Day 19: Cold showers, muscle recovery, and thermogenesis

Body By Bate Health and Fitness and Weight Loss Podcast show

Summary: Week 3 is quickly coming to an end as we have another weigh-in day tomorrow. We'll be sure to get those numbers out to you at some point throughout the day as we enjoy a little pizza and beer to wrap up a great week. Tonight's podcast talks about the long list of benefits of cold showers or ice baths. This is a topic that has interested me for quite some time but I'm finally going to try to make a habit of it and see what it will do for overall health. Let me know if you're interested in trying the cold shower out after the podcast - I could certainly use someone to complain to while I'm testing it out. Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes: click here. Right click to download the mp3 here: Right click and download. If you haven't already, come say hi and like us on Facebook.