost so far, and introducing the PAGG supplement stack

Body By Bate Health and Fitness and Weight Loss Podcast show

Summary: Well today is the end of the third week of our challenge, which means we have just about 10 weeks to go - still lots of time to transform our bodies and lives and create those healthy habits. I weighed in this morning at 205.2 - which is down 3.8 lbs from last week. Pretty impressed with these numbers so far and hopefully just a couple weeks away from that coveted sub-200 mark - a weight that I haven't felt since before my University graduation. Here's my day 1 weigh-in for reference. I'm almost half way down the weight I wanted to be - but it'll be much slower going from here. It was a great week all around - with everyone down again this week. Even with Devon's birthday in the middle, he still managed to drop a pound and a half. Peter was down around 2.6 pounds and Dad was down another three pounds or so. I'm hoping to have Colleen on the podcast tomorrow to talk a bit more about how she is using the paleo diet to help her stay healthy and some of her mid-week challenges she ran into this week. That said, she still managed to drop a bit of weight as well. In tonight's podcast I also talk about what our cheat days actually consist of (besides from just pizza) and a little bit on a new supplement stack that I'll be adding to my diet in the coming weeks.